Master's Side: part 5

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There was no response to Spacegodzilla's call.
The inside of the room was quiet. The Kaiju Phone had no power and wasn't moving. A small smile began appearing on Spacegodzilla's face. It was close to a bitter kind of smile.
She reached out for her Kaiju Phone, stopping just before she grabbed it, adjusted her glasses, and balanced them on her ears.
"I'm constantly fixing these things, aren't I~? By the way, why won't you answer, Godzilly?"
In contrast to the glowing monitors in the room, the Kaiju Phone was still silent.
"Are you betraying your Master? Oh, I feel hurt. Well, I actually don't mind!"
"Because I even took you into consideration, Godzilly. Did you know? Even if they say that Cyber Lizards are perfectly fine, the G.O.D. series has a defect in its security systems. Since a patch was released, defective ones shouldn't be circulating anymore, but Godzilly, you haven't been patched yet, you see? That's why I know you still have the possibility of betraying your Master. One of your seniors was also quite the outrageous guy, wasn't he? He just wanted to see 16 Kaiju Girls kill each other, and he even suggested it to his Master... didn't he? Compared to him, you're such a sweetheart, Godzilly. Against your Master's commands, you reported me to the Land of Monsters. Naturally, you would, wouldn't you? You even tried to convince me, putting yourself as the one to be blamed..."
The door to her room was violently kicked down. From there, a Moth Kaiju Girl was standing. Spacegodzilla smiled at the Moth Kaiju Girl, inviting her in with her rolled up sleeves.
"Welcome to my world. It's nice to meet you, Mothra."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2019 ⏰

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