Day 57-58

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"Luke!" I screamed getting up and running over to him. Ashton couldn't hold all of his body weight so he lowered him down. Sawyer was outside now and calling Paul. I kneeled next to Luke and cradled his head in my lap.

"Holy shit. What just happened?" Calum says. He looks like I just woke him up at six in the morning. He sees me and Luke on the ground and starts to come over with a worried expression.

"Calum don't you dare." I say harshly putting up a hand. He stops and looks at all the deadly glares we're sending him.

"Did I?" He asks pointing to Luke. His confused expression melts away and he starts to cry. "Oh my god I'm so sorry." He says before running down the street. I watch him run away and a part of me hopes he gets lost, but the larger part wants me to run after him.

"Michael go follow him." I say looking up at Mikey. He nods and starts running. Knowing Calum he's gonna beat himself up about this. I take the chance to actually look at Luke. He has a split lip, a cut on his hairline, and a bruise around the cut. I put my forehead on his waiting for Paul to come over in the car.

"Bee." A voice whispers. I pick my head up and smile when I see Luke's blue eyes.

"Hi Luke baby." I say trying not to cry. He smiles a little and tries to sit up. I help him so that his head is still on my lap but he's sitting up more.

"You know, I really like when you call me that." He says. His eyes are droopy and he looks really really tired. "Say it again. It's cute." He says closing his eyes. I put my forehead on Luke's shoulder so my mouth is next to his ear.

"Hi Luke baby." I whisper. A small smile appears on Luke's face. "You can go to sleep now Lukey." I whisper gently moving his head so it wasn't just on one of my legs. Paul pulled up next to us and ran out. Luke's breaths shallowed and his eyes stayed close. Paul and Ashton picked him up and put him into the car. Kendall, Sawyer, and I got into the back seat next to Luke.




I woke up wrapped in blankets with a splintering headache.

"Hey buddy." Paul says patting my shoulder. I nod to him before slowly sitting up. "Before you ask or stress yourself out, Belle's fine and is at a meeting. She's probably asleep at the meeting since she got 3 hours of sleep total but hey, at least she went." Paul fills me in. My memory is a little blurry. I remember walking outside and talking to Calum but...oh no and when Belle called me baby, that was hot.

"Paul, what the hell happened last night?" I ask. He sighs and looks around thinking for a second.

"Well apparently something was up with Calum so he went outside the restaurant. Bellerose got up and followed him. She tried being nice and calming talking but he was way out of it and he started yelling. You and the boys got up to go handle the situation. When you guys got outside Calum pushed Belle but you caught her. After putting her down you yelled at Cal, Cal swung at you, you hit him then he knocked you square in the face. You went unconscious while Ash was holding you back. He had to put you down and Belle ran over and laid your head on her lap. Cal must have snapped back to reality and was horrified that he hurt you and ran. Mikey ran after him and here we are." Paul concludes. I shake my head and sit more up.

"No Calum, Cal wouldn't have hit me on purpose. It was an accident." I stutter not believing Paul. He shakes his head and looks at his feet.

"Mikey came back without Calum yesterday and is out looking for him with Kendall and Sawyer right now." Paul explains glumly. I grab my phone and call Calum. He doesn't answer. "What if he's lost? Or hurt? Maybe someone kidnapped him?" I list off. Paul makes me lay back down and puts a glass of water next to my bed.

"Everything's going to be fine. Belle will be back in like an hour, try to sleep until then." Paul says.

"I don't sleep good knowing Cal's in trouble or without Belle." I tell him. "Need a cuddle buddy and both are gone." I shrug.

"Cuddle yourself. Go to bed." Paul rolls his eyes. I pout but take him up on that offer and wrap my arms around myself.


"Luke baby, what are you doing?" A soft voice asks running their fingers in my hair. "Come on, get up." She says.

"Say it again." I mumble.

"Will you get up?" I nod my head yes but still don't open my eyes. "Luke baby." I can hear the smile on her lips as she says it. I sit up and pull her into my lap.

"Hi Bee baby." I grin. Belle uses her thumb to softly press on a spot on my lip.

"Does that hurt Luke?" She asks. I shake my head no. "Your lip is split a little right there." She sighs. "We're gonna go find Calum." I nod and she helps me get up. Throwing on shoes and a jacket I take Belle's hand. Belle grips the steering wheel of the car tightly as we drive through the city. We drive to every hotel asking if Calum is staying there. Belle parks the car at an In and Out burger place. Inside before we even order Belle calls out.

"Calum!" She calls in a relieved voice. He looks up with sad eyes. He has purple tired bags around his eyes, his face looks paler, and his eyes are bloodshot. Belle flies across the restaurant and hugs him tightly. He buries his face in the crook of her neck and squeezes his arms around her waist. When he lifts his head a little he notices me standing in the doorway.

"Luke." He says surprised. I smile and nod. Belle lets him go and pushes him towards me. I walk over and open my arms up. Calum practically leaps into them clinging to me for his life.

"Hey Cal-Pal. You missed breakfast by the way." I say pounding his back and letting go.

"Luke I'm so sorry. You know I'd never do that on purpose. Something was wrong and I got out of control. I'll never be able to say sorry enough times to not feel guilty but god Luke I'm sorry." He apologizes.

"Calum I know exactly how you feel and it's absolutely okay. I forgave you as soon as I found out this morning. It's okay." I assure him. He smiles and hugs me once more.

"We can eat at the studio. You guys have some of a music video to shoot." Belle says throwing an arm over Cal's shoulder(she barely reaches) and walking to the car. I trail behind and climb into the passenger seat.

"Yahhh banana!" I cheer. Both of them look at totally confused before cracking up.


At the studio we rush in so we have enough time to eat. As soon as I finish eating Belle pulls me over to one of the halls. She wraps my hand around something small and presses her lips to my hand.

"Luke I have to leave. Keep that and I'll see you...I'll see you guys in Australia." She says letting go of my hand and backing away. I grab her wrist keeping her from leaving.

"Belle what are you talking about? Where are you going?" I ask. She pulls her bottom lip in to keep herself from crying.

"Nowhere Luke. It's okay. I have to go." She says putting her hand on my cheek. I shake my head and pull her into a hug. "He's making me a deal I can't turn down." She says before quickly turning and running away.

"Oh hey there you are mate! Come on we're starting." Ash says coming next to me. I open my hand and look at the silver ring in my palm. I put it on my finger and stare down the now empty hall. "You okay? Where's Belle?" He asks.

"She left." I say with a shaky voice. "She uh, she just left." I say before walking away.



QOTD: I miss missing you

Fall Out Boy

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