CH.6 My School Orientation

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I finally made it I was so exited and when I got off the plane I was so exited, I couldn't see the school yet but I did see that one girl that sat next to me, I walked over to her. She was alone none of the other students are around here maybe they already left for the school.

I didn't even notice the limmo front of me. I'm guessing it was a school type thing. I get in and I'm off to school. We start to arrive to the school.

"Ok let's go"

I hop out and head to The schools orientation as quickly as I could. Luckily for me they just started.

Its a womans voice "Welcome new students of NVA we are glad you could make it. We are honored to have you all here today but just know we are going to work you until your limbs fall off. Now listen and listen well. We are having an event those who do not do well will fail automaticly, and will be banned from our school forever, now if you don't like your odds then leave now."

About 400 students or so got up and left. I decided to stay, I liked a challenge. "Those of you who are left you shall have a 1 on 1 duel with a random student and these duels will take place in exactly 1 week from today. In that meantime you will learn how to use some of your power otherwise if not then your automatically expelled"

Another student speaks up, "excuse me how exactly are we supposed to use our powers when they are locked up? Will we have them unlocked or break them ourselves" now I was confused about what locked up meant or break them.

"Of course yes I almost forgot, good question, you will not only have them unlocked but also you will get a reading on your power after the event. So yes"

"Thank you"

I work up the nerve to stand up and ask "what a lock on power?"

"You don't know? Hmm everyone should know. I mean it was done at birth. A lock is a seal that locks one's power when they are born, because of the fact that, some children are not strong enough for their own power and could incinerate their bodies, not only that, children almost have no self control, so the seal keeps them from destroying a home or things like that."

"I understand, thank you" I sit back down

"Now we could spend all day chatting or getting those powers checked out, but before that dorms, each person will get a dorm, the men's dorm is on the east side, and the girls dorm the west side on the oppisite sides of campus, also they are one person dorms a room for one person after I dismis you you will head in a 2 single lines, 1 boy line, 1 girls line. If I see you cut or anything, you are expelled automatically. Now after you get your key get to your room and get some rest for the next 2 days we will do the unlocking so you will get a slip of paper telling you what time and day you will be getting your unlock. After that you may train anywhere on the campus within 10,000 acres, any ferther the monsters will probably get you, so be careful. Alright dismissed."

Everyone rushed to get in line for their key. It was so long I was gonna have to wait awhile I know.

4 hours later

I finally made it to the desk in 4 hours and half the line has not even been through yet. I felt sorry for them.

I headed my way to the dorms and found my number I had the number 55, how lucky of me. I couldn't wait to open my door and have a gate of hell waiting for me. I opened the door and to my surprise no demon portal.

I lay my things on the bed. Figured I should probably text me the family and tell them I made it. I texted and I didn't respond back immediately so I kinda just got ready for bed. I was tired of the long day I was just ready for bed, I got a response, "hey,nice to know you made it. How big is your room is it nice? Do you have a roommate? Are they nice? Have you eaten?"

"All taken care of... Don't worry mom. I'm gonna get to bed I'm pretty tired."

"Alright baby take care, sleep well, we all love you and miss you"

Just like that I was out

Sorry for the long delay, rough things at home, such and cutting thumb open on a metchettie, and parents getting a divorce and losing 2 football games so there's been a lot on my mind, so again sorry for the long delay and I will try to start uploading way more in the future, farewell...

Ch 7, "The Dragons power and suppression " coming soon 

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