Engineer × Fem!Sniper/Engineer!Reader (Part 2) [Lemon]

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Welcome back! This is the second chapter to the part 1 of this, if you haven't read it yet I suggest you do!

This was requested by Wheresmesoup! I hope you enjoy!

~Right here, right now, you come up with a plan. Smiling like a little kid, you're going to barge inside of his room without knocking, yelling that you have wonderful news for him. That should hopefully startle him, and then in the end, you can end up helping him with his need.

And maybe he could help you with yours...~

In your head it seemed like a great idea, all you needed to do was execute it properly and everything would work out in your favor.

It's too bad that the first thing you needed to execute properly was the first thing you failed at.

As you charged in the door handle slipped from your grasp, causing you to trip over yourself and loose balance. You fell face first into Dell's room, his door wide open and you laying face down in the entrance.

Startled he jumped up from his bed, fumbling to shove his package back in his boxers before rushing over to help you up. His overalls still drooped around his ankles.

"Y/N! Are ya' okay?" He asked frantically, almost entirely forgetting about what he was doing just moments before. He waddled over to hold out a calloused hand and help you up.

"Yeah, I'm okay..." You mutter, looking up with a flustered pink face and a soiled plan. You take his hand and allow him to help stand you up.

You immediately dart your eyes away from him out of embarrassment, now looking at the floor you just spattered onto. Patting yourself down, you start getting all the dust and dirt off of your clothes. Dell pats your back and gives you a look of concern.

You look up to him and start giggling, which turns to Dell starting to giggle too. "What tha hell was that?" He says with a grin.

"I'm sorry, Dell." you say between laughs. "This wasn't how I wanted this to play out.."

Dell seems to be taken aback by this. It takes him a few seconds to to process this and respond.

"Well, how did ya' expect this to play out? Ya' just randomly trip into my room?"

"I'll save you the details because it's a weird story... After you stormed off earlier I thought about what you said and what I actually want to do. So I called up Pauling and managed to convince her to let me be an engineer."

A smile is plastered onto Dells face. "Ya' actually want to be an engineer? Ya' didn't just choose that to favor me?"

"Of course I wanted to be an engineer! Pauling just said that another sniper would do the team well, so I bit my tongue and chose what I thought the team would've wanted."

Dell pulls you in for a hug. You hug him back, wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders.

"Yeah Dell but that's not all." You say with a nervous smile.

He gulps. "What do ya' mean?"

"After I got off the phone with her I headed over to tell you the good news, hoping that you would be happy with me and the situation. So I opened the door and you didn't notice me standing there and I saw you doing.. that.. and yeah." You mutter out, starting to trail off towards the end.

Dell releases you from the hug, his face getting dark pink. "Oh god damnit.. why didn't ya' just turn around and leave me be?"

"And this is the weirdest part, I didnt want to just.. shrug this off." You mutter, rubbing the back of your neck.

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