CH.1 It all began

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It all happened so fast Before I knew it, I was off to my new school in japan, why Japan you may ask, well good question it's because that's where it all started, all of it. the powers.

It happened about 500 years ago the first sign of powers emerging, at that time the ancients were worshiping the gods. the nobles were gifted powers. Which is how they classified people of power, or wealth over time more and more people started show in signs of power. The nobels got angry and disposed of the less fortunate with powers, but with every death the people kept getting angry.

Eventually one man from an outside land and showed extream power that that even rivaled the kings. This made the king furious. The king challenged the man to a 1 on 1 duel.

The man accepted, but on 2 conditions, 1: the king leave the land and 2: give his place as king to him. the king did not like the idea at first but his over confidence got the better of him and agreed.

The king also had a condition. Instant death by his own hands. The man agreed to these conditions without second thought. They both swore an oath to Stand by the conditions.

The duel began and in an instant the king fell to the ground after witnessing one small blast of power, the mans power was so over whelming that the king fell in fear. In the end the king lost and the mysterious man became king, before he banished the king he told the king the reason he lost, because of his own self poor pride he had in himself and in his kingdom and his over confidence in himself.

The king was banished for good from the land, the people worshiped the mysterious man, for not only was he the new king, a great and powerful man, he was known as the first power king. At least thats how the legend goes, I for one believe it's true, and I plan to be the next one, I'm go in to be just as amazing as the first Power King himself, and this is a story of how I became the next tekatski or power king

Note: tekatski- I came up with on my own, it has no actual meaning, I figured that since the powers originated from japan that it needed a japanish name and that's what I came up with, it was basicly somthing I just threw together, thank you but just know that's what they call power king

Chapter 2 comming soon... "the new school"

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