Little research

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Bryan had left the pizzeria about an hour ago. Many of the animatronics were still suspicious of him and others just didn't trust him. Nightmare,lefty, nedd bear and rockstar Freddy were in the main plaza. Rockstar Freddy was still angry about everything that has happened lately. Nedd bear was trying to find the positives in this like he always does but it was clear he was having a hard time with that . Nedd bear hasn't been the same sense what evil Bryan did to him. Lefty just seemed to be worried all the time now. Lefty has put him self up it to make sure all the animatronics are okay and make sure there coping well. Lefty himself hasn't he truly cared about Bryan and has been worried. Nightmare doesn't know what yo think at this point he didn't really know Bryan before he was evil. When Bryan hurt his brother something happened inside him that made him care and Nightmare just didn't know what to think about everything.

Bryan was in his room in the hotel he was trying to stay as far away form his animatronics as possible rockstar Freddy was already on top of him trying to get info and the others just didn't know what to do. "Ugh this look stinks I'm going to change it!" Bryan said as he went into the restroom and gave him self a hair cut and new clothes.

 "Ugh this look stinks I'm going to change it!" Bryan said as he went into the restroom and gave him self a hair cut and new clothes

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(I didn't really like his other look)

Once Bryan finished he looked in the mirror to see his new self. "Finally I don't have to look so light and professional" Bryan then laid down and went to sleep sense it was already almost 10:00 at night.

Nightmare and lefty were playing cards while nedd bear watched and reminded lefty how to play sensenlefty was trying to mix 5 games together. "Hey Nightmare" Rockstar Freddy said getting everyone's attention. "Ya?" Nightmare said he had a feeling he knew what rockstar Freddy was going to ask. "Sense your not as blacklisted as everyone else for some reason can you do a little bit of research into Bryan files?" Nightmare was corrected he had a feeling rockstar Freddy was going to ask this. Nightmare nodded and went into his software and started to look around

What nightmare found was a little scary...



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Ya I know it's short but I don't want to keep you anylonger

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