Chapter 43 • Broken Heart Emoji

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"JJ, love, we're here."

I hear Trish call out from downstairs with Emmet calling my name after her, followed by the two arguing how only one of them needs to let me know they're here, and I close my eyes to force the tears out.

Sniffing into my pillow, I shift my leg more onto the pillow to support my back. I reach beneath the covers to fix the heating pad that moved away from my lower stomach in my movement and I hear them come up the stairs.

"Oh JJ, I'm so sorry," Trish says and I feel the bed dip behind me and at the foot of the bed. She tucks my hair behind my ear before comforting my arm. "What happened? I thought things between you and Harry were fine and then he just dumps you out of the blue?"

"Yeah, where is the bastard?" Emmet scoffs. "Gimme his number. First I'll give him a ring . . . then I'll wring his neck."

A sob leaves my throat and as fresh tears begin to leak out of my eyes, I hear whispered yelling between the two of them.

"Shhh! She doesn't need us arguing right now," Trish chides and the room becomes silent. "JJ, love, we brought crisps and ice cream," she coos and I breathe out a quiet laugh. "Even bought some spoons so we can just eat it straight from the cartons."

"Or you can dunk the crisp right into the ice cream; like dip," Emmet suggests.

I nod in answer, moving to sit up with my back against the headboard and I situate the heating pad on my lower stomach again. While Trish gets the items from the grocery bag, I collect the used tissues strewn all over my comforter and I set them on my nightstand to throw away later.

"Ew, love, you look awful."

"Emmet, that's not very nice," Trish says. "She's just gone through a breakup and doesn't need to hear critiques about her appearance right now. Her frizzy hair and smudged makeup are just phase one."

I reach up and comb through my apparent frizzy hair with my fingers and I wipe underneath my eyes to remove the mascara smudges.

"Here you are; one pint of Pralines and Cream for you," she coos, handing me the carton and I thank her. "And . . . yeah this one's the mint, for you, Emmet. And this beauty is all mine. They were on sale, too."

"That makes it taste even better," I grin at her, taking the lid off the small carton. "Thanks for coming over, you guys. I needed my best mates."

"Aw, there's no need to thank us, sweetie," Emmet pats my foot through the comforter and I smile sadly at him.

"Of course we'd come over, love," Trish says, opening the lid on her Double Chocolate Chunk ice cream carton. "Now, please tell us what the hell happened."

"Ugh, let the sugar hit before we start talking about it," I say half-jokingly and she hums in answer, slowly pulling the spoon out from her mouth. I take a bite and as the smooth, creamy and nutty goodness fills my mouth, another round of tears start. "He . . . dumped me, the day after we . . ."

"Don't stop now!" Emmet blurts out and Trish shoves his shoulder.

"Would you be a little more sensitive?"

"No, it's okay, I'm just, ugh, we made love last night."

"Oh my God!" they exclaim at the same time.

"I know, I know, after I've joked about dying a virgin, it finally happened."

"Did he know you were-"

"Yes, and so was he," I point out, scooping another bite onto my spoon.

"Ah, first time first timers. Gotta love it."

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