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We will now begin boarding passengers for Flight 1339 to South Korea. Economy class please step forward.

I slowly woke up from the booming voice. I approached the attendant with my boarding ticket. After the quick beep, she gave me a reassuring nod. "Have a great flight!" she said with a singsong tone. I placed my carry-ons into the overhead. Soon I found my seat and plopped down. I let out a sigh. What have I gotten myself into?

About a year ago my "uncle", Lee Soo-man, asked me to come to Seoul, South Korea. He insisted that I came over. I'm an American from Los Angeles with a  complex Vietnamese and Korean background. I'm an orphan, so I know very little of my roots and I now have to move away to live in a foreign country. I had to study how to speak Korean for 8 months prior to this trip. At least when I get there I'll have a job and a place to live. It's better than what I have currently.

As I continued daydreaming, two guys came towards my seat row. One of them tried to scoot in, but accidentally bumped into me with his butt.

"I'm so sorry!" He apologized in a deep Asian accent. He sat to my left and gave me an innocent smile. He looked good-looking as an Asian. Wait...Doesn't he look familiar to you? Have we met?

"It's fine." I smiled back. I looked over to my right to see the other Asian guy packing his things in the overhead compartment. His face looked kind of cute. I kept staring at his face, until he caught me staring. I felt my cheeks turning red. "Sorry for staring," I said embarrassed of what I had done.

"It's OK. Can I ask you a favor?" the beautiful guy asked. I just nodded my head slowly.

"Can my friend switch seats with you? He doesn't speak English well and I don't want him to worry. Is that OK?"

"Sure, no problem." He spoke, surprisingly, Korean with his fellow Asian. He and I switched spots. Easy Peesy.

"Thank you. And by the way, my name is Henry." He smiled and placed his hand out.

"My name is Chris. Nice to meet you! I hope you have a great flight." I took his hand and shook it. Dang was he cute. After our small conversation, the plane began to take off. The guy whom I switched seats with immediately grabbed a bag. As he unzipped the bag, tons of food fell out. They were all STRAWBERRY FLAVORED!!! I started to help pick the snacks up, eyeing which snacks were what. I gave it back to him. In response to my kindness, he gave me a thumbs up. I gave a quick smile as I dozed off to sleep.

~Henry's POV~

One week earlier.....

We were called to the boss' office. I hoped no one did anything stupid. When I walked in, it was only Donghaehyung. Is boss mad at out decision to go on the trip? He gestured me towards a seat.

"You are not in trouble or anything. I want you to do me a favor. I have a family member in the States. This person doesn't know very much Korean and will be on your return flight. Henry, since you speak English, you will escort my family member to Super Junior dorms. I gave them your number. This is all that I ask. Be on your best behavior." Boss explained. "Any Questions?"

Donghae hyung and I shook our heads and were dismissed out of his office. This is going to be interesting. I headed off to the dorms.

I might have forgotten to get us first class seats or called our private jet over. Oops! My bad. Donghae hyung kept complaining, so I bought him a whole bunch of strawberry flavored snacks to ease my punishment.

When we boarded the plane, I spotted a person sitting in our row. I gestured Donghae hyung to his spot. On his way to his seat, his butt unintentionally touched the person's face. I couldn't help but giggle at hyung's clumsiness.

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