CH. 9 The Duels

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off it was so annoying, but i got myself up. It was my first actual day o schooling and training and so on. Crazy right?

It wasn't long before i was ready for the day, luckily I had an hour to get ready and walk there, which wasn't to far or a big deal. I made my way through the front gates of the school but i noticed that everyone was looking at me. I walked through the door as i did everyone dropped what they were doing and staird at me. I just ignored them and walked to the back of the class and say down.

It wasn't too much later when I the teacher decided to show up and and demand is to our seats, she was and average height woman, with black hair in a suit, fairly pretty but not as much as the principle.

"Welcome class, here we will learn to harness your power and command it to your will, now the first thing is first,  say here as i call your name"

She took role while she was doing so I dozed off into outer space, then all of a sudden i hear "Marcel!!!"

"Ugh, Yes?"

"So nice of you to join us today, would you mind paying attention?"

"Yes mam, I'm here sorry."

"That's more like it, now that mr. Drakken has returned why don't we start off with the basics to control...."

I dozed off again before i knew it, it was five minutes before the lunch bell.

"Alright class after we come back from lunch we head outside so be ready to fight."

The bell rang, and it seemed like no time before we were ready to come back from lunch. Soon after we returned the teacher forced us out the door luckily for me i carry spare clothes but others who didn't were provided some athletic outfit of sorts.

"Alright first things first" the
Teacher delcaired. "Marcel and cientheia, front and center"

We approached her

"Alright you two get ready to duel"

We stood about 40 feet apart and the rest of the class were probably like 300 feet away,i think they expected me to explode with power like i did yesterday.

"Ready. Set. Fight!"

She didn't move, i could smell the fear somehow, I've never been able to do that, bit it was such a distinct scent i just knew that's what it was. She just stood there, she was shaking. I also felt odd, like my body was reacting to the scent and my body felt super hot like i felt like I could breathe fire.

I immediately jumped into the air and instantly kneed the ground where she was there was such an impact the ground shook with intense force. Luckily she jumped out of the way and I started walking towards her the fear grew. I could feel the amulet burning, i looked at the teacher she looked at me like I was a monster but just noded her head.

Soon i was in front of the girl she couldn't move, all she said was, "your eyes" then she collapsed but i caught her before she hit the ground. I picked her up and carried her towards the teacher and i said, "I'm taking her to the nurse, I'm done for the day."

The teacher said nothing as i walked away, I felt my power fade.

I  hope you all are enjoying the series so far and i can't wait to hear your response about how you like it and if you have any ideas of how you might like the story to go then please let me know you will even get a shout out that explains your idea so please, be expecting a new chapter soon... Bye bye...

New chapter coming soon, CH. 10 "Another meeting with the dragon"

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