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Peridot watched her closely; curious green eyes tracking the rays of sunlight that seeped through thick silvery strands, tracing her lavender skin as it soaked in the sun's kiss. She watched how the fusion moved- delicate, gentle, yet strong and steadfast. It was like watching a dance between two that was only shared by one. Leading the other within the smallest of movements, leaning into each other, pulling away, stepping forth, and then stepping back - following their invisible partner as if they were two opposites of a magnet.

The small olivine gem propped her chin on her two green hands, staring as the fusion continued to dance around, smooth and calculated but yet... so unexpected, carefree. The lavender fusion drew her hands upwards, pressed gently on her thighs to her waist, sliding carefully around her chest as it reached the back of her neck, playing with the back ends of her hair as her fingers danced with silver strands.

Peridot continued to listen as a boisterous laugh slipped from Opal's lips, tumbling into the air in a mix of love and joy, flirting with the wind as their laughter carried on to Peridot's ears. Somehow, it hadn't fit in with the other voices: Steven, whose voice was powerful and light as he jumped around and yelled in glee. Garnet's, who was as down-to-earth as always, her tone like an anvil sunk in the soil as she held a conversation with herself. Lapis's laughter, however soft, was recognizable from miles away. All of them were there and yet, Opal's was the only one that Peridot could care to hear.

It was a beautiful melody, somehow. Not Pearl, but not Amethyst, either. Dark, smooth and rich, reminding Peridot greatly of something Steven had shown her once: Honey, was what he called it- the product of the earthly organisms called 'bees'. At the time, Peridot regarded it as one of the greatest liquids she had ever seen on Earth, but now, she felt as if Opal's voice would put any bees' work to shame. A lovely voice embodied by someone bigger than both of her components, a perfect personification of the two, and everything their relationship stood for.

'Perfect,' Peridot thought. She frowned when Opal rolled into the sand, arms close as she held herself, laughing and smiling. They laid there, caught in something that one of them had said that slipped through every fusion's cracks, fingers intertwined with their own.

'Is that not love?' She silently wondered. Peridot remembered asking herself that the first time she had seen them fuse. Was it not different from the love that held Garnet together for all of these years? The green gem could feel something inside her twist: she was very well aware of Amethyst's past feelings for Pearl- the fondness that Opal was giving herself was undoubtedly her. Did Amethyst still love Pearl... like she loved Peridot? Was she reliving all of those feelings again in the fusion that was called Opal?

Peridot felt her mouth twitch downwards and her brows furrow. What was her relationship with Amethyst? She knew they were 'together', but... what did it look like, to her? Were they not 'together' like Garnet? Were they not complete without fusion? There was just something about Opal that made her stand out to Peridot and made her feel so inferior, so fearful, angry even. Peridot could not quite figure out why that was the case. Maybe... just maybe it was the fact that Opal was a perfect mix of Amethyst and Pearl? A perfect representation of their relationship? Whatever it was that made her feel that way, Peridot happened to not like it, as she was reminded every second of it.

After minutes and minutes of watching the graceful fusion happily, almost lovingly dance and dance around, Amethyst and Pearl un-fused. They were no longer the experience that they shared together called Opal. Now... they were just Amethyst and Pearl, and a small part of Peridot was fairly happy that they were un-fused. However, the happiness she felt happened to be short-lived, as she now watched Amethyst and Pearl hold each other in the midst of what seemed to be a celebration, which happened to make her feel even angrier.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2020 ⏰

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