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𝐈 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐘𝐛𝐲 -𝐬𝐞𝐛𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧

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𝐛𝐲 -𝐬𝐞𝐛𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧

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"I can't believe I gave Beck those stupid glasses." Peter hissed at himself, closing the curtains to the windows in his room. "I mean, how can I be that stupid? He's probably spying on my right now or sending a drone to come and kill me or Lucy."

"You had access to killer drones?" MJ asked in disbelief, watching Peter move around his room quickly.

"Yeah, I didn't really want them especially after I almost killed Brad." Peter mumbled back, typing at his computer before shutting it.

"You almost killed Brad?"

"Look," Peter sighed, looking down at his phone. "I have to call Mr. Fury and tell him that Beck's a fraud, but...I think he tapped my phone."

"Okay, so what are you doing to do?" MJ asked, stepping closer to Peter.

"I need my suit, and I have to go to Berlin with Lucy." He moved to his suitcase, throwing the black suit onto his bed. "And I have to talk to Mr. Fury in person."

Peter ripped off his sweater, flinging it onto the ground before swiftly removing his shirt. Realizing MJ was still there, he paused with wide eyes. MJ blinked, turning away. "Oh! Sorry,"

He moved quickly, suiting up with MJ standing awkwardly there. MJ moved her eyes, catching Ned in the door. Ned blinked, glancing at Peter.

"Oh, Ned." Peter flipped up his eyepiece. "Perfect."

"Uh, nice costume, Peter. For the costume party...at the princess castle—"

Peter gestured at MJ. "She knows. Lucy and I told her."

MJ shook her head. "They didn't tell me. I figured it out. Like a long time ago."

"Look, Mysterio is a fraud," Peter informed.

"But, he saved me and Betty's lives..." Ned blinked, shaking his head.

"No, he's been faking the whole thing with illusion tech." MJ corrected.

"Yeah, he's using these, like, hologram projectors."

"Whoa. That's...crazy." Ned said hesitantly before narrowing his eyes. "So have you guys been working this case together, or?"

"It's been mostly me." MJ shook her head again, acting smug.

"Look, Ned, I need you to call May and Lucy's mom and get them both to call Mr. Harrington. Say that May wanted me to stay with family in Berlin with Lucy until this whole thing blows over, and that Ms. Green is okay with that. Okay?"

Ned nodded, giving a thumbs up. "Done. Easy."

"Wow, you two lie with such ease." MJ commented, looking between the two.

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