Chapter 1: Hello Mecha!

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When working as a Kaiju Girl, there's a possibility that they would be seen by humans. Therefore, covert actions were encouraged, but if it's a child, then they usually wouldn't think of Kaiju Girls as something out of the ordinary, so even though it wasn't recommended, there was some implicit consent involved.
This summer was a huge one, at a park in the late afternoon, the asphalt was likely to soften with the heat. The cicadas were crying out, wives were whispering gossip all around.
People were waiting for their mothers' jobs to be over. There was a young girl, about kindergarten age, avoiding the sunlight by crouching in the shades. On her right hand was a thin white string, attached to a bright red balloon with a pharmacy logo printed on it. That red balloon was illuminated through the sunlight, it drifted slowly in the air.
Suddenly, a huge gust of wind started blowing. The girl instantly gripped the string in her right hand, while also trying to protect her eyes from the gust. But then, the string slipped out of her hands,
"Ah!" She looked towards the sky. The balloon slowly floated up towards the blue skies above. The girl's expression turned from surprise to a crying face.
Out of nowhere, a Kaiju Girl quickly grabbed the balloon by jumping up high with a smile. She looked around to make sure that no adults were around, if it's a child she's helping, it always makes her smile.
"Thank you so much!" said the girl, thanking the Kaiju Girl with a smile,
"Wow... you're so pretty!" said the girl, enchanted by the Magical Girl's beauty.
Although the Kaiju Girl, Megalon, was having a conversation with the girl, she was also making sure no mothers were around to see her. She wanted to quickly get back into hiding. A Kaiju Girl's costume stands out, daytime activities can be frightening, so she had to be quick and agile, these were the basics of a Kaiju Girl's daytime activities.
That's right, for Meg Tatehara, being transformed into a beautiful girl was a more serious matter to her than her Kaiju Skill or physical abilities. You could say it was 70% of the reason why she transformed into a Kaiju Girl.
Meg hates her appearance. She thought she had far too many moles, she thought her nose was too high, she thought her breasts weren't properly aligned, she thought her fingertips were too thick, she thought her legs bended outwards, like bow-leggedness, and that her knees don't fit her. She was short, even though she drank a lot of milk, and she thought her eyes could be bigger.
Although she was never called ugly, she was never considered cute or beautiful either. Everyone around her avoided mentioning much about Meg's appearance. It may seem close to paranoia, but it does feel that way.
Ever since middle school, she's avoided standing out. She's tried to be as average as possible. Even though she wasn't good at much, she wasn't bad at much either, that was the kind of position she wanted to be in.
She's never thought of this as a bad thing. She could easily be inconspicuous. She played games and took photo booths in forbidden arcades, in book clubs, she'd often read books that were shunned or bad, after school, she'd wear mascara, she could do something that was considered weird or bad and still have a little fun.
However, there was something she couldn't do.
In the baseball team, there was a boy who was the team's ace, Ninomiya-Kun. With the number four on his jersey. In the future, he'll surely become a professional league player, the scouts were already looking towards his outstanding skills. His personality was a little sloppy, his hobbies were eating, sleeping, and baseball, his height and weight were far from an average middle school student, often giving him a fearful impression at first glance, but he does like to talk, and smiles quite often. The girls who were fascinated by his smile and baseball skills weren't just limited to the school. Neighboring middle schools, high schools, and even college students came to cheer during practice.
Meg has heard a lot about Ninomiya-Kun's biggest fans. Meg was different from many of those people, because she was a pure baseball fan who enjoys how he plays. Especially when his slides reach an almost demonic level. Those were the reasons in her heart.
After practice is over, many of his fangirls offered him towels, candied sugar lemons, or water-filled cans. They understood each other, the order that they approached him was determined by appearances, they decided based on who they think is the prettiest amongst each other.
If Meg pushed off everyone here and got close to Ninomiya-Kun now, then she'd be the talk of the school the next day. Rumors would happen, and she'd be excluded from everything. Then her entire middle school life will be nothing but darkness.
But Meg didn't want to be Meg. She wanted to be like an idol or a model. Nobody ever talked to Meg about it, or maybe they didn't want to talk to Meg about it.
She wanted to approach Ninomiya-Kun. She wanted him to eat the lunch that she worked so hard to make. In order to do that, she needed to become someone who isn't herself. For Meg, who rarely saw herself as beautiful, she jumped at the chance of becoming a Kaiju Girl, she passed through her test as if her life depended on it, and Meg became the Kaiju Girl known as Megalon.
And now. She took a deep breath as she saw her figure in the mirror. It's not like the sighs she used to do before.
Her nose bridge was gently stretched, and her skin was fair and fine. Her eyes were big and emitted a powerful look, while she didn't care about her eyebrows, they made beautiful curves. Her fingertips are supple, thin, and in good shape. Her breasts were aligned properly, this was more like the ideal image Meg was always thinking about. Even her legs, which she thought were distorted, have stretched in the correct shape.
She laughed, it sounded nice. She twirled around. She posed. Her every movements were adorable.
Although, her clothes were a little outrageous. Though, it was a suitable Kaiju Girl costume, she had thought that her clothing was a bit too much, but Kaiju wouldn't let this bring her down, but it is true that her costume is too flashy for her everyday life.
Meg transformed into Megalon, then she took off her clothes and removed all their decorations. She searched inside her drawers. There, she found some clothes that she bought long ago. She bought it because she admired it, but didn't think it suited her. She had no courage to wear it out. It was a white dress, like a lady in a summer resort. After adjusting her sleeves and wearing it, she would quietly leave home, quiet enough that her family wouldn't know she left.
It's been a year and a half since she's become a Kaiju Girl. Meg had been a second year middle schooler, and now she was in her third year. The days where she would only look at herself in front of the mirror ends now. She had the thought while helping out some people today. She didn't know what reason she had before, but she couldn't postpone it anymore. Today is the big day.
Since there was no time to actually make lunch, Megalon decided to use her new hobby, 'Making delicious food', she made it on the way. When she tasted it, it was extremely delicious. She packed it in a lunch box, and wrapped it like a present.
She ran towards the sports grounds. The only one that thought she was cute had been herself. In reality, there really isn't anything different than Meg's ordinary life. Although you wouldn't be able to see it...... Meg's fears began to settle in again,
The girls were shocked, envious, jealous,
She wiped away those kinds of gazes and thoughts. She moved forward to the waves of fans, and when she did, they gave way to her. In a place where the most beautiful appearances were prioritized, Megalon was the one who had priority over the other girls with make-up and mascara.
It felt like she was a model somehow. She could never do this as Meg. Ninomiya-Kun was at the end of the line of fans. He was talking to his friends and laughing out loud. His friends all looked at Megalon. They nudged him and pointed towards Megalon, Ninomiya-Kun then saw Megalon. Megalon didn't know what kind of face he was making, because she wasn't staring directly at it.
While staring at his muddy spiked shoes, she said out loud,
"I-I support you! D-Do your best!!!"
She tripped on her words and talked way too fast. She shoved the lunchbox towards Ninomiya-Kun. He said something, but she couldn't seem to catch it. That's because Megalon immediately turned around and drilled away through the ground.
Just like before, the wave of fans made way for her as she went home, when she arrived, she went straight to her room, avoiding her family entirely. She immediately went to her bed and crashed in it.
"Aaaaah!!! Hnngggg!!!"
She was agitated, fidgeting around her bed, mumbling meaningless sounds and words.
Her Kaiju Phone's text ringtone sounded, but Megalon didn't want to check it.
Laying down on her bed, Meg, who was agitated, with no warning, was abruptly beaten towards the ground. She really didn't feel like a maiden in love, more like a victim in agony. Dirt and pebbles entered her mouth. Her nose and forehead began to hurt. The bed that should've been soft became hard and rocky.
Meg tried to see what happened, but what she felt was the cold, hard ground. Her surroundings became super bright, making it hard for her to open her eyelids.
After her eyes got used to the bright light, she was finally able to see her strange surroundings.
The sun was strong, and shining brightly. There were weeds growing apart from each other. The wastes continued as far as her eyes can see. There were tall buildings surrounding the area. Only three of them were visible in her field of view. All of them look collapsed.
Wait, how could she see this far? Her eyesight was a lot better than her human self. That means Meg had transformed into Megalon without her knowing about it.
Her hands, her drills, her feet, her body, all of them were decorated with her outfit. She really has transformed into Megalon. She jumped up as gently as she could. When she did, she launched herself 3 meters into the air. This definitely confirms that she's Megalon. But Megalon couldn't transform back. Nothing worked, regardless of what she tried.
"Where am I? Why am I here?"
Where was she? This didn't look like her hometown. She heard that Hokkaido had some large fields of wastes. But the collapsed buildings weren't something you'd see there. Perhaps she was somewhere where a civil war broke out. Maybe this place was invaded by a foreign country. That could explain the buildings. Certainly, the desolate landscape and the smell of the place convinced her that much. There were no people in sight either.
And as to how or why she came here, she didn't know herself. She should've been happy in bed. Was she too happy? Was this some kind of balancer? Maybe she was being punished for using her Kaiju Girl powers for something other than helping people.
That's right, she remembered, when she was on her bed. Her Kaiju Phone's text ringtone rang. Maybe this situation was related.
She took out her Kaiju Phone. In addition to regular smartphone uses, Kaiju Phones are also extremely portable, able to be taken out from any place. It had a heart shape, an excellent design perfect for a Kaiju Girl. Although the heart-shape was a little unpopular, it still had good functionalities.
On the screen of her Kaiju Phone, with a simple futuristic looking font, were two words,
Tutorial Mode
Megalon tilted her head. She's never seen this screen before. She tried to find the text app, but why was her phone being unresponsive? Without operating it, the screen began to slide.
In the Monster Girl Raising Project's Tutorial Mode, you will experience an actual battle! To proceed, please defeat the enemies and earn your Monster Candies!
Monster Girl Raising Project? An actual battle? Enemies? Monster Candies?
Megalon noticed the ground trembling beneath her feet. It wasn't an earthquake, because it wasn't the entire ground that was shaking. Only parts of the ground seemed to be trembling, and trembling, and trembling, and a hole appeared in the ground, and from that hole, a white arm stretched out.
Then, the bodies all came from the holes in the ground. They were all teeth and bones, and moved slowly. They had no eyes, only eye sockets. She saw it, but she couldn't believe it.
There were skeletons surrounding her. Moving skeletons, just like a Grim Reaper.
5 Skeletons have appeared!
Her phone continued to display those kinds of messages.
Megalon held back her urge to scream, and held back her feet as she tried to escape. Megalon gritted her teeth. She reflectively swatted them away with a spatula, her designated weapon, Megalon still didn't get what was going on, but she swatted out the arms of the skeletons with her drills, and kicked away the other skeletons too. Once she was free, she tried to run, but the skeletons surrounded her from all sides, reaching out to grab her. The skeleton that she kicked before grabbed onto Megalon's legs while lying on its back.
The cold hard feeling of its boney hands caused all motion from Megalon to stop. With the strength of a Kaiju Girl, Megalon could easily destroy their brittle bodies, but unfortunately, her spirit was weak. She was on the verge of panicking.
Even though she's a Kaiju Girl, Megalon only had drilling power with a 'side' thing of cooking. She only had one body for fighting. How would she deal with enemies? She had to hit, kick, be hit, and be kicked back. She could barely handle the peaceful life of a middle school girl, how was she supposed to handle something like this?
Four skeletons moved towards her in slow motion. However, before they reached her. they were sliced in half, from head to toe, and they collapsed into little pieces.
Looking down at her feet, she saw that the skeleton that was grabbing her was cleanly sliced into 3 horizontal slices. The cut was vivid, and it gouged deeply into the ground. It was a powerful strike, and Megalon quickly shook off the hand of the skeleton from her foot.
What happened? What's going on? I didn't get new abilities did I? That wasn't me, was it?
That certainly wasn't Megalon. She looked around, and her Kaiju Girl vision saw a figure behind the cloud of dust. The body size was a little smaller than an adult male... It was a female. She had a Katana lowered on her right hand. Was she trying to help out? Megalon could only see abandoned buildings and weeds around her. There was no one else around, and they were separated by around 2 kilometers, so maybe she was trying to help.
If she did try to help, then she must have good intentions. Surely, she must. Suddenly, Megalon ran through the area with blinding speed. She almost couldn't comprehend it. In the blink of an eye, she ran 2 kilometers, bowing her head down.
"T-Thank you! Thank you very much!!!"
She raised her head and saw her savior. It really was a girl. She wore clothes that looked like a Ghidorah type of Kaiju Girl . It was decorated and arranged very well. She had a short hairstyle, ending on top with dark set of black horns. She had two dark colored dragon heads, one on each side of her shoulder. They were not decorations. They're alive. But she wasn't wearing a Ghidorah costume. No, this looked more like a Kaiju Girl costume. Besides, no one but a Kaiju Girl could attack an enemy from 2 kilometers away with their sword.
"Another Kaiju Girl... What's going on?"
No response.
"Um, I uh... My name's Megalon. I'm... also a Kaiju Girl."
No response. She was just staring at Megalon. Maybe Megalon talked too fast.
"Where is this place? Do you know? I-If you do, could you tell me... I don't know what's going on. There are skeletons coming out of the ground, I'm scared and... and I don't know what to do..."
"Do I have to do this again? I thought it was over..."
"I really hate this. I really... dislike this."
Her eyes were staring at her, but at the same time, it's like she wasn't even there. Her eyes were looking at Megalon, but it was like she was looking somewhere else as well. The girl reached out her hand, and grasped Megalon's throat. Megalon couldn't move. She had no resistance. The girl's hands felt cold. Megalon began to gag. The girl's hold on her neck was getting tighter. The girl's fingers began to pinch into her flesh. The girl's extra heads started emotionlessly at her.
The blade on the girl's right hand gradually approached Megalon's neck. Megalon heard shivering. Oh... that was her... she was shivering.
"I guess it's not over yet, is it... golden hydra?"
"I... I don't know what's going on. I-I-I also just got here!"
The girl stared at Megalon with blank eyes. The grip on her neck began to loosen. She lowered her blade again, and removed her hand from Megalon's neck. Throwing her down to the ground. Megalon landed on her back. Megalon looked up at the girl. Her teeth were still shivering with fright.
"You're not the golden hydra. Where are you... golden hydra?"
The girl turned her back on Megalon. She started walking away, her gait was unnatural and unbalanced. Her Katana was dragged across the ground, leaving a trail behind her, and she was mumbling nonsensical words.
Megalon dusted herself off. Where was she? Why was she brought here? She didn't understand, but she certainly didn't expect to meet that girl.

☆ Mechagodzilla
The skeletons were surprisingly very brittle. Perhaps the human skeleton isn't really all that strong, after all. They all broke after a single hit. Even though it was a bit disgusting, Mechagodzilla was a veteran Kaiju Girl. If she couldn't handle these things, she'd have already quit a long time ago.
"Mecha Punch!"
It's just a normal punch.
"Mecha Kick!"
It's just a normal kick.
Mechagodzilla thought that if you give these things names, they'd also rise in power. Mechagodzilla would often name her regular attacks cool names like that. That's perfectly normal, right? Yeah, it's perfectly normal.
"Mecha Beam!"
It... was not a normal beam. The Mecha Beam was Mechagodzilla's ultimate attack. That wasn't an exaggeration. This skill is an actual Death Ray.
In addition to excellent physical abilities, each Kaiju Girl possesses a unique Kaiju Skill. Of course, that's why they're called Kaiju Girls.
Mechagodzilla's Kaiju Skill was her Mecha Beam. By pointing her fingers, she can shoot out a beam that's 10cm in diameter. It instantly kills everything it touches. She didn't really know how. According to Godzooky's explanation, it breaks things on a molecular level. The things hit by the beam disintegrate and become like sand. In fact, what remains would've been blown by the wind. There were also variations in the beam. If she extended her palms instead of using her fingers, she'd create a light ray about 50 cm in diameter instead. The range suddenly increases dramatically.
However, Mechagodzilla didn't use this skill to kill people. She mostly used it for waste disposal, or removing dangerous chemicals from landfills. She had suggested a proposal to the Land of Monsters that she use it to clear nuclear and industrial waste as well, but they also replied "Don't overdo it, we don't want to put humans out of a job either." She wanted to be able to use her skill well, but it felt like she'd been stabbed in the back.
Of course, she wouldn't use it for living things. Both the Land of Monsters and her Mascot prohibited that. But for these non-human monsters, who have clearly already died before...
5 Skeletons have appeared!
Just like the game narration says. Now she can finally let out that frustration and use her skill freely on these monsters, but at the same time, she was also confused.
"Where is this place?"
As usual, she talked to herself, but this time she actually was confused. She was told that the game was beginning, then suddenly transformed into a Kaiju Girl. In this wasteland, there was only her. Then out of nowhere, skeletons attacked, surrounding her from all sides. Although she's never personally been to these places, she didn't think she was in Mexico or Africa. If she wasn't a Kaiju Girl, she might even get sunburn.
The sun was far too strong. Not only that, there were also desolate buildings surrounding her.
Mechagodzilla checked her Kaiju Phone.
She couldn't use the usual functions, like her profile. Instead, all she saw were some words on the screen.
Tutorial completed!
You've earned 5 Monster Candies!
Monster Candies? Oh yeah, it did say something about that before the skeletons started to show up. Still, she felt like she heard that term before... But where?
Please proceed to the nearest Town
Town? All she could see were the sprawling wastes. Maybe if she got a higher vantage point, she could see better. Mechagodzilla headed towards the nearest tall building. When she found it, she dashed into a sprint. It was brown and dirty with soil, filled with cracks, and probably a few years old. It was clearly abandoned. It was tilted to its side, and it was missing its top from the 10th floor onwards. As for its height... on closer inspection, it really didn't seem all that different from the others.
She climbed carefully, but also quickly, so that it wouldn't collapse on her. Using a Kaiju Girl's physical abilities, it would be easy to run up the side of the building. When she reached the rooftop, she looked around.
The winds here were stronger than the winds below. Mechagodzilla held the hem of her shorts. The sunlight here was also stronger than below. Luckily for her, the same logic applied for the view. It was much better than below. She placed her left hand on her forehead, looking as far as she could while blocking out the sun. A Kaiju Girl's eyesight far surpassed any living creature.
"Hm... Is that it?"
Far ahead, there was an area with densely populated buildings. It's the only thing that could be called a 'Town' in a place like this. Because the other places were filled with the same tilted and desolate buildings. She looked around, and she noticed it. Like a game, each building was exactly the same. From the angle of the tilt to the position of the cracked windows. But her eyes stopped on one of them that was different. This one had a human on top of it.
When Mechagodzilla acknowledged the figure, she jumped up at the same time. The rooftop beneath her began to crack. It wasn't a natural crack, rather, it felt like it's been sliced by a sharp blade. The concrete floor below her was sliced cleanly. Mechagodzilla's eyes went towards the figure. Did they do that?
The figure was holding something long and thin, like a stick. She was too far away. Not even Mechagodzilla's eyes could make it out. Wait, she's moving. The stick was being raised. It gleamed in the sunlight. Not a stick... metal? A sword?
When Mechagodzilla's landed, the edge of the rooftop was missing. Instead, it became like a slanted slide to the ground. She saw the dust clouds gathering at the bottom.
She figured it out. That human was attacking her by moving her sword. She thought it was some sort of ranged slash, but it's a little different from that. There's no time lag between when she moved and when the cut registered. It wasn't travelling, it was instantaneous.
While Mechagodzilla was laying down, she protruded her hands forward, facing the figure, she began to think.
She was attacked, but there was no damage to Mechagodzilla. Were they threatening her or restraining themselves? Daisy got back on her feet, but whether or she should attack her or just keep dodging was difficult to say.
Of course she didn't want to hit her opponent, even though she wanted to. Because she thought her opponent had a life and a will, unlike those skeletons before. Even if she had an opening of attack, she was a human. If this figure was human... Then Mechagodzilla shouldn't use her Mecha Beam.
After a while, she noticed that the figure's building wall was broken and cracked as well. Mechagodzilla pointed her fingers down the base of the building. She shot her beam at the building's base. It slowly began to collapse in on itself. One more shot, one more shot, another shot. The building collapsed on itself with a cloud of smoke.
The figure jumped off from the collapsed building. Mechagodzilla began running as well. They advanced towards each other at the same time.
As the figure ran towards her, they began slicing the air. They swung downwards, then they swung sideways. One slice, two slices, by reading their hand movements, Mechagodzilla can avoid the instant slashes.
Although it was a very powerful technique, it's actually the same as fighting a swordsman in close combat. Mechagodzilla can shift her body by following the telegraphed swings of the figure's sword. All she had to do was assume the sword was right next to her, then they're nothing more than avoiding swings.
"Mecha Beam! Mecha Beam! Mechaaa BEAAAAM!"
Mechagodzilla shot her beams over and over, but she wasn't aiming for her opponent. Instead, she was aiming for the ground. She wanted to create dust clouds. She wanted to block her opponent's line of sight. Mechagodzilla rushed into the large cloud of smoke.
She sensed her opponent's presence. It's not like they were trying to hide it.
Down on the ground, a slash targeting Mechagodzilla's legs. She sidestepped the sword strokes. Her opponent was crouched low, so Mechagodzilla's attempted to do a low kick. Her target was her opponent's forehead, but she ended up hitting something else. Although she hit the forehead of her opponent, the strike also bounced off something hard. Her legs felt numb. From the ground, a thrust aimed at Mechagodzilla's throat. Mechagodzilla avoided it, at the cost of her shoulders getting stabbed.
Though they were distant. The slices seemed to be controlled by the sword.
Mechagodzilla squatted down, and slid towards her opponent. They entangled together, causing her opponent to lose hold of the sword. Their legs were wrapped together, and they were grasping each other's arms, holding their unseen opponent.
Mechagodzilla could feel that this was the skin of a Kaiju Girl. This was the skill of a veteran fighter. She knew she was fighting someone like her. Even while fighting, she felt like she could win.
Mechagodzilla managed to get the upper hand, throwing her opponent off of her by the sleeves. Just before her opponent landed on the ground, she swept her off her feet, and Mechagodzilla fell as well.
Her opponent laughed, and Mechagodzilla gritted her teeth while smiling.
Elbow strike, fists trading punches, knees hitting bodies, then, as arms reached out towards Mechagodzilla's throat she kicked hard. She distanced herself. Her body heated up. Gradually, she became excited.
Come on... Come on!!! What's your next move, huh?
Gradually, the smoke disappeared. The winds stroked the ground. It blew away any clouds on them. Only Mechagodzilla was standing there.
Did her opponent escape? Well, that's a good thing, right?
She was feeling... rather lonely out here. She felt the wound on her shoulder. Despite being hurt, she couldn't deny that she felt satisfaction during that fight. Although they couldn't see each other, Mechagodzilla enjoyed fighting someone of equal skill. She was certain her opponent enjoyed it too.
"You are not the golden hydra."
Mechagodzilla heard a voice from somewhere. She looked around, but she couldn't find the source. She didn't understand what it meant either. Her opponent was definitely a Kaiju Girl, she was sure of it.
Although Mechagodzilla's body heated up from the fighting, her head began to cool down, and she remembered her original plan. She was looking for a Town.
In the distance, she saw the figure... No, she saw multiple figures. They were surrounding one figure. The figures surrounding the smaller figure were all white and boney... Skeletons. Just like Mechagodzilla, there was someone fighting skeletons in the distance. Mechagodzilla held out her fingers, she could make quick work of these skeletons. But wait, at this distance, if she misfired, it could be dangerous.
"Argh, dammit!"
Mechagodzilla shouted out as she started running towards the figures.

☆ Megalon
The inside of the buildings were just as desolate as they looked. No sign of any tenants. It seems like they used to be made as apartments, but there was no one living here at all. It was all empty. Only stairs, rooms, and the winds flowing through the cracked windows.
Megalon was trying to find clues to where she might be stranded. When she went inside the 3rd building, she began to get nervous. After searching through 5 buildings, she lost hope. After the 10th building, she didn't bother anymore.
Megalon knew she wasn't a strong-willed girl. She brushed off the dust on the floor, she sat down and leaned on the wall. Only a sigh came out.
She had no idea where she was, she was attacked by monsters immediately, her Kaiju Girl savior tried to kill her, her phone and text messaging software wasn't working, and she couldn't call anyone for help.
To top it off, she couldn't understand the words on her phone.
Currently, you have 0 Monster Candies
Monster Candies? Even though it feels like something Kaiju Girls might have, she's never heard of it before.
She kept thinking of Ninomiya-Kun. It was her way of escaping this reality. She didn't even know if this was reality in the first place. It was still much more fun if she thought of Ninomiya-Kun instead. Did he eat the lunch she gave him? That lunch was created with Megalon's hobby for cooking. It would be tasty enough that anyone would love it. But it might not be to Ninomiya-Kun's liking. Even if you found very delicious food, not everyone has the same favorite food. He might've thrown it away without even thinking about it. He might have passed it onto another fan. Maybe it was insufficient. If Megalon were in his shoes, she wouldn't have eaten it.
Argh... I don't wanna think about it anymore...
Even though she should've been happy thinking about him, her thoughts spiraled into negativity instead.
Megalon cried, but she cried without making a sound. If she made a sound, she might be attacked by those skeletons again. So all she did was shed tears. Those tears fell from her cheeks down to her chin. A teardrop dripped on her hands that were wrapped on her knees. Pre-Transformation, Meg had always been a crybaby. When she transformed into Megalon, however, she's never felt scared or cried before. Yet now, she's crying, and crying, and crying. As she cried more and more, she became tired. Then, she felt vibrations on her back, and she jolted awake.
As she awoke, she placed her ears on the wall. She heard footsteps, and... Metal footsteps?
There was also chattering voices. She's not alone, and they're in the same building. Who were they? Megalon removed her ears from the wall. She slowly began to move. Perhaps she can find some helpful people this time. Maybe they might know what to do. Maybe they could tell Megalon some answers.
Of course, that was one possibility. There was another, equally high chance of something else happening. Ever since she was brought to this place, she hasn't had the best luck with the people she met here. If they're agreeable, she can talk with them. If not, she'd run away before any danger happened. That was the plan. She moved to the source of the voices, with legs moving as quietly as possible. It took about 30 seconds for each step. Her face used to be covered in tears, now it's all covered in sweat.
"It is just like I have said, no?"
Well, that was Japanese, so Megalon understood it, but the intonation and grammar was off. All that matters is that Megalon could understand them.
"For now we shall climb this building and look around. And I say Gabara does it!"
"What are you so worried about? You're fuming like an idiot. Aw, did I hit a mark?"
"OH!!! You!!! I cannot stomach your behavior! I cannot stand it!"
"You two, stop arguing!"
Megalon gently peeked into the room. The room wasn't covered by a ceiling. So it was effectively the roof. In it, there were 3 figures, not 3 people, but 3 figures. Megalon, who wanted to speak with them, suddenly stopped in her tracks.
"We are not arguing! This is a legitimate complaint!"
The strangely intonated girl was speaking. She dressed in a costume that had a heroic mecha motif. Another Kaiju Girl. Although her appearance seems Japanese, her tone suggests otherwise.
"She's right, we're not arguing. An argument implies that both parties are on the same level."
The other girl had a simpler look. Something you would describe as a dream. If it weren't a Kaiju Girl costume, you could easily mistake it as a fashion hobby gone wrong. Megalon thought of her face as 'cute, but artificial'. Her elbows and wrists weren't exposed, and from them, Megalon could see shredded ends on her sleeve and pants. Her skin was the texture of a human, but because of those green clothes and hair, she realized she didn't look human at all. She looked like a dream Kaiju.
But the third person had a more shocking appearance than even the dream girl. Her face was cute. She wore a jacket that was majority green. Her hair style looked like spines and her hair on her face resembles a metal beak. Yet, her hands... It was hooks. Pechika thought she was holding hooks at first, but no... That girl's hands was actually hooks. The hooks part cut off somewhere on her wrist, and the chest of the girl had a buzzsaw. She looked like an alien cyborg.
Were these girls monsters like the skeletons? Were they really Kaiju Girls? Megalon couldn't really tell anymore. If she couldn't tell, she shouldn't approach them. She started walking backwards, careful not to have them notice her. When Megalon retreated 3 steps back, her Kaiju Phone suddenly rang. The 3 girls picked up their own Kaiju Phones. Through this, Megalon understood that they were Kaiju Girls. However, at the same time, Megalon's phone was also ringing. The 3 of them looked at Megalon.
Megalon ran away without looking back.

☆ Mechagodzilla
Mechagodzilla had rescued a genetically-modified rose named Biollante.
She dressed like a typical rose. She had red mixed with purple hair, tied by hat that looked like Mosasaur or crocodile and a maw with knife-like teeth on her hat. On her hand was a rose, that also had a gigantic version of her mini rose decorations. Attached to 4 ends of her dress were 4 vines ended in sharp, spear-like ends with mouths. She was a lot shorter than Mechagodzilla. She looked about 10 years old.
She said that she became the Kaiju Girl Biollante when she was 4 years old. Because of that, she didn't really think much of her Kaiju Girl name, so she just chose her nickname, Biollante. She's wanted to change her Kaiju Girl name from Biollante for a while now. But Biollante was her official Kaiju Girl name. She's petitioned to change it about 13 times already. All of them were refused by the Land of Monsters.
They told her, "Once you've chosen your Kaiju Girl name, we can't change it unless there's some special circumstances, even if that name was chosen by a 4-year old." As she was shyly explaining the circumstances of her name, Mechagodzilla thought the way she looked and held her hands was kind of cute.
"Do you know anything about why we're here?"
"No, I don't. I was looking at my passbook when I was suddenly brought here."
Mechagodzilla wondered why she was looking at her passbook in the middle of the night. Seems odd. Mechagodzilla confirmed the date with Biollante. It was the same day, they were taken at the same time.
"What's up?"
"You're... Mechagodzilla... aren't you?"
"Well, yeah, but-"
"That's so cool! I saw you on TV! Is it true that your Anime is based on your real life adventures!?"
"Ahaha... It's a little exaggeratted."
Biollante was a Project Mechagodzilla fan. Mechagodzilla thought she just liked Kaiju Girls in general, but to find a Project Mechagodzilla fan here, it made her excited. The most common reason for Kaiju Girls on why they chose to become Kaiju Girls is usually, "I wanna be like those Kaiju Girls I see on Anime or read about in Manga!" Mechagodzilla was the same. She loved Kaiju Girls, and so she chose to become a Kaiju Girl.
So it wouldn't be strange for Biollante to be a fan of Kaiju Girls, either. But Mechagodzilla was glad that she could meet a fan of Project Mechagodzilla.
Biollante talked on and on about the episodes she saw. She talked about the episode where she cried, the episode where she felt excited, the episode where she hated the enemy. Hearing her talk like this, Mechagodzilla felt a compelling urge to protect her.
"I looked forward to your reruns every week!"
"I was still in middle school that time... Wonder how it was when it was rerun."
For idols, it's their principle to think highly of their fans. When Project Mechagodzilla ended, Mechagodzilla felt like a retired celebrity. However, when she saw a fan talking excitedly like this, she became excited again.
While these two were happily talking about Mechagodzilla, they were brought back to reality with the ring of their Kaiju Phones. They still don't know why they were here, or why there were skeletons attacking them.
Their phones kept telling them to head to Town, but it doesn't seem to be as easy as Mechagodzilla thought. Mechagodzilla told Biollante of the direction of a nearby Town. She suggested they travel together excitedly. "I'll try not to drag you down!" said Biollante excitedly. Biollante's blushing face made Mechagodzilla feel happy.
Although there was a large distance towards the Town, it shouldn't be a problem with a Kaiju Girl's power. However, since her fight with the skeletons, Biollante wasn't as confident with her running speed, so Mechagodzilla slowed down for her. Despite that, they managed to arrive after running for about 20 kilometers.
Though they saw the 'Town' in the distance. It didn't really look like a Town in any way. The buildings were better than the buildings in the wasteland. The roads were broken and not maintained, and from the outside, there was no traffic.
Mechagodzilla had better not leave Biollante alone, so they entered the Town.
There was an open space in the center of the Town. It looked like a square. There was a dried up hollow round object. On it, was a statue of a sitting mermaid. This was probably a fountain once. Instead of water, it was pouring out sand. It seems like it's been years since the water ran out.
There were two other people in the square.
A loud voice, a shouting voice, a girl whose face was blushing and pointing.
"I-Is that her!!! Is that the real Mechagodzilla!?"
"She seems real"
"Oh my god! She's real! She's real! OH MY GOD!!!"
This girl was also a Kaiju Girl. She was dressed like such. She had a red fancy jacket that looked like a fin as a tail. She also had a raygun holstered in her belt. However, the design looked like a toy gun, not a real one. She looked like something out a movie that involves a giant, aquatic dinosaur. Mechagodzilla remembered watching a sci-fi flick like that during Summer vacation. She felt a little nostalgic.
"I knew it! My Otaku senses are never wrong! It is Mechagodzilla! I collect all your merchandise, I have all your DVDs! I can't believe you actually exist! Ah, this is the greatest day of my life."
She looked like an Otaku at first glance. At least she was honest about it. It's nice to have honest fans like that. Besides, she still made Mechagodzilla a little happy.
"Caesar! Caesar! C'mere!!! LOOK!!!"
That wasn't a cry, that was someone's name. She was calling someone just now. The girl that responded wore a Chinese-looking outfit. She had her hair tied into two pig tails on each side of her head, but seemed more like ears. She looked like a typical ancient shisa Girl. How did she talk like?
"Do you know her, Titanosaurus, Ru?"
Mechagodzilla noticed that behind King Caesar there was a fluffy tail. It was like those giant monsters, it was a lion/dog tail. That was... certainly a very abrupt change from her costume's motif.
"Do I know her!? Caesar, are you being serious right now? I should be asking you that question! This is Mechagodzilla!!! Come on!"
"Oh, is she famous? My apologies, Ru."
"What kind of question is that!? Everyone knows Mechagodzilla!"
The aquatic girl's name was Titanosaurus. The Shisa Girl's name was King Caesar, the King was part of her name. They were both very strange-sounding names, but Mechagodzilla didn't say anything, for fear of being rude.
"Whoa... that's some weird names."
...And Biollante said it anyway.
"Well said, Ru."
"It's the impact factor, you see?"
The two girls laughed. Mechagodzilla and Biollante laughed along. Biollante decided to take advantage of this talk of names to tell her about the origins of her own name. The laughter intensified.
While talking about names, the 4 girls all sat at the edge of the fountain.
Titanosaurus and King Caesar haven't met before. Mechagodzilla and Biollante also just recently met each other. When comparing their situations, it was all similar to each other. They heard the ringtone of their Kaiju Phone, then suddenly found themselves here and attacked by skeletons.
"Yeah, we saw some other Kaiju Girls too, Ru. I think they were the same as all of us, Ru."
So there was someone who came to this Town before them.
"And... where are they now?"
"Oh, they said they were going off to do some errands, Ru."
"They didn't tell us what kind of errands though. Man, that's pretty rude of them, can you believe that? Rude Kaiju Girls."
"It's better to stand united, Ru. They probably did have a purpose in the Town."
According to King Caesar, there were about 4 Kaiju Girls in total.
A dream Kaiju Girl.
A heroic Mecha Kaiju Girl.
A alien cyborg Kaiju Girl.
And a Kaiju Girl tied up behind the cyborg .
"Eh!? Are you sure you should've left them alone?"
"Well she was screaming and crying and was planning on always running, so they tied her up so she couldn't be dangerous, right?"
"From the way they talked, they don't seem like bad people, Ru."
Mechagodzilla's not the type to worry about other people, but in her current situation now, her panic levels were a bit higher. It's not often that she'd meet Kaiju Girls who were looking to hurt other Kaiju Girls, but she did meet a Kaiju Girl just like that.
"According to those girls, there were other Kaiju Girls around other than us, Ru."
"Yeah, those girls seemed to be doing some kind of errand, but they never told us... Man, what are we supposed to be doing here... Huh?"
Titanosaurus saw her Kaiju Phone that she'd been holding in her right hand. Her mouth opened wide when she saw the screen.
"It's changed! Everyone look at your phones RIGHT NOW!"
Back then, the Kaiju Phones only had 'Please proceed to the nearest Town!' Now, the words read,
Support Button Added!
"Support Button?"
There was a large Support Button that seemed to be pressable. Mechagodzilla slowly pointed her fingers towards it, and pressed it gently.
Master's Side
Part 1

The classroom was covered in flames.
In this old wooden school building, there were no sprinklers to put out the fire. Instead, there was plenty of fuels for the flame. Desks and chairs, bookshelves and wallpapers, windows and frames, all melted under the raging inferno.
Everything was illuminated in bright red, and a poisonous black smoke surrounded the room. It was hell on earth. Two girls were facing each other.
One was a red girl. Flaming hair, and dressed in a red one-piece dress similar to the flames. She had the fury of anger and passion burning in her. Her face was wild like a beast. She positioned her fists lightly in front of her, her posture slightly lowered.
The other was a orange girl. She was dressed in a insect dress, like a moth uniform. She had moth decorating her outfit and her hair. She had a weapon that looked like a Naginata. In contrast to the fiery red girl, this girl's face was emotionless.
The red girl moved first. She bent her knees from her low posture. She extended her legs to attack the Moth Kaiju Girl. It would've been a feint, but the Moth Kaiju Girl knew the attack was coming, she blocked it with her Naginata.
A second attack, a third attack. All of them were blocked by the handle of her Naginata. When the fourth attack came, the Moth Kaiju Girl swiftly slashed the Red Kaiju Girl's leg with her Naginata.
The Red Kaiju Girl's foot was cut. Blood was drawn, and flown across the room. She screamed in pain.
The Red Kaiju Girl breathed fire out of her mouth. It should've been a surprise attack, but the Moth Kaiju Girl rotated her Naginata and spun it with extreme speed, while still having that blank expression. The flames dispersed in the winds created by the Naginata.
A Naginata seems like a heavy weapon, but in the hands of a Kaiju Girl, it was as light as a feather. The Moth Kaiju Girl moved it with such fine precision, as if it were an extension of her body.
The Red Kaiju Girl screamed again and dived into the raging inferno, disappearing into the flames.
After a moment, the flames behind the Moth Kaiju Girl took on a human form, then finally settled into the form of the Red Kaiju Girl. The Moth Kaiju Girl should have been blindsided. However, just like before, she knew the attack was coming. The Moth Kaiju Girl lowered her head, the once again, the Red Kaiju Girl's kick missed.
The Red Kaiju Girl burst her body into flames and melted into the inferno ahead.
The expression of the Moth Kaiju Girl hasn't changed. She twirled her Naginata and stabbed it on the wooden floor. Then, she pulled out something from a small bag. The red flames were smothered with gray smoke. The item she pulled out... was a Fire Extinguisher.
She pulled the pin. She sprayed the ceiling, the entire floor, and under the desks. All of them sprayed and extinguished.
Something fell from the ceiling with a yelp. When the Moth Kaiju Girl looked, she saw her. Red hair, red clothes, but everything was covered with foam. It was the Red Kaiju Girl. The Red Magical Girl had a mixture of fear, tears, foam, and agony on her face.
The Moth Kaiju Girl approached her slowly. She raised the fire extinguisher, then she swung it downwards. She repeatedly smashed it on the Red Kaiju Girl five times. Finally, the Red Kaiju Girl stopped moving. The Moth Kaiju Girl threw away the extinguisher. She looked down towards the Red Kaiju Girl. Her expression was still unchanged.
The video ends there.
The pointer moved. The video player and browser were closed. Each time, a click noise sounded. Finally, the PC was shut down. Because the PC was the only light in the room, it fell into darkness. Dark room, a moldy smell, and finally, a voice.
"And so the villain was arrested... Ah, Mothra was so cool, wasn't she?"
The voice of a satisfied girl. Her age seemed to be as high as the mid-teens.
"Although Flame Flamey was a Kind Girl with high combat skills, but against Mothra, it was child's play! It's as if Mothra knew every move that girl was going to make before she did it! Heheee!"
It sounded like high pitched sobbing, but this girl's voice was full of joy.
"She really is as cool as I thought... No villainous Kaiju Girl can escape from the Kaiju Girl Hunter, Mothra! 'Only the strong should become Kaiju Girls', what kind of selfish reason did Flamey concocted to justify killing? Kaiju Girls should be HEROES OF JUSTICE! HIYAH! HAH!!!"
The sound of crashing noises could be heard in the background.
"Of course, Kaiju Girls need strength, that's fairly obvious. But they're also kind, beautiful, filled with compassion, friendship, dedication, and all those other things!"
"Well, yes... Certainly that's true. I still think that's a strength in itself, Pon"
The voice that responded to the girl was high-pitched like a child. Shrill. But the tone of the voice was calm.
"I know... My mentor taught me that much. Just being strong doesn't qualify you for a Kaiju Girl! We don't need more Kaiju Girls who are only looking to get stronger! Kaiju Girls who kill each other are also out of the question! That includes Kaiju Girls chosen by Killing Games..."
It seems the girl's voice was getting heated.
"...That's why, I'm going to help Mothra."
Said the girl in a cold, hard voice.

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