New location New owner?!?

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The man brought all the animatronics into a factory were they were fixed. The process took 3 days but soon they looked brand new. There pant was reinforced and there metal was stranger. There wires were also more protected. No one messed with the animatronics memory box or voice box's. As soon as the animatronics were done they were loaded back into the truck and brought to an amusement park. The man unloaded all the animatronics one by one and put them into there area. Happy frog and lefty had a live tunnel. To the left lefty had a small stage were he could tell the kids jokes. To the right happy frog had a hoppy frog game were the kids would have to jump from been bag to been bag to get to the end. The first thing you see when you walk into the amusement park was the biggest ride. The ride was based off of nedd bear and Nightmare. Nightmare had a horror house to the right of it while nedd bear had a stage were he was able to interact with the kids and give them things like plushes and toys. Other area includes a stage for rockstar foxy,Freddy, and Chica, a circus for baby, a rabbit hill were kids could climb in and out like rabbits with tunnels connecting for spring Bonnie and Springtrap. Plus lots more there were 3 hotels the main one were the security. The man finished unloading the animatronics into there areas before leaving.
2 days later
Nightmare was the first to power on he waited for nedd bear to power on looking at him self and his brother they were all fixed up and looked brand new."powering on" nedd bear said as his systems started to boot up. After nightmare and nedd bear were able to power on baby,lefty, and molten it was obvious that they would be the only ones turning on today. They all met up in molten's area. Molten's area had a big bin of animatronic parts witch kids could put together and take apart. "This is so wrong" baby said turning away from the animatronics parts. "Well you aren't the one who is set to be here during the day. I checked my files and I'm set to stay within this area helping kids do this. Some thing is blocking me from messing with my setting though" molten said. Nightmare and the others checked there systems."Hmm not that bad I get to scare kids" Nightmare stayed eating a sharp glare from nedd bear and wide eyes from baby and molten."I get to talk to the kids and give them out free gift things" nedd bear said happily he loved the kids at the pizzicato before they shut down. "I get to do shows and have tea party's with the kids at the circus" baby said happily. They spent the rest of the time exploring and mapping out the layout in there heads. The main question that they all had but kept quite about was who brought them here. Nedd bear leaf the way to the edge of the park we're there was an open exit there were also some parking a engraved on the door way. "Something is off about this" molten said. "Let me try something" molten stuck his hand threw the door but soon his hand was repealed back so if she was completely threw the door he would of gone flying into the wall behind them. "Hmm seems like the person who brought use here knows a lot about magic and is comfortable using it. They also don't want use to escape so sadly Nightmare won't be able to follow them at night. Welp let's get back to Are spots were set to open tomorrow are systems say so." With that all the animatronics go there separate ways to there areas nightmare and nedd bear day good bye then power off.
The next day
All the animatronics were online but they were working  and playing with the kids. People were everywhere from 1,00-5,000 people. The animatronics did what they were set to do but they could talk freely. Most talked with the kids but some like Springtrap and rockstar Freddy did talk. Rockstar Freddy even stayed silent while he was supposed to sing. The human employees said this was his day off they lied but that's what there job was to lie if any animatronics acted up. Nightmare had fun scaring the children most ran and screamed but one seemed to stay calm the whole time. Nightmare liked this kid and even put a plush of himself in the book bag the kid was carrying. The day went on all the animatronics that weren't on yesterday just looked threw there files getting notification on what to do. The work hours lasted about 10 more hours before 6 pm hit and the park closed.there was trash everywhere but I employ snapped there fingers and all the trash was gone the gift shops were restocked and so were the prizes they could win. The human employees all left then the animatronics went onto free roam mode. Lefty and happy frog met up right in front of the love tunnel. Nightmare and Nedd bear waited for everybody with spring trap and spring Bonnie. A few minutes later everyone that was online(Lefty,happy frog,Nightmare,Nedd bear, Springtrap,and rockstar Freddy)."Okay What the *Beep*... wait why is that word blacklisted in my system!!" Rockstar Freddy said as he looked threw his system."god *Beep* I'm on kid friendly mode!" Rockstar Freddy seemed extremely angers that his systems were messed with."well let's take a look around to see if we can find the person who brought use here" Springtrap said leading the way to the main entrance of the park. Lefty and happy frog stayed close together and not far behind. Nightmare and Nedd bear were right at spring traps side as they walked. Rockstar Freddy stayed far behind the others thinking about what was going on.

The man who brought the animatronics in entered the front gate as the animatronics stopped in front of the entrance. Freddy pushes his way forward till he was standing face to face with the guy."Who are you and why was are systems messed with!?!!" Rockstar Freddy demanded. The other stood back not wanting to get caught in the cross fire. The man looked at the animatronics. "Names Bryan files (ooof) and I'm the new owner of the pizzeria. It was falling apart so I brought you all to your new location" Bryan said before walking off into the main hostel to start working. Rockstar stayed silent for a while as the others gathered around him "he didn't answer my second question and why does he seem so familiar?" Rockstar Freddy said thinking. Nightmare thought for a second "could it be Bryan?" Nedd bear lifted his head almost at once "no Bryan doesn't look like that or act like that and his last name is films not files" it was obvious he was talking about the Evil Bryan cause he didn't have the same love in his voice as he normally did talking about Bryan. Rockstar Freddy stormed off to his area and the others went to there's. Nightmare thought for a moment before going to his his.

(Ya it's finally out this I've been working on four 3 days when ever I can so here you go!!"

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(Ya it's finally out this I've been working on four 3 days when ever I can so here you go!!"

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