5 years (short)

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3 days later
The animatronics had started putting nedd bear together piece by piece. Molten and spring trap would come around a lot and watch. Nightmare was always by nedd bears side not leaving even to charge or AI afton moved his charging station next to bed bear.
1 week later
Nedd bear was closer to being complete just a few more broken wires to fix and a new paint job. Molten started to do Bryan's work. Nightmare has been building up anger in him about what Bryan had did.
1 month later
Bryan hasn't been around at all and Nightmare went looking for him just to find his house up for sale and the pizzeria as well.
6 months later
The pizzeria hasn't been bought cause everyone thinks the animatronics killed Bryan. Bryan still hasn't showed up and spring trap just walks around now scaring everyone. Nedd bear was all fixed now but he was still worried for Bryan. Nightmare and molten haven't been able to track Bryan down. Jakey has joined the other people in his world that were transferred here.
1 years later
Some of the animatronics started to rust and even Nightmare stopped being anger about what happened. Baby was weird about the future of her and the rest of the animatronics. The portal no longer worked and Bryan hasn't returned. Only lefty,baby,AI afton Nightmare, and sometimes molten could power on now the others were to rusty or couldn't charge at all. The dimensions have fully merged now and people were trying to get used to it.
3 years later
Only nightmare could turn on and all he would do is walk around the abandoned and decaying pizzeria. Most of the tables were broken and Avery animatronic was rusted or even had missing parts. No one knew were Bryan was and there was even a news report about him. Bryan was claimed died with no evidence to back this up the case went silent.
5 years later
Now no one could turn in animatronic were load out everywhere. The place was covered in dust and cobwebs. The walls falling apart the ceiling caving in and the pizzeria surrounded by lush forest that it was almost forgotten. Some times teens would sneak into the area but were soon running once they saw some of the a animatronics. The animatronics were dusty with almost all there body suits falling off. They were rusty and dead.

A stranger walked into the abounded pizzeria. They started loading the animatronics into a truck. "Baby,molten,Springtrap,SpringBonnie,Lefty,Happyfrog, nedd bear, Nightmare" the list kept going as he loaded all the animatronics into the truck. Once they were loaded into the truck he drove away.

 Once they were loaded into the truck he drove away

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(This is the man)

This was short cause I wanted to get a chapter out but I don't really have much time so I thought this would be just something fun to do and it was!! Hope you enjoy))

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