Bad Puns

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Y/n p.o.v
We finished our ice cream and then set off into the woods to go camping after everyone agreed.
"I know a lovely spot at the edge of a small clearing!" Said Serena.
"Let's go!" Bonnie and Ash cheered. The two raced ahead as Serena ran after calling,
"Wait! Aren't I supposed to lead? You guys don't know where to go!"
Which left behind just Clemont and I.
"So.." Clemont said, breaking the silence. "There's a few things I've been meaning to ask you."
"Why do you tend to wince whenever you're called a girl?"
"Oof.. that's.. not really a topic I'd rather get into just yet.. although, its tempting to tell you for the sheer fact you actually noticed."
"No pressure. You can tell me when you wish or, not at all even."
"I'll.. I'll think about it."
We finally caught up to the others at the clearing Serena was talking about.
"You were right Serena! This is a wonderful spot!" Clemont said.
"Yeah! So pretty!" Bonnie grinned and started running through the flower covered grass with Ash.
"So we're setting up the camp then?" I asked.
"Sure!" Serena grabbed the tents out of her bag. There was three medium sized tents.
"Since Ash and I wanted to share this year, we figured we'd pack an extra so you and Bonnie didn't have to share. Seems she'll have to share with Y/n now though."
"Thanks Serena. I can set up the smaller two of the three on my own. Y/n, why don't you help Serena with their tent?"
"Sure." Clemont left to set up the other tents and after we had everything laid out, we started putting our tent together. Serena made a smirk and asked,
"So Y/n? I've seen the look you make at him. Think you might have a crush?"
"Wh-what? Who?"
"Take a guess hehe!"
"Y-you mean?" I glanced over at Clemont and she nodded. "Pff, of course not. We just met today. We're definitely just friends. Besides, I can't..." I trailed off. She can't know that. No one can. That sort of thing is unacceptable. More so then being a they rather then a she or he.
"You can't what?"
"I can't uh... I can't wait to get to know all of you better! Relationships can always wait for friends!" Damn I hope she believes my sorry attempt to lie.
"Awe! But sometimes relationships can be lost in friendships. Be careful Y/n. Realize who you love before you lose them. And never be afraid to take that leap of faith. It could save you from heartbreak."
"Sometimes, I think I'd rather just be heartbroken forever." I stopped, realizing what I had just said and looked at her. She looked sad.. not just sad but sad for me.
"I think you just need the right person." She smiled, going back to securing her side into the ground. She had the hammer, so I was stuck doing whatever. Easy right? Wrong. I got stuck on the first friggin one. I pushed on it, leaned on it, slammed my foot onto it, laid down on it, took off my shoe and tried to use it as a hammer, yet I couldn't even get it to stay in the ground. I heard laughing behind me as I grumbled to myself. I turned to see Clemont.
"Need some help?" He said.
"No, I'll be good." I slammed my shoe into it again, it got stuck in the cracks of it and was pulled out of the ground again. "M-maybe I do.."
He took off his bag and searched through it. "I should have a hammer. I always keep my extra tools on me. Ah ha! Here you go!" He handed me a hammer with a bunch of nerdy pun stickers on it.
"Gah!! Th-thats supposed to be my one for home!! Where did- oh yeah.. I lost the other one..."
"Pfft.. it's okay. Between you and me, puns are a 'slam' dunk." I slammed down the hammer, finally getting the plastic piece into the ground. It took him a moment, but he got my joke and laughed.
"Say, do you like knock knock jokes Clemont?"
"Yeah. Do you have a good one?"
"I used to, but when the person finally opened the door it was 'knock'ed out of me." It took him a split second again but he kept laughing.
"Wow, you're really good at this."
"My humor ranges from a few different things, sarcasm, bad jokes, and bad puns. All in which I try to come up with or remember on a whim."
"That's cool! You can come up with jokes just like that?"
"Happens when you have nothin left to do but talk to yourself most of the time." I smiled. I nailed in the rest of the plastic pieces and handed Clemont back his hammer, saying I 'nailed it' as he tucked it back into his bag. I'm starting to like this place more and more. Especially it's people. Maybe its about time I dropped a few rules in the book.

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