Ch. 9 The New Visitor

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Okay so I was trying to find out what Todoroki said in the picture but I only found out he said lovers in one of the photos, so I didn't catch all of it, but I bet you can figure out the rest!

*Todoroki's POV*

I couldn't wait till Saturday, but it felt so long away, so every second I got more excited, because it got a second closer, but it still felt really long.

"Ugh, I just want Saturday to come!"

'Maybe if I can get my mind off of it, it'll today will come by faster!'

So I thought of something to do, but couldn't think of anything, my mind was to set up on Saturday.


*Ring Ring*



"Momo? Hey um, your kinda hurting my ears so, can you not tell?"

"Sorry, I'm just really happy on what happened,"

"Yeah, so what happened?"

"Okay so you know that I said I'd be going shopping today?"

"Yeah, what about it, if you found an outfit, and it's the greatest thing ever, just know that you might find a better one later,"

"Yeah whatever, but I just saw my favorite model of all time!"

"Oh, that one person, you like always talk about?"

"Yeah! I saw her just randomly going to the mall,"

"Did you say hi?"

"Obviously, I asked her so many questions, and-"

"Don't you think that's kinda rude?"

"Well, she wanted to talk to me, she said that my style of clothes was great,"

"Oh, then okay,"

"Well I just wanted to tell you that, but I have to go I'm still want to talk to her, I told her I had to go to the bathroom,"

"Okay, bye,"

I ended the call, but now I was back to being bored, I didn't know what to do, I don't really have anyone to talk to.

*Ring Ring*

'Oh my gosh, are you actually seriously,'


"Hey Todoroki!"

"Umm, who are you? And how did you get my number?"

"It's me, kirishima, you know, Bakugō's friend,"

"Oh, you, why are you talking to me? You never talk to me,"

"Well remember when you asked if I hated you?"

"Oh, well yeah, that wasn't too long ago, I don't think,"

"Well I answered told you I couldn't answer, and it was because we barely even talk,"

"Um, yeah, why are you talking about this, I mean you already gave me an answer,"

"Well, I want to try and become friends, can we meet up tomorrow at one at the café?

"Umm sure?"

"Okay, cool, see you then!"

I ended the call, once again, "huh, never thought Kirishima would want to be friends,"

I looked at the clock, "it's already 10:54? I guess I'll just go to sleep,"

I climbed into bed, and I just went to sleep, I went to sleep really fast, almost forgetting about Saturday.


I woke up, and got ready, meaning, getting dressed and eating breakfast, and ended up to 10, but after that I got real bored waiting, I didn't know what to do til around one, so I ended up falling asleep.


I woke up, looked at the time, "oh?" I figured I'd just be on my way, being real early is better than being late.

When I got there it was 12:32, which meant I had to wait another 30mins, for Kirishima.

"Oh hey Todoroki, your here early,"

"Oh, yeah, I was bored, and your also here early,"

"Yeah, I was bored too, I just figured I'd wait for you at the café, I guess I kinda figured you'd be here early,"

"Yeah, so is this all we're doing?"

"No, I wanted to train with you,"

"Why not Bakugō like usual?"

"Well, you should always take on different aponents, not the same people, because you'll never become better,"

"Oh? Where'd you hear that, I doubt you'd be the one to think that,"

"Oh, um I heard it from, All Might,"

"Well, I guess that makes more sense, well are we training now, or?"

"Oh, yeah, let's go!"

After, we trained together, it kind of felt as if we were close, but after awhile, Bakugō came.


"Why did you ask Bakugō to come?"

"Well I figured, it be better if there were three people, then two!"

"Oh, well what time is it?"

"It's only 5, why?"

"Oh, then I have to go, I forgot to do something yesterday,"

"Oh, where do you have to go?" Bakugō said.

"Um, I forgot to visit my Mother,"

"You, do you always go and visit your Mother Saturday?"

"Yeah, and for some reason, it slipped my mind yesterday,"

I ran off, and then I realized, when I finally slowed down, Bakugō was right behind me, "Hey, Todoroki, you don't mind if I come along right?"

"Do you even realize you're saying my name?"

"This time I said it on purpose, yes,"

"Okay, well, I don't know if you should come, I don't think my Mother likes visitors,"

"Well, you met my mom, I would like to meet yours,"

"Umm, okay then,"

We walked to the hospital, "well, here we are,"

"She's in a hospital?"

"Yeah, I thought I told people?"

"You didn't tell me, you probably told Midoriya, when you guys were friends,"

"Yeah, well let's go,"

I asked to see my mother, and we walked to the room.

I knocked on the door and waited for a response, but didn't didn't get one, so I just opened, "Mother?"


"Hey, I brought a friend of mine, that wanted to meet you, if that's okay,"

"Oh, you're making friends? I'm so glad,"

"Um introduce each other?"

"I'm Katsuki Bakugō," he had his hands cross, he was acting like he didn't want to come.

"Oh, hello, I'm Rei Todoroki,"

Okay so when it comes to Japanese introductions I'm horrible at it, and I didn't really know what to do in this chapter so it was kinda random, and yeah, oh I can make chapters because I ended up getting a new phone instead of fixing my phone, so yeah!

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