36 - "melanie grace dolan"

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'lay me down' - sam smiths
[ these tears, they tell their own story. ]


it's been over a half a year without you.
i don't break down into sobs at the thought of you anymore.
that's progress, right?

i talked to the moon for the first time in a while last night.
i wished that you're okay.
i wished that grayson is okay.
i wished that i'll be okay.
that lisa and sean will be okay.
that cameron will be okay.

you don't know this but cameron had her baby, ethan.
you were never too fond of jonathan, her husband, but he loved you.
he said you were such a kind spirit. he's so right.

they named their baby girl melanie. melanie grace dolan.
she's so beautiful.
everything about her is so perfect.
i wish you could've been here to see her. you and grayson.

apparently i'm aunt raven to her. cameron wanted me to be and i respect her decision.
i'm so happy for her. i watched her in the hospital bed, melanie in her arms with the largest smile across her face.

tears of joy flowed down her cheek, like a river.

i saw true happiness in her, for the first time in what feels like forever.

i'm so, so happy for her.

i hope you are too, ethan.

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