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𝐈 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐘𝐛𝐲 -𝐬𝐞𝐛𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧

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𝐛𝐲 -𝐬𝐞𝐛𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧

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MJ and Lucy entered the theatre side by side, and Brad tapped on both of the girls' shoulders. "I'll save you two a seat, okay?"

In response, they both nodded stiffly. MJ pursed her lips as Peter approached them from behind.

"You guys look really nice," Peter said with a small smile, gripping his backpack strap that contained both of his and Lucy's new suits.

"And therefore, we have value?" MJ returned, holding her jacket. Lucy chuckled at her, quickly looking over MJ floral dress—which she thought MJ looked beautiful in.

"N-No!" Peter blurted, his eyes widened. "No, that's not what I meant at-at all! I was just—"

"I'm messing with you." MJ smiled before looking at Lucy. "I thought you said Peter liked joking around."

"Yeah, he does." Lucy sighed with a half-smile. She looked back up at MJ "He just doesn't know when to pick his moments."

MJ nodded, glancing over her shoulder when Betty piped up about the theatre glasses provided. She turned to Lucy, "Wanna go in on a pair? Or were you already sharing with Peter...?"

"Are you both in position?" Nick suddenly asked on their comms, making the two teen's faces change.

Peter touched his ear. "No."

MJ blinked with a sudden frown, slightly taken back that Peter had answered for Lucy. "Oh. Okay..."

"Wyhy the hell not?"

"—No as in ou guys don't wanna sit next to me? Or you just don't wanna share a pair of glasses?" MJ glanced down at her feet, embarrassed. This made Lucy frown in guilt. She lightly touched her arm, making MJ look back up.

"I'm sure Peter will survive if I don't do something with him for one night. MJ, I'd love to share a pair with you. You go ahead and grab seats, and I'll get our glasses. Okay?"

MJ offered a timid smile again before nodding and walking down the aisle. When their friend was a safe distance away, Peter and Lucy frowned at one another before ducking their heads.

"We just got to the theatre, we're leaving now," Lucy whispered as Peter stopped Ned.

"We gotta go," Peter informed, making Ned glanced between the two. "Can you tell MJ that Lucy got sick or something? Like maybe she got food poisoning?"

"Okay. Be careful. And guys, whatever you do, please steer the monster away from the opera house."

Lucy narrowed her eyes. Peter gave Ned a look, "Yeah, Ned. we know. Okay?"

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