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Bryan's POV
'this is so stupid' he though as he made sure he lost every time."wow Bryan you suck at this" molten commented."oh be quite" he snapped at molten. "Just cause your Aftons puppet doesn't mean you can be rude all the time". Everyone went silent....

They finished the game

"Well it's time for use to leave" I waved bye to jake and so did the others." Molten tried to go back first but ended up hitting his head and flying back. Everyone started laughing

Molten's POV
"This isn't good". He then tried to jump again but failed.everyone started to laugh again. "Will you guys stop laughing we're stuck in this dimension!" He yelled at everyone. The group soon went silent. I looked at Bryan his face looked horrified and angry."umm Bryan are you okay?". Bryan took a deep breath the nodded "I just don't have a good feeling about this place" he said and murmurs of agreement came from the others Molten had to agree.

Bryan's POV
'No no no no this can't be happening' I thought."hey jake is there a place we could stay till we cane get back home?". Jake nodded and lead the way to a group of people he knew all of them as soon as he saw there faces turn to his group xylo,Mario,Bri, and Kay."Bryan were have you been!" Bri said as soon as she say Bryan. Bryan stepped back and nedd bear stood in bri's way.'great my sister and a few others' I thought

No ones POV
Bri stood shocked as the bear got in her way. Xylo looked at the animatronics "who are they?" He asked glancing at Bryan who stayed to the back of the group now.jake stepped forward and explained what happened and that Bryan wasn't there Bryan. There eyes grew wide and xylo started to snicker at the part of molten running into the wall. Molten stepped forward and grabbed xylo by the neck "you wanna laugh now?" He asked. The others stepped back and Bryan walked up to molten "put him down or I'll tell Afton you have been disobeying him when we get back." Bryan said in a tone to tell molten he wasn't joking.molten growled and held xylo still "he all ways has an ey—". Bryan cut him off "the only way he does it is with WiFi and if you look there isn't any do you could do anything and he wouldn't know so I suggest put him down".molten growled and put xylo down. Molten then stepped back into the group."sorry about molten he doesn't like people". Molten glared at Bryan." Can we just get a place for use to charge/sleep?" Molten asked.

After getting things settled

"Okay it's settled lefty and molten will be in my old cabin,baby and AI Afton will take an empty cabin,helpy will share with Bri, nedd bear will share with me, and Bryan will take are Bryan's castle" jake said.everyone nodded and AI Afton added "I'll start working on the charging stations for use animatronics" AI Afton then exited the room with molten to find material. Bryan stayed with the animatronics not walking far from the group.  Bryan could tell they were staring at him.

Bryan's POV
'Ugh why won't they stop staring at me'! I turned towards Bri and jake "can you show me were the so called castle is?". I watched as they nodded they also  showed lefty,baby,helpy, and nedd bear were they were going to sleep. I looked up to see the floating island "how am I supposed to get up there" I asked out loud. I still remember how to fly but I'm not going to give it away and I don't know we're Helios was.I watched as jake called out his wyvern jake had Bryan jump on and took the others ima at a time as well. When I got to the top I looked around it was exactly like I left it. "Thanks" I said as I took a good look on the inside. I turned to see jake and bri looking uneasy I then turned to the animatronics and noticed they were uneasy too. I felt something in the air shift around me "What is happening?!?" I asked shocked as a white glowing thing appeared right I Front of me

No ones POV
Nedd bear tried to pull Bryan back but the glowing thing shot an electric bolt at him."NEDD BEAR" Bryan tried to run to nedd bear but the glowing thing trapped Bryan. "LET ME GO!" Bryan yelled trying to get free

The animatronics crowded around the unconscious nedd bear

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The animatronics crowded around the unconscious nedd bear. Bryan kept struggling to get free but every time he moved the thing would tighten its grip.hake and Bri tried to cast a spell to get Bryan free but it failed so they did everything they could to get him free. The thing got tighter till it was digging into Bryan's skin. Nedd bear slowly sat up he then realized he had been unconscious and the dream he had been having only he and £§y•n know about it....

To be continued

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