Chapter 1

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~I changed the picture I had for Sam! I thought the other one was too older looking! This is the new Sam! She's 35 in my story!

~Glenn's POV~

The city was really quiet and lonely now a days, except for the few walkers that technicality own it. I usually go on runs by myself, which is easier. Today was one of them. I was searching at little grocery store outside Atlanta. The place was practically full. I was stuffing can food on my back pack when I heard light footsteps from inside the store. Curiosity got the best of me and I went to see what it was. I saw the slim figure of a woman. She had tan skin and long black hair from what I can see. She had a sword on her back, and gun on a holster attached to her belt, and a knife strapped to her thigh. She was stuffing can food and waters in her bag. She must of heard me because she turned around and pointed her sword at me. I didn't even see when she pulled it out.

"I'm not going to hurt you" I said as I put my hands up in surrender. She gave a cold glare, but she didn't say anything. "I'm just looking for supplies, okay? I'll be on my way"

She slowly put her sword down, but in a way she can still hurt me if she needed to.

"What's your name?" I asked her. I wasn't sure if she was going to answer, when we heard banging on the front doors.

"Shit" I whispered and stuffed random stuff in my backpack. We had to get out of here. I turned around to the woman to see her looking slightly outside the front window.

"What are you doing? we got to get out of here" I said as I looked for an exit. Once again before I think she can even answer the doors flew open. A heard of walkers came pilling in. I only had a knife and a gun and I didn't want to use my gun knowing it will only attract more. I had to start using my knife to defend myself. There were to many of them and I was getting cornered. I started thinking this will be the end of me, that u was gonna die. The walkers started going down becoming less and less. Once they were all gone the woman was standing there. Her sword in hand, which had walker blood on it. She had a slight worried look, but covered it up quickly with an emotionless face. She sort of reminded me of Daryl. Quiet and cold.

"Thank you, I have a group if you would like to come with me?" I asked her, we needed more people like her to protect camp. She only gave me a slight nodded before grabbing a few cans and putting them in her bag. She was very mysterious.

"What's your name?" I asked her. She looked at me before looking for something in her bag, she pulled out a purple journal. I gave her a confuse look as she wrote something down. She handed it to me so I can read it.

'My name is Sam, what's yours?'

I looked up at her after finish reading it. She must be mute or something.

"My name is Glenn, are you mute?" I asked her. She only nodded before grabbing the journal and stuffing it in her bag again.

"Oh well we should get going" I said and headed to the back door. I could hear her quiet footsteps behind me. I put my backpack on the back of the jeep that I borrow from Shane. Sam did the same and put her weapons there also. We soon drove back to camp. I would ask her questions, but she's going to have to write the answers down. Once we got to camp Shane came up to the jeep. He kept his eyes on Sam the whole time. He pulled me away for her for a private conversation.

"Who is she?" he asked a little pissed off. He moved his glare from her to me.

"She saved my life when the store I was in got over run by walkers" I told him. I was hoping he would let her stay. I wanted to find out more about her. He nodded and walked over to her, I walked after him.

"Thank you for helping Glenn out. You may stay if you like" Shane said politely. Sam nodded and smiled slightly at him.

"I'm deputy Shane Walsh, and you are?" Shane used his 'I'm a cop' move on her.

"Her name's Sam" I said right after him. He gave a look probably thinking it was rude I interrupted her. "she can't speak"

"Oh I'm sorry" Shane nodded. "why don't you take her around and introduce her to everyone. I'll get the supplies"

I nodded and waited for Sam as she went to get her bag and weapons. I walked over to Lori, Carol, Amy, and Jackie.

"Guys this is Sam. She's going to stay with us" I said and waved my hands at Sam. They all smiled and presented them selfs to her. We then walked over to T-Dog and Jim. After them I introduce her to Dale and Andrea. Then to the kids and the Morales family. We finally sat down after we finished. Daryl and Merle walked past us and toward their tents. Sam gave me a questioning look and nodded towards them.

"That's Merle and Daryl Dixon. They're brothers and aren't very nice. So try not to be on their way" As I finish saying that Merle walked over to me with a smirk.

"Hey, chink you get what I asked you to get?"

"Yes, Merle" I sighed and walked towards my tent and pulled out two packs of smokes. I sat down and handed them to him. He rip them out my hand and open them.

"Your welcome" I mumbled sarcastically. I didn't like being used by him, he was always been an ass to me.

"What did you just say?" He asked me pissed off. I gulped before answering.


"Are you sure about that?" He asked getting in my face. He pulled me up from my seat and threw me to the ground. He was about to punch me when someone caught his fist. Both of us looked at Sam, shock written on our faces. I'm pretty sure everyone had the same face as us. She gave him a cold death glare before shoving him back. Everyone was quiet as we saw what was happening. Merle brought his hand up as if to slap her, when a hand caught his wrist. Sam didn't even flinch as she glared at him.

"What the fuck Merle? what the hell are you doing?" It was Daryl as always stopping Merle from doing something stupid. Merle ripped his wrist out of his grasp and walked away pissed off, Daryl walking after him. I watched as they walked away and felt soft hands grab my arms and pull me up. Sam had a worried look on her face. Dale walked over to us.

"Son, are you okay?" he asked with a fatherly tone.

"Yea, thank you Sam" I smiled and pulled her into a hug. I felt her tense up a bit before hugging me back slightly. I pulled away and sat back down. She pulled her journal out and started writing on it.

'Is he always like that?'

"Yea, that's Merle. Daryl isn't as bad as he is though" I explained. She started writing on it again.

'Is he always like this to you?'

"He's like that to everyone" I sighed. She nodded. We sat there in silence until it was time for dinner. We all sat down around a fire. There were three different fires. Daryl and Merle had one to themselves, away from us. Carol, Sophia, and Ed had one. and the rest of us on the last. Sam sat next to me as we ate. She had her journal with her just in case. No one talked at all. As we were finish eating Sam wrote something and handed to Shane.

"There's room with Glenn. You can stay with him until we get you a tent" Shane looked at me. I smiled and walked over to them.

"Come on I'll take you to the tent" I said and waved my hand for her to follow me. My tent was a dark green one it had enough space for three people.

"I'll let you change" I said and waited outside. After a few minutes she popped out and nodded her head. She laid down with her back faced me and fell asleep quickly. I changed and laid down. I stayed up thinking for a while. She was mysterious. I have a feeling we're going to be good friends also. I have to get to know her more. I soon drifted off into sleep.

If I Got Rid of My Demons I would Lose My Angels (Daryl Dixon love story)Where stories live. Discover now