Master's Side Part 1

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The classroom was covered in flames.
In this old wooden school building, there were no sprinklers to put out the fire. Instead, there was plenty of fuels for the flame. Desks and chairs, bookshelves and wallpapers, windows and frames, all melted under the raging inferno.
Everything was illuminated in bright red, and a poisonous black smoke surrounded the room. It was hell on earth. Two girls were facing each other.
One was a red girl. Flaming hair, and dressed in a red one-piece dress similar to the flames. She had the fury of anger and passion burning in her. Her face was wild like a beast. She positioned her fists lightly in front of her, her posture slightly lowered.
The other was a orange girl. She was dressed in a insect dress, like a moth uniform. She had moth decorating her outfit and her hair. She had a weapon that looked like a Naginata. In contrast to the fiery red girl, this girl's face was emotionless.
The red girl moved first. She bent her knees from her low posture. She extended her legs to attack the Moth Kaiju Girl. It would've been a feint, but the Moth Kaiju Girl knew the attack was coming, she blocked it with her Naginata.
A second attack, a third attack. All of them were blocked by the handle of her Naginata. When the fourth attack came, the Moth Kaiju Girl swiftly slashed the Red Kaiju Girl's leg with her Naginata.
The Red Kaiju Girl's foot was cut. Blood was drawn, and flown across the room. She screamed in pain.
The Red Kaiju Girl breathed fire out of her mouth. It should've been a surprise attack, but the Moth Kaiju Girl rotated her Naginata and spun it with extreme speed, while still having that blank expression. The flames dispersed in the winds created by the Naginata.
A Naginata seems like a heavy weapon, but in the hands of a Kaiju Girl, it was as light as a feather. The Moth Kaiju Girl moved it with such fine precision, as if it were an extension of her body.
The Red Kaiju Girl screamed again and dived into the raging inferno, disappearing into the flames.
After a moment, the flames behind the Moth Kaiju Girl took on a human form, then finally settled into the form of the Red Kaiju Girl. The Moth Kaiju Girl should have been blindsided. However, just like before, she knew the attack was coming. The Moth Kaiju Girl lowered her head, the once again, the Red Kaiju Girl's kick missed.
The Red Kaiju Girl burst her body into flames and melted into the inferno ahead.
The expression of the Moth Kaiju Girl hasn't changed. She twirled her Naginata and stabbed it on the wooden floor. Then, she pulled out something from a small bag. The red flames were smothered with gray smoke. The item she pulled out... was a Fire Extinguisher.
She pulled the pin. She sprayed the ceiling, the entire floor, and under the desks. All of them sprayed and extinguished.
Something fell from the ceiling with a yelp. When the Moth Kaiju Girl looked, she saw her. Red hair, red clothes, but everything was covered with foam. It was the Red Kaiju Girl. The Red Magical Girl had a mixture of fear, tears, foam, and agony on her face.
The Moth Kaiju Girl approached her slowly. She raised the fire extinguisher, then she swung it downwards. She repeatedly smashed it on the Red Kaiju Girl five times. Finally, the Red Kaiju Girl stopped moving. The Moth Kaiju Girl threw away the extinguisher. She looked down towards the Red Kaiju Girl. Her expression was still unchanged.
The video ends there.
The pointer moved. The video player and browser were closed. Each time, a click noise sounded. Finally, the PC was shut down. Because the PC was the only light in the room, it fell into darkness. Dark room, a moldy smell, and finally, a voice.
"And so the villain was arrested... Ah, Mothra was so cool, wasn't she?"
The voice of a satisfied girl. Her age seemed to be as high as the mid-teens.
"Although Flame Flamey was a Kind Girl with high combat skills, but against Mothra, it was child's play! It's as if Mothra knew every move that girl was going to make before she did it! Heheee!"
It sounded like high pitched sobbing, but this girl's voice was full of joy.
"She really is as cool as I thought... No villainous Kaiju Girl can escape from the Kaiju Girl Hunter, Mothra! 'Only the strong should become Kaiju Girls', what kind of selfish reason did Flamey concocted to justify killing? Kaiju Girls should be HEROES OF JUSTICE! HIYAH! HAH!!!"
The sound of crashing noises could be heard in the background.
"Of course, Kaiju Girls need strength, that's fairly obvious. But they're also kind, beautiful, filled with compassion, friendship, dedication, and all those other things!"
"Well, yes... Certainly that's true. I still think that's a strength in itself, Pon"
The voice that responded to the girl was high-pitched like a child. Shrill. But the tone of the voice was calm.
"I know... My mentor taught me that much. Just being strong doesn't qualify you for a Kaiju Girl! We don't need more Kaiju Girls who are only looking to get stronger! Kaiju Girls who kill each other are also out of the question! That includes Kaiju Girls chosen by Killing Games..."
It seems the girl's voice was getting heated.
"...That's why, I'm going to help Mothra."
Said the girl in a cold, hard voice.

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