Told you so

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Camila's pov

I woke up still happy from tonight and immediately searched for Lauren. I rushed to her house but the sorceress wasn't there. Instead of her a hot girl with a rose tattooed on her arm was waiting impatiently.

"You've seen Jauregui?" She asked.

"No. I was actually going to ask the same." I got really nervous. What if Lauren's giving "personal lessons" to other girls not only to me? And that girl was so hot...but then a crying blonde appeared and hugged her tight.

"Pez, i told you it's gonna be okay. Please, Pez."

"What happened?" I wondered.

"She...shsheee" cried the poor girl.

"Shhh, Pez. Let me explain." She said and wiped her tears. "I'm Jesy and she's Perrie. Perrie was living with her girlfriend Jade but she disappeared."

"Jadey left me. Leigh is better than me."

"No, Pez. They're just friends. Trust me."

"And another stupid question who's Leigh?"

"My roommate who also disappeared." Explained Jesy.

"They went on that quest in the mountains south together. I should know what was happening..."

"Perrie, i'll stay by your side. It's gonna be alright. Trust me." Said Jesy and kissed Perrie's forehead ready to protect her at all costs. I felt the same way with Lauren...

"Wait! Where's Lauren?!" I panicked. "Was she on the quest with them?"

"No, she wasn't." Said Perrie with her ocean eyes full of tears but still bright and full of love.

"Guys, let's go get some food and then we'll investigate this case with the missing people." I suggested.

"Food, babe?" Asked Jesy cupping Perrie's face.

"Always!" She said and smiled for the first time. Her smile was so precious, she looked like a little sunflower.

"Ay, so les go."

"Girls! Trouble!" Screamed Rose rushing towards Lauren's cottage. "Tell Lauren! Immediately!"

Lauren's pov

I woke up in the dungeon under the castle. It was dimly lit by a few torches on the walls.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty!" His raspy loud voice made this place shake. I felt my wrists and ankles were in chanes. I could hardly move but that would never break my will.

"What do you want, bastard?!" I screamed.

"You know what i want, Lauren." In the light of his torch i could see his sly grin. He was in his human body now so it must have been daytime.

"I found the princess, my king." Announced his servant and my heart stopped for a second.

"Fool, that's not the princess!" Roared the cursed king when he saw the curly girl.

"What to do with her, my lord?" Murmured the ashamed servant.

"I don't care, tie her up next to the witch." Said he trying to calm down. "But keep on hunting or else..."

When he chained her next to me i could recognise her.


"Yes, Lo?"

"That's not funny, Pinnock!"

"Chill. Jadey's coming."

"I hope so. We should protect the princess at all costs."


"What are you two chatting about? Keep quiet!" Yelled the servant. "See, he's awake and hungry!"

Cold trills went down my spine. We're in trouble.


Note: sorry if you don't like that i put some more girl group characters. I only wanted to have more storylines and characters in order to make the story more interesting. Please don't hate me. X

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