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"Daisy! Over there, that warehouse!"
Godzooky, who only had his head pop out of a pocket, shouted out. The building he pointed at was shorter than the other buildings. It was old, and it looked like a warehouse. To Mechagodzilla, who already knew what was going on inside the warehouse, she knew something fishy was happening.
She ran between the spaces of the buildings, like a sewing motion, and she kicked the building wall, then kicked another wall, jumping between building to building.
Today, there was a drug trafficking ring in a warehouse on the outskirts of the city. The Land of Monsters had given her orders to raid the warehouse, and to report back once she's captured all the rogues involved.
While kicking the walls of the building, Mechagodzilla's body twirled halfway in mid-air.
The wind blowing between the buildings hit her cheeks. Her hair, her outfit, her metallic decorations, all were struck by the wind's breeze. She looked at the building, pointing her finger in the opposite direction,
"Alright, let's do it! MECHA BEAAAAAM!"

Kaiju Girls, granted power by the Land of Monsters, for the sake of the world and its people, and maybe just a little bit for themselves, these so-called 'kaiju users' use their powers. Their physical abilities go beyond the limits of humans, defying the laws of physics entirely. These abilities are called 'Power'.
Since ancient times, there were religious miracles, heresy, alchemy, satanism, fairy tales, and many more. All of them were a form of power. There were numerous kinds of forces that used these kinds of miracles. For the sake of influence and world peace, the Land of Monsters, the utopia of dreams and fantasies, in recent years, has cooperated to create a revolutionary subculture known as Kaiju Girls.
Gentle, Beautiful, Brave of Heart, and never giving up, in order to protect humanity. That concept was widely spread, many girls admired Kaiju Girls, many boys admired them too, together, many allies were made, laying the foundation for training potential collaborators with the Land of Monsters.
Without revealing themselves, Kaiju Girls have become tightly rooted in society, it's rare for their activities to leak out. Rare, though also equally seldom, or so they say.
Although accidents do happen, in those cases, the Land of Monsters gracefully attempts to process those accidents down, that is to say, the person's memory and administrative records wouldn't be wiped.
Instead of accidents, they became advertisements.
Some Kaiju Girl activities, following some adaptations and corrections, will often be announced as Anime or Manga. There were many people who benefited from the Land of Monsters in the human world, and surprisingly, there were many people who worked for the Land of Monsters in the human world as well. A lot of them worked for production companies and television studios.
To the general public, they would enjoy these productions without ever realizing they were based on true events, to the Kaiju Girls that knew, they became proud of their accomplishments and strove to do more.
One such work was the TV Anime Project Mechagodzilla, that aired several years ago.
It was about a Kaiju robot girl that was built from the Land of Metalinetics who came to study in modern-day Japan as a middle school girl, causing a huge controversy. Normally, she was just a middle school student who didn't have anywhere to go, but if there was trouble, she would transform into Mechagodzilla. Together with her mascot, Godzooky, they defeated villains, and helped people in the name of justice. But no one was allowed to discover her real identity. If they were to ever discover her identity, Mechagodzilla would be deported back to the Land of Metalinetics.
The Anime Project Mechagodzilla was based on the activities of a real Kaiju Girl. The setting of a robot from the Land of Metalinetics who studied abroad, those parts were fake, but other than that, a lot of her activities were reproduced rather faithfully.

A dog was howling somewhere.
A drunkard was sleeping in the middle of the road. Smells of persimmon.
"Whasshamatta!? Ffuck off!"
Although his words were full of cursing, he was only half-awake. Searching through the man's leather bag, there was a license from his wallet. She checked his address, carried the drunkard, and headed for that address.
The drunkard was laid down in front of the door, and the doorbell was rung.
His wife will probably show up.
"What are you doing home this late!? What happened to you?" A middle-aged woman was shouting as she opened the door. Mission accomplished. However, she's only helped one person today. The day's not over yet, and there could still be others. Next, the downtown area, she patrolled there. Looking for trouble, but finding nothing. After checking everything one by one, finally, the girl arrived home.
To head downtown, a frequent patrolling area, it would only take 15 minutes by train from the university. From the university, it's 4 stops, then a 5 minute walk to the one-story apartment, located in a quiet residential area, almost like a tenement house. In the apartment, there was the room of one Kiku Yakumo.
Barely thicker than a veneer, it would probably crumble apart if someone were to hit it. The toilet is a public one, shared Japanese-style, and the bath is also communal. Then there's the landlord, a person with an inferiority complex who just spouts out endless rumors. The only good points are the rent. It was cheap.
"I'm home!"
It was a force of habit. Kiku shouted out to an empty room.
Since the walls aren't soundproof at all, the neighbors are going to hear her shouting. They'd probably think she's a lonely woman.
She was a lonely woman.
She took out 2 pieces of xylitol gum from a plastic case and placed it in her mouth. She threw the tote bag she used for school on the folded futon. Then she sat down besides them.
I feel sick.
Her body fell back, supported by her two arms.
As a middle school student, it couldn't be helped that Mechagodzilla's daily activities were always filled with so much fun and joy. By the time she became a high school student, she began to be assigned bigger and important cases as well, and then the mascot character, Godzooky, had to return to the Land of Monsters. The tears that they shed when they separated could fill gallons worth.
However, it wasn't all bad, they were always able to text each other with her Kaiju Phone, that was back at the time when Project Mechagodzilla was still airing. She doesn't know exactly what kind of connections the Land of Monsters
has with this world. All she knew was that her activities as Mechagodzilla were always reproduced.
It wasn't that popular, but it wasn't too bad, it was good enough to get two more seasons and an OVA. As a Kaiju Girl, Kiku would always work hard in her patrols, and while doing that, she'd grin as she looked at various bulletin boards, and checking mail-order sites for sales of the Anime.
Then she became a college student.
Her university level is roughly middle ground. If she studied harder, she might've been able to get in a better university, but for Kiku, who always prioritized her activities as a Kaiju Girl, there wasn't enough time to study. Training, patrols, vanquishing evil. Kaiju Girls are Kaiju Girls, so none of them could be ignored.
She started to drift away from her middle and high school friends, in university, she didn't really have any friends. It's not uncommon that Kiku would leave and come home silently.
Her residential environment was under recession. There's not much spare time for Kaiju Girl activities. Her parents lived in a small town factory, and because of the recession, she's always working like her life depended on it. She just wanted to get some kind of pay.
Her clothes were all brought from mass-retailers. Even then they weren't brought recently.
She doesn't know how to put on make-up.
She didn't have any qualifications. She didn't have a license.
She didn't think it was necessary as a Kaiju Girl, she thought that was fine. While she faced hardships in the dark, she'd work hard on her activities on the surface. That was the kind of heroine that Kiku was.
However, recently, she's been wondering if that was really okay. Her life as a heroine wasn't as gorgeous as her middle school life. Helping people in secret, doing it carefully so that no one would know she was there. Supporting websites in order to raise awareness of Kaiju Girl activities, all those things wore her down one way or another. Hiding, lurking, no one could praise her, no one could directly thank her, yet she continued doing those activities while hiding in plain sight.
Maybe she could've studied more. Maybe she could've spent time to play. Maybe she could be wearing fancy clothes, or be asked out by a boy. She's never been to karaoke before. She wanted to try bowling too. What would her future be like? How long would she become a Kaiju Girl?
She always had those thoughts as she worked hard to help people.
It seems it's started to rain. The sound of the raindrops hitting the ceiling boards started to be heard. It's an unpleasant sound, symbolizing the struggle of life. She sighed. Once again, her Kaiju Phone rang. It was the Project Mechagodzilla OP theme. Text message ringtone.
Was it one of Godzooky's grumpy text messages? Or was it an emergency from the Land of Monsters? She stood on her knees on top of the Tatami mat and grabbed her Kaiju Phone.
"Monster Girl... Raising Project?"
She's heard of this before. It was that social game from a while back... Was this an advertisement for the game? Was it some kind of prank? She quickly tried to delete it.
It couldn't be deleted. Is the touch panel broken? She pressed it strongly, but there was no response. Just as Kiku's phone ignored her presses, it started to operate on its own. The screen continued to slide through some explanatory text. Finally, it arrived at the bottom of the mail.
Well then. Let's begin the game, shall we?
The text began shining brightly with a variety of colors, Kiku stared at its glaring light.

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