The wand

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No ones POV
Nedd bear sat up to see the thing now rapped around Bryan."what are we going to do" baby said looking at the struggling Bryan. Jake and Bri started to run up to them "we can't get him out" jake said. Nedd bear stood up and pointed at a string at his neck "it seems to be trying to kill him" with that Bryan fell on his knees from starting to get weaker.nedd bear could only watch hoping Bryan could get himself free.
Bryan struggles to breath.

Bryan's POV
I hear something whisper in my ear "summon the wand". I fall on my hands and I hear it again "summon the wand". All I could think about was the true me being revealed."Bryan" I could hear my friends calling out my name. I swallowed then said the words "Wanda truco Brontos"(random words). The thing then let go of me as the inferno wand appeared. The thing was sucked up by the inferno wand. Baby and nedd bear ran up to me and helped me up. I step back away from the wand I already knew no one heard me say the words.i turned and saw jake step forward "stay away from that wand it's dangerous" he Tells my group. I nod as lefty and nedd bear hold me up sense I was still to weak to stand up on my own.jake tried to grab the inferno wand but he and everyone else was blasted back agents a wall leaving me were I was on the ground."Bryan grab the wand" I heard nedd bear yell. Then I heard jake say the opposite as nedd bear and him started to fight. I crawled over to the wand and grabbed it the force that was pushing everyone else agents the wall stopped.

No ones POV
Nedd bear almost at once  ran up to Bryan "are you okay?" He asked helping Bryan sit up."ya I'm fine"Bryan set the wand to the side. The others helped him up and into his room."You should rest Bryan AI Afton and molten most likely have are charging stations done" Bryan nodded and went to sleep. Everyone left the room and let him rest. As soon as they were all back on the ground nedd bear asked "What was that all about?" He asked jake and Bri "ya" helpy said standing close to the other animatronics."we don't know it came out of the blue!" Bri said then they started arguing not even noticing AI afton and molten walk into the argument

Molten's POV
I walked into an argument and I didn't know what it was about until I heard nedd bear yell "so your telling me Bryan almost died because of that thing and a wand appeared out of know where and saved him and you don't know what it was or why it happened". I turned towards AI afton and saw his eyes were wide. I then turned back to see that nedd bear furious and jake was no better now they were just fighting and the others were trying to calm them down."ummm what happened" I asked and baby turned to me and explained what happened. By the time she explained me,lefty, and AI afton were struggling to hold nedd bear back from attacking jake. When I looked over at jake he was being held beck by the others."why can't they calm down" I asked AI afton who shrugged and pulled out the control panel. I watched as nedd bear turned off. Jake and Bri looked confused but I just said he ran out of battery.

No ones POV
After a while all the charging stations were set up. Everyone Decided it wasn't a good idea for nedd bear and jake to share a place so they just put nedd bear with Bryan.

Dream world

Nedd bear was in the camp 6 years ago. It was the day Bryan and jake went snooping through the cabins. After he went to when that went on the boat ride. Then there was a flash when Bryan got the inferno wand another flash when he met his sister again then another flash when he and jake broke up then another flash at the ball then another flash when he turned evil. The last flash was when jake was trying to get back with Bryan when he was "drunk". After that nedd bear was in a pitch black room."so jake has only been bad to Bryan I'll make sure he stays away from him" nedd bear said

Bryan opened his eyes and he was in front of the old Bryan when he was a kid playing with bri. He watched as he and bri flew around the place playing tag. A flash then when he just got accepted into the camp. Then another flash when he turned evil. Then another flash when he met the animatronics. His mind kept flashing with bad and good thoughts. "Ugh get out of my head get out of my head" he kept saying as his mind flashed. The last of the flashes lasted the tears of the dream it was his  inferno wand

 The last of the flashes lasted the tears of the dream it was his  inferno wand

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Him as a kid))

Okay I have no other ideas for this soooo ya I try to get around 1000 or more words pure part but I'm very happy as it is so I'll give my self around an 100 word less break including writing this!))

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