The photos

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Bryan walked home and made himself some food. He ate the food within a few minutes then he went to take a shower. Nightmare reappeared out of the shadows and sat in Bryan's bed waiting for him to come out of the shower. Bryan finished his shower and changed in the bathroom. Bryan's asked out of the bathroom to see Nightmare sitting on his bed."Really nightmare?". Nightmare was a little surprised Bryan wasn't freaking out what Nedd bear had told him said Bryan was easy to scare."It was easy to tell you were following me I merely just let you follow me" Bryan said as he sat down at his desk and did some work. Nightmare stud up and leaned agents the wall next to Bryan's desk "how did you know your human!". Bryan started to laugh so hard it took him a minute to calm down."Are you really that dumb I'm not human! I'm a Demi god." Bryan continued to work on the papers. Nightmare took a step back and walked around Bryan's house.
Nightmares POV
'Demi god eh, that's not something you hear everyday. Plus Nedd Bear never told me about that maybe he didn't know' Nightmare thought as he walked around a little more there was a box under the coach that was poking out a little. I pulled the box out and took out 6 of the photos.

"Who is that dude and the one wearing white looks a little like Bryan"

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"Who is that dude and the one wearing white looks a little like Bryan"

"Who is that dude and the one wearing white looks a little like Bryan"

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"OMG what happened to his face"

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"OMG what happened to his face"

"OMG what happened to his face"

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"Not going to ask"

"What is this about?"

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"What is this about?"

"Hmm this is the Bryan Nedd bear told me about I'll ask him"

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"Hmm this is the Bryan Nedd bear told me about I'll ask him"

Molten's POV
Bryan had left and everyone was talking to Nedd bear asking about Nightmare." Were did he come from?" Happy frog asked."he was locked away in my mind and for good reason" the last part was under his breath so no ones heard it other then me then it hit me."Were is Nightmare!" Everyone looked around for him and I checked the vents no one could find him and Nedd bear looked panicked."WE NEED to find him he can Cause huge trouble! Did anyone see him leave the Pizzeria?" Nedd bear asked use all I nodded and said "he followed Bryan into the front part of the......" I cut realizing what happened to Nightmare. Everyone's eyes widened and when I looked at AI afton he looked terrified and I don't know why.

No ones POV
Bryan had finished working on the lawsuit and now was doing some of the billing when Nightmare came in with the 7 pictures in his hand."Hey Bryan?" Nightmare said as he walked up to Bryan's desk. Bryan continued to write as he said "Yes?". Nightmare placed down all the papers onto the desk showing Bryan."who are these and what are they about?". Bryan looked at the pictures for a long while thinking about how to answer the question."the first picture is me and by ex-Boyfriend. The second picture is when I brought him on a boat ride. The third is after we got into a fight and I changed my looks. The fourth is when he was drunk 😅. The fifth is when I left the Demi god dimension and when I came to this dimension . Then the sixth....." Bryan paused for a moment thinking a little bit more into his answer."was me just 2 weeks ago with your brother." He then went back to work

(This is short but I'm trying to post a part everyday at the same time so here you go)

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