Way back

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No ones POV
It was the next day around lunch time everyone was getting tiered of nedd bear and Jakes in and off fighting. Bryan stayed out of it not wanting to get in the middle everyone else was worried about him getting hurt again. They had played a mini game earlier today and Bryan was quite the hole time trying to think of a way to get back.all the animatronics noticed and at lunch they sat next to Bryan far away from the "humans" Bryan looked up to see all his friends even molten sitting around him looking worried.

Bri's POV
Bryan has been keeping his distance from use and I wonder why. The others say it's because of What happened but he has been doing that every sense he and his friends have got here. It was strange and it made me suspicious of him for some reason."What do you think there talking about?" She asked jake who was eating across from her. He shrugged his shoulders then gave me a look telling me he had his suspicions but wasn't going to talk about it right now. I nodded then started to eat like all the others.

Nedd bears POV
Bryan has been quite lately and everyone is worried even molten sense spring trap isn't watching anymore he has let loose a little."are you okay Bryan?" I asked.Bryan didn't respond he was lost in thought."Bryan" baby said the sighed."lefty do it" she said then lefty slapped Bryan. I watched in shock as Bryan stopped lefty's hand before he was hit in the face. "What" he said letting lefty's hand go and looking at the others."were worried you've been so silent lately." Baby said shocked about what happened."I was just thinking of a way back to Are dimensions and I think there is a way if you noticed there is this black pit under an empty cabin." He said pointing out the window to an empty cabin that on it one and lonely." My eyes went wide "I think your right but how would we test that out?" I asked I didn't want to get stuck in a put if Bryan was wrong."I have a way to test it out" he said then I watched ya he went out side and opened the cabin door. We all followed him shocked by what we saw.

No ones POV
Inside the floor was almost all gone leaving a hole like in the Pizzeria .Bryan took a rock then took out a paper he had. He then wrote something with mud on it and dropped it into the portal. Everyone waited a few minutes and while waiting the campmates came to see what they were doing.soon the rock came back and Bryan caught it it had a new note saying "it's a portal".Bryan and the animatronics sighed happily. They said there good byes and everyone jumped in it ways nedd bear and Bryan left."Hey Bryan" Bri said stepping forward. Bryan turned around "are you are Bryan?" She asked in a serious tone the other stood behind her with questioning looks.Bryan looked at her "Yes" he said falling back into the portal before Bri could grab him and stop him "Nooooo!" She said as he disappeared in the portal. The other la went around her and hugged her she was crying she just lost her brother again. Nedd bear jumped in following Bryan.when everyone was there Bryan refused to look at them and just say "I'm going home" Bryan just walked out and left. Molten left to update Springtrap. When the rest went into the main room they realized it had only been 3 hours.

Bryan exited the Pizzeria. He lifted up his face and it was the same but there was a big scar on it know and his eye was red.(I know it's "so original") "this must be from going back to my home world" he mumbled as he took his car and drove home.

Bryan's POV
I feel so much different after being back in this dimension and I don't know why. When I opened my door I didn't believe what I saw. I closed my eyes and rubbed them I reopened them and it was still there."Nope" I said then walked away to my room."maybe I've been to harsh on the animatronics maybe I should go back to normal"  I said with my old joy again. I took a shower and ate some food. After that I went to sleep and as I dreamed I dreamed of my home dimension.

(I wanted to make another part today but it's much shorter)

(Also cliff hanger on what he saw)

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