Chapter 10 • That Kind Of Love

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It has been a good sixteen hours since JJ and I were together and I actually miss her.

She's one of those people who makes everyone around them feel comfortable and genuinely cared about. With all the things we have in common and the chemistry we have, it makes it the perfect storm for my mind to be consumed with the thought of her.

I went to bed last night and woke up this morning thinking of her; how her laugh sounded, how nice she was to Maggie, how softly her hand held mine and how her lips felt against mine.

I can't get her out of my mind and I honestly don't want to.

If it weren't for Gemma, Michal, Mum and I having a picnic lunch in the park right now, I'd be driving myself mad waiting at home to call her. Even though Gemma has constantly reminded me that there's no sense in calling JJ because she volunteers at the nursing home on Saturdays, it hasn't changed the fact that I can't wait to talk to her.

"Whatcha thinking about there, Harry?"

I snap out of my daze, turning my head toward Michal who no doubt knows the answer to his own question.

"Do I even need to say it?" I playfully challenge, shifting on my bum on the blanketed grass to get more comfortable.

The spot where they picked is apparently under a tree to give us shade from the sun and if it weren't for the warmth of the sun, the breeze would make it a little too cool. I can tell we're not the only ones taking advantage of the last of the nice weather since I hear laughter and chatter from other people enjoying their weekend afternoon at the park as well.

"You like this girl, hey?" Mum asks in a teasing tone. "Do you feel how rosy your cheeks are getting? That's what I think is the beginning stages of fancying someone."

Biting my lip to stifle my smile, I reach beside me to pet Maggie, who's gnawing on a bone right now.

"They shared a kiss when she picked him up," Gemma says in a taunting manner, earning teasing sounds from Mum and Michal. "It was so cute cos it was an accident. JJ thought Harry was going for her lips."

"It was my fault, really," I sheepishly admit. "I should've asked her if I could kiss her cheek."

"Aw, it's alright, love bug. It's a cute first kiss story."

"And it wasn't the only kiss," I mumble, failing miserably at holding back my smirk.

"What's this now?" Mum gently nudges my side, making me laugh.

"Alright, we might've kissed a couple times before we said goodnight."

"Nice, mate. Gimme some knuckles on that one," Michal says and I raise my fist for him to bump it. "When are ya gonna call her?"

"Oh lord, don't get him started on that again," Gemma groans. "It took me baking cinnamon rolls for breakfast to distract him from calling JJ."

"And they were very good, by the way," I compliment and she thanks me. Maggie moves to get up next to me and I quickly grab onto her harness. "What's the matter, Maggie? Do you need to have a wee? Okay, I'll take you."

"A walkie sounds good. I need to stretch my legs," Mum says. "Might I tag along with you and my granddog?"

"Yeah, sure," I reply, moving to stand up and I extend my hand for hers. "Here, Mum."

"Oh thank you, love. You're such a gentleman. Would you two care to join us?"

"I think we'll clean up here so we can leave when you three get back," Gemma says.

"Alright then," Mum sighs. "I've got the doggie doody bag. We'll be back in a bit."

With one hand on the harness, I feel Mum guide my other hand to her elbow and we start walking up the small incline of grass. The ground suddenly changes to gravel beneath the soles of my boots, letting me know we're on the walking path and I hear Mum inhale a deep breath.

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