3 Idiots and a Chef

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When we got to the supermarket, we split ourselves into two groups. It was Ryeowook and I and the others as another group. He wanted to learn how to make my surprise for them. We walked around gathering beef, vegetables, and other ingredients. We spent at least an hour finding everything. An hour later, we met up with the food maniacs.

"You said anything to pay for that is reasonable," Eunhyuk grinned showing me the cart. Donghae and Sungmin started giggling behind his back. He got a cart full of random assortments of strawberry flavored snacks! This is like heaven!

"A promise is a promise," I sighed as I headed towards the checkout lane. The price piled up high. Feeding all the members and the additional strawberry stash nearly swallowed up all the money Uncle gave me. I sighed as we brought all the food home back to the dorms. You're all killing me with spending my money. Mental note: See uncle tomorrow for job thingy.

We finally got home with tons of bags. Sungmin and Donghae unpacked all their goodies while Eunhyuk and Ryeowook helped me with dinner preparation.

Eunhyuk walked up to me while I was preparing the beef.

"Chris, I need to talk to you." Eunhyuk requested. I turned my face towards the dancing king. What I did was a big mistake. He had spit water all over my face. My face was dripping wet with H2O and his saliva. Seconds later, I grabbed his pants and pulled them out. I grabbed the closest thing to me which was iced water. I poured all of it in his pants. I soon let go of his pants and heard cries from him.

"What was that for?" Eunhyuk whined squirming around the ice and water.

"That's what you get for spitting water at me. Now get changed," I laughed.

After Eunhyuk got changed, I set him, Donghae, and Sungmin to work preparing what was left. Ryeowook was jotting down notes for my surprise for them. I hope they're going to like it!

Soon we heard the door open and the members started to file in.

"What's the delicious scent I smell?" Heechul asked motioning his hands to gather the scent towards his nostril.

"It's a surprise. Now get changed and hurry up for dinner," I commanded. Everyone left except for Ryeowook and I. We carefully placed everything. About 10 minutes later, everyone was in their seats staring at the cloche above their food. I found them while looking around the kitchen.

"Ready?" I asked anxiously.



"WAIT!" I heard Kyuhyun shout. Everyone paused to look at Kyuhyun. I heard several tummy rumbles.

"Your hyungs are hungry. Hurry up! I want to eat!"shouted Heechul annoyed.

"What if it's a prank? Another one like the chocolates," Kyuhyun snapped.

Everyone turned their heads to look at me. I placed my hands up in surrender like I was being arrested.

"I was with him the entire time. Just eat," Ryeowook interjected. One by one they lifted the cloches up. Their eyes lit up. Henry dug into it first, slurping every noodle.

"What is this? It's so tasty!" Henry asked in English.

"Its pho. A Vietnamese dish. Since I'm part Korean and Vietnamese, I wanted to share this with you guys. It's also a prize for surviving my pranks so far. Anyways I'm tired. Night" I answered back in English and walked to my room.

~Eunhyuk's POV~

Henry and Chris were talking in English while we were eating. When Chris walked away, I nudged Henry's arm.

"What did he say?" I asked. Henry translated their conversation for me. Hmm so he's part Korean and Vietnamese. Interesting. His cooking skills are quite professional.

I continued eating. About a half hour later, we played rock paper scissors. I lost...T.T I washed the mountain of dishes as fast as I could.

"Did Chris eat today?" I asked Fishie. He stood there thinking for a moment and shook his head. HE COOKED US FOOD AND HASN'T EATEN! I quickly stood up and sprinted towards the kitchen. I made the quickest thing I can think of.....a sandwich...with a fried chicken leg. I grabbed a few strawberry snacks he bought us and rushed it towards his room. I slowly crept into his room and shook him.

"Eunhyuk shi~, what do you want?" Chris moaned slowly getting up.

"Here's something to eat. Don't starve yourself. And call me hyung or Hyukkie. You make me sound like an old man," I handed him the food I "prepared". He took it with a smile and started eating. I sat on his bed studying his room, and glancing at him a few times as he ate. I noticed a picture on his dresser. I got up and grabbed it.

" Who's this?" I asked pointing at the framed photo. They were like a couple. They were hugging each other cheek to cheek. Why does the girl look familiar?

"It's my close friends. That one is Neal," he said with his mouth full.

"Who's the girl? She looks similar to the cute girl we saw at the gym," I looked at Chris. She looks kind of like you.

Chris stopped eating. "She's Jackie. You'll meet her soon," he grinned. "Can you take the plate back to the kitchen please? And thanks."

"Sure. ^^Thank you for the delicious pho. It was yummy! ^^" I said.

"Oh wait. Hyung~. Can you wake me up tomorrow with you guys? My uncle wants to see me at the SM building," Chris requested.

"Sure," I gave a quick smile and slowly closed the door. I think I'm going gay...possibly.

~Jackie's POV~

I placed the photograph back on my dresser. I grabbed my phone and sent a quick text thanking Neal for the smart idea with the food. I crawled back into bed and fell asleep. Time to see uncle soon.

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