Engineer x Reader [Lemon]

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Ok guys, you might be wondering 'what the hell? Where is the other requests?' Well uhh, I should probably explain myself.

I have a maaaajor writer's block. So. This is what I'm going to do about it: I'm going to write a story that I'd like to write (not saying that I don't want a write your request) and see if that helps to inspire me to finish the request.

I'm super sorry, but I love y'all! :]

Ok, now on with the story!

You were walking back to you room from the showers, towel wrapped around your torso.

Well, it isn't exactly your room... More of a room that you share with someone.

And that someone was no other than Dell, The Engineer. You really liked this guy, his Texas drawl drew you in like how light draws in months.You felt like a puppy around him.

Opening the room door, you walk over to your separated section. The room is split with a large curtain that stretched from one wall to another, making it for the both of you have some 'privacy'.

Without closing the curtain all the way you begin to change into your clothes.

You drop your towel and grab for your F/C pajamas from off your bed before getting inturupted by a the voice of a sweet texan.

"Darlin, you might wanna close the curtain all the way next time before you start to change."

You jump, covering yourself almost instinctively with the clothes in your hands.

Dell chuckled, tipping his hardhat over his eyes.

"Ah, I'm sorry hun, didn't mean to startle ya."

"You're fine, I should have closed the curtain... Now... Can you shut the curtain for me?"

"Yeah, sure thing."

Dell turns around and shuts the curtain, him still on your half of the room.

You turn around to see if he's still behind you, and he is.

Dell walks over to you and places his hands on your hips, pulling you close to him.

"You can't just do this to me, Y/N."

You bit your lip, dropping the clothes you used to cover your 'areas'.

"Expecting me to look-"

He cut himself off by gliding one hand down your arm, cupping your face with the other.

"But not touch..."

You lean your head to the side, putting your heads weight in his hand.

"Dell... You can touch."

A smirk appeared on Dells face, pulling his hands away from where they were placed to your breasts, cupping them and gripping lightly.

Your breathing hitched and you bit down onto your bottom lip, making Dell smirk.

"Ya like that, Darlin'?"

You nodded your head, softly.

Dell then picked you up and placed you on your bed, climbing over you and straddling your hips.

"You're so beautiful, Y/N."

You smile like a little kid and grab for Dells belt, tugging on it softly. He got your drift and hopped off of you, starting to undress.

You look at him in awe, wondering how he would ever want to do this with you.

When the Texan was done undressing he climbed back over you, straddling your hips once again.

TF2 x Reader [Oneshots]Where stories live. Discover now