Day 26

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a/n forwarning! I have to switch the POV a few times.


"Happy birthday!" several voices scream. Somebody jumps on top of me making me grunt. I kick them off and sit up. Everyone is standing smiling over our bed. Calum jumps on the bed and lays ontop of me and Luke. "Happy birthday Belle and Lukey!" he yells again.

"Get off of me." Luke mumbles. Calum snuggles up onto him even more. "I will push you off." Luke threatens. Calum laughs and ruffles Luke's hair but doesnt get up. Suddenly Calum is on the ground and Luke is sitting up rubbing his eyes. Cal sits up with a blanket on his head. I cant help but laugh really hard.

"Thanks guys! Sorry Cal." I say standing up and hugging everyone. "You're welcome dear! Oh and someone came to see you!" Liz says excitedly. They all move so I can walk to the livingroom. I run out and am not surprised when I see Zayn sitting on the couch. I jump onto his lap and hug him.

"Happy birthday Bellie!" He says laughing. At first he was surprised but then wraps his arms around me. "Have you decided what you want to get this time?" he asks. I nod my head and excitedly bounce around. He laughs at my excitement.

"What are you getting this time?" Ash asks sitting with everyone on the couches. "My new tattoo. Last time I didnt know what i wanted." I say standing up off Zayn's lap. Everyones eyes widen and I hear a cough from behind me. I turn around and Luke must've been drinking something and choked.

"You have a tattoo?" he asks recovering from that breakdown. I nod and he grabs my arms and inspects them. He lifts up my shirt a little but drops it when he doesnt find anything. "Where?" he asks. (I couldnt put both in the top so the next two pages are her tattoos.) I lift up my foot and point out the small music note beside my ankle.

"That was my first one," I start. " you have more than one!" Luke exclaims after looking at my tattoo. I laugh and nod. "This is my last one." I move all my hair over my left shoulder and point out the small birds behind me ear.

"How did we not notice those?" Sawyer asks. I shrug and flip my hair back over my shoulder. "Well what are you doing for this one? And how come Zayn came all the way here to know what your new tattoo is going to be?" She asks.

"Well when I was 16 I told Zayn I wanted a tattoo so he brought me for one. The next year on my birthday I told him i didnt really want anything so he asked if I wanted another tattoo. So I guess its my official birthday present until i dont want anymore tattoos. And my new one is a secret." I tell her walking around the couch to stand behind Zayn. "When are we leaving because I'm extrememly popular and dont have much time." I say putting my head in his hair.

"As soon as you get dressed unless they already have plans." He says. We both look expectedly at everyone. They all shake their heads no and Liz waves me off. I smile and run to my room. I grab my Nirvana crop top and black high waisted jeans. As quick as I can I rinse off my body and jump back out of the shower.I tightly wrap the towel around me and step out of the shower. Realizing I dont have underwear I open the bathroom door and mentally face palm because Luke's laying on his phone in the bed. I walk over to the dresser and when I open it i can feel Luke looking at me.

"Hey, stop staring. I'm naked under this towel." I say laughing. He laughs too and stands up. I look at him confused. "Hey, stop staring! I'm naked under these clothes!" He shrieks in a girly voice. I start to die laughing. Like I literally couldnt breath for a minute. He points at me while laughing along. I shake my head still laughing and walk back into the bathroom.

After getting dressed and straightening my hair I walk back out of the bathroom. Luke left but definitely changed his clothes because they're all over the bed. I grab my phone and do chené turns out of the room. Luke and I make eye contact and I bust out laughing He laughs too and actually falls off the couch only making me laugh harder. Everyone stares at us confused and at the same time Luke and I yell. "Stop staring! I'm naked under these clothes!" Everyone continues to look at us confused. I laugh harder and bend over to clutch my stomach. Eventually we calm down and I wipe the tears from my eyes.

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