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𝐈 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐘𝐛𝐲 -𝐬𝐞𝐛𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧

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𝐛𝐲 -𝐬𝐞𝐛𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧

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          LUCY awoke to several knocks on their hotel door. She heard MJ groan from her own bed before mumbling something for the person to go away. Rubbing her eyes, Lucy sat up and glanced at the digital clock. It was nearing one in the morning.

She shuffled out of her bed and made her way groggily to the door. She opened it, and Nick Fury stood in front of her. Behind him, she noticed Peter pop his head up, eyes round.

"Mr. Fury?" She asked quietly, still in a daze. She was instantly shushed by Peter before gestured to come out. Lucy looked down, in her pyjamas before back up at the two in question.

"Get changed, bring your suit, then meet me in the lobby," Peter said, barely audible by her. She nodded before slowly shutting her door.

Moving so she didn't make any noise, Lucy listened for MJ's breathing. It came out slow, relaxed and rhythmic; signs showing she was asleep again.

She used her phone's flashlight—with her finger over it to not make it as bright—to gather her clothes and her suit. Lucy changed with her suit underneath before slipping out of the room

"So what's this all about?" Lucy yawned, coming down the steps into the lobby.

Nick looked between the two teens; Peter was wide-eyed, alert, and eager while Lucy looked drained, tried and not impressed with her being awakened at such a late hour. He frowned before turning and walking away. "Follow me."

Nick led the two outside, where a small boat was waiting. "Get in," he commanded, stepping on and sitting in the driving seat.

Peter and Lucy glanced at one another before loading themselves on. Nick started the boat and sputtered off.

When they were a few yards away from any houses, Nick finally spoke; "Stark left these for you."

"Really?" Peter questioned, grabbing a small case Nick offered. He sat on the floor of the boat with Lucy's head on his thighs. Opening the case, it was one of Tony's many pairs of sunglasses.

Lucy blinked a few times, fidgeting with her mask between her hands. She lifted her head slightly from Peter's lap, before dropping it back down and closing her eyes.

"Uneasy lies the that wears the crown." Nick quoted before looking up, "Stark said you wouldn't get that because it's not a Star Wars reference."

          NICK led the two to an underground area. He looked back at Peter who still wore his hat. "Lose the mask. Everyone here's seen you without it. You'd only be feigning and imitating in red and blue spandex for no good."

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