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Bryan worked for another few hours as the animatronics started gathering metal, paint,wires, and other material needed to start rebuilding Nedd Bear's suit and some of the wires that had broken. Molten reported what happened to Springtrap. Springtrap was very surprised and just told Molten to keep Bryan at bay so he wouldn't hurt Baby or Ballora. Bryan finished working then went to the back room he kicked everyone else out so he could start working on Nedd Bear alone. He took measures of Nedd Bear's suit and some of the wires as he started to build up the suit. AI Afton watched from the vents because he was not sure if Bryan could do it correctly or not."This will take a while" Bryan sighed as he started putting  Nedd Bear's feet together. Bryan then opened the back of Nedd Bear up to check something. When Nedd Bear was opened up Bryan could see he had 2 memory boxes. One was labeled Nedd Bear the other was scratched out a lot all that could be made out was Nī£ßæm•¿e. He took out both memory boxes. He put Nedd Bear's on the table and connected the other one to the computer. The memory's were all staticky other then a flash of a black bear with red eyes,a yellow hat and bow once in a while."interesting" Bryan said as he unplugged the memory box and put it next to Nedd Bear's. Bryan then went back to putting the metal pieces together.
1 day later
Bryan went back to the back room and started working on Nedd Bear again. He had finished Nedd Bear's feet yesterday and started doing the knees to the hips. Bryan has slept in the Pizzeria so he could get right back to fixing Nedd Bear when he woke up.
2 days later
Bryan had started with the upper body now. The other animatronics barely saw him anymore cause they were never aloud in the room and that's were Bryan spent most of his time. AI Afton was caught by Bryan so the vents were now blacked out by a magic spell Bryan had casted. In the main room all the animatronics were talking. Most of them were powered on and just talking about what happened in the past few days they were offline.
3 days later
Bryan had just the hands and the head left to do with Nedd Bear. Every time  Bryan took a break from making the suit he always stared at the memory box that wasn't Nedd Bear's. The animatronics That were on would just go to mini games with out Bryan.
4 days later
Bryan had finished making the body. He then took out his inferno wand and cast a spell that duplicated the body. Bryan spent the rest of the day changing up the other body a little making it different. He had a feeling what it would look like and he didn't know why but it felt right. The animatronics were all offline when Molten updated Springtrap that nothing had really happened. "Just hold the plans for now we need Bryan to start doing things before we can continue" Springtrap and told Molten.
5 days later
Bryan started painting the animatronics suits. He started with Nedd Bear trying to use the same colors as before. For the new guy he looked over the memory box again picking out similar colors to the animatronic that would flash on the screen. The panting didn't take long but he spent extra time putting in details. The animatronics started doing some of Bryan's work cause he was falling behind due to spending all his time fixing Nedd Bear. The animatronics were also starting to worry for Bryan they hadn't seen him at all in the last few days.
6 days later
Bryan had finished painting the animatronic suits. He started undoing Nedd Bears broken suit so he could transfer the wires and the endo skeleton. The other animatronics were just playing murder mystery like they normally did.
7 days later
Bryan had finished moving the endo skeleton into the new suit. He then started working on making a New endo skeleton for the new animatronic. He made sure Every piece of metal or wire he used was strong enough to hold up the suit. The animatronics just played golf fish they were starting to get bored of doing work and playing mini games.
8 days later the final day
Bryan had finished the endo skeleton. He had put the endo Skelton's on both of the suits. He plugged in a battery to Both and put in there memory boxes. He didn't turn on them just yet. He took both of them to the Salvage room. He started with Nedd Bear and did the Normal test witch Nedd Bear past with flying colors.he put a spell on a wall so it was 1 way glass and he put Nedd Bear on the side that could see out and hear the conversation cause he was going to do something different with the new guy. Nedd Near powered on "ugh my head" Nedd Near said then he look around and saw Bryan sitting at the table with a black animatronic across from him. His eyes widened as he saw who it was "No No No no no no no..." he kept repeating as he watched.The mysterious animatronic turned on his eyes blood red."What is your name?" Bryan asked the new animatronic. "Why should I answer you" the animatronic asked sharply. "Cause I made you that suit so I can easily Destroy it and put you back with Nedd Bear" Bryan said in a harsh tone."Names Nightmare....".
Nightmare's POV
'This human really annoying' I thought as a answered the question. "How are you related to Nedd Bear?" He asked me next."simple he's my younger brother". The human seemed a little surprised. I watched as he checked something off the list. He asked me a few more questions before moving in to the next part of the test. He did the normal test on me. As he did the test I took a good look at him. He looked like a moody teen but he was more professional. Once the test was done I asked him "who are you and were am I?". He looked at me for a second before getting up "Names Bryan I'm the owner of the Pizzeria. There are other animatronics that I bought and take care of let's go I bet there going to be happy to see Nedd Bear and a new animatronic." I watched in shock as he snapped his fingers and the mirror on the wall disappeared to show Nedd Bear behind it. He followed Bryan keeping his distance from me but staying close to Bryan.'So Bryan is the person my younger brother likes eh. He seems nothing like what my brother explained him as.'
No ones POV
Bryan lead the way back to the main room were a few animatronics were waiting. Once they all saw nedd bear they cheered up."Nedd Bear!" Lefty called out and hugged his friend. Bryan leaned agents a wall as the others welcomed Nedd Near back. "We have a new animatronic" he said and the others looked at him in shock. Nightmare stepped out of the door way and everyone looked at him."This is Nightmare Nedd Bear's brother" Bryan said to the others introducing them to Nightmare."this is AI Afton,Baby,Helpy,Lefty, and Happy Frog" he pointed at each of the animatronics one by one. AI Afton just stared at Nightmare for a while and Nedd Bear didn't even look at him. Baby was the only one who would talk to Nightmare"Well welcome Nightmare I'm sure everyone will warm up to you eventually". Bryan walked out of the room while everyone was distracted and started doing work the only 2 to notice him leave were Molten and Nightmare. Nightmare followed him into the front part of the building. 'This is going to be fun' Nightmare thought as he disappeared into the shadows and followed Bryan home as Bryan brought the paper work with him.

 'This is going to be fun' Nightmare thought as he disappeared into the shadows and followed Bryan home as Bryan brought the paper work with him

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(Nightmare) I didn't choose the best background you cant see his ears 😂😅

(Nightmare) I didn't choose the best background you cant see his ears 😂😅

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(Nedd Bear)

(Editing in this took a while this part was also really fun to write.!)

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