Chapter 3: The Detective and the Murder

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☆ Gyaos
Gyaos is a detective.
She didn't quite have a cape and detective's hat. Her outfit was like the creature that is a vampire bat-like kaiju created by Daiei that first appeared in the 1967 Gamera film, Gamera vs. Gyaos. As props, she also had a pipe and a magnifying glass. You could say she was a female Sherlock Holmes from her personality.
She's not just a Kaiju Girl dressed in a detective costume. Why else would you call her a detective, then?
Pre-transformation, Shinobu Hioka's profession was, in fact, a detective.
At kindergarten, Shinobu had a brother four years older than her. She always stuck around with her brother. When she was depressed, she always stuck around him.
They got a discount for the Children's Club bus trip in town.
The Children's Club.
Basically, it was a gathering of mostly elementary school students.
"Why does he get to be in a club, but I can't? No fair!" complained Shinobu, crying and shouting.
Her father, who couldn't stand that vitality, talked it over with the Chairman of the Neighborhood.
On one of the Children's Club bus trips, she went to a ranch in the neighboring city. It was spring, and the weather was very sunny. The temperature was like early summer.
In a condition where it wasn't fitting for children to play, they fussed around watching cows, looking at horses, feeding sheep and rabbits, and experiencing milking.
When they went on their home trip, that's where Shinobu had a fateful encounter.
The tired children were asleep, and there was an Anime being played on the TV inside the bus. She had been looking forward for this bus trip, so ate dinner and slept early the previous day.
Shinobu, who slept just a while before the trip, still had a lot of energy remaining, even if she did work hard on that ranch.
In the TV screen, there was an elementary school boy detective. He revealed the murderer in a locked-room mystery.
The words he spoke were jargon that Shinobu didn't understand yet at the time.
He was a kid, just like me. But he defeated the evil plot of an adult.
He was praised by adults, detectives, and senior detectives.
He was respected, and his weapons were only his secret items and dependable companions.
Also, his intelligent mind.
The phrase 'murderer' was more shocking to an elementary school child than 'conquer the world' or 'destroy humanity'. He was a hero who took down someone like that.
Shinobu was on a bus full of sleeping children. She clenched one fist at the boy detective's success.
Shinobu became a huge fan of boy detectives. She asked her brother to borrow some old Manga from his friend. Fortunately, there were Furigana everywhere, so she was able to understand most terms.
Alibi, Tricks, Locked-Room, a number of enchanting phrases fascinated Shinobu.
She no longer had to follow her older brother. Her brother said he finally felt relieved. Though, somewhere, he still looked lonely... It may have been just Shinobu's misunderstanding.
She asked her father if she could borrow some DVDs. Both Anime and Movie versions, all of them she checked out. Her interest shifted to general mysteries. In conclusion, she began to look at her father's bookshelf.
The bookshelf whose color box was remodeled with a Do-It-Yourself carpentry tools was filled with mystery books.
She found it! 'Adult-Level Reading Material'. She picked it up and read it in secret. This time it didn't have any furigana, so she couldn't self-teach herself. There were words that she couldn't understand in there.
While other children were obsessed with Anime or Tokusatsu, Shinobu was hiding alone reading mystery novels.
Among her favorites was a novel of a famous detective. Shinobu's original Anime experience,
He transcended everything, and was a jack-of-all-trades at everything.
Elementary school, middle school, all of her time was spent reading detective novels. In high school, she was the Mystery Club President.
Some with outstanding minds and knowledge have even solved locked-room mysteries. Pointing their fingers on the murderers.
Some of them wanted to help girls with no one to turn to, and defeat mighty organizations for no compensation.
She was excited about the activities of detectives, and about how tough and cool detective successes were.
At the High School Culture Festival, they planned a performance of The 8-Tomb Village in the school gymnasium.
She was scolded by her PE teacher for staining the gymnasium with bloody stains. Flashy plays of that kind were usually successful.
The audience seemed to be excited by it. Solving the mystery in the spotlight. The main character, Kousuke Kindaichi, was played by Shinobu, was met with a roaring applause. Even just remembering it made pleasure flow through her body.
So this is what it felt like to be a detective.
No, if I were a real detective, surely it'll be even more amazing.
Originally, she may have wanted to be an actress, but Shinobu decided that her admiration for detectives was more important.
Ignoring her parents' opposition, when Shinobu graduated Junior College, she finally went through the doors of a Detective Agency, just 3 years ago from today.
Later on, she received an e-mail about a Kaiju Girl selection test by chance. She passed that test and became a Kaiju Girl.
Becoming a Kaiju Girl. This will definitely be useful for detective activities.
For Shinobu, detectives always come first.
She'll never forget the first time she transformed into a Kaiju Girl.
She became a beautiful girl. Although Shinobu wasn't the type to adore beauty and cuteness, her heart was greatly moved. Just looking at herself made her heart throb.
She stretched and bent twice, three times, thinking she was deceiving herself. Just by moving a little, she could smell a sweet fruity scent.
That mail was neither a joke nor a prank. Pinching her cheeks and feeling pain taught her that it wasn't a hallucination or a dream.
She could tell this was impossible with modern science.
This was happening, in the flesh, this was real.
She was a genuine Kaiju Girl.
Gyaos' costume looked like something that adults would be fine with wearing, making it possible for her to work besides people in the city.
Her physical abilities far surpass creatures that are more capable than humans. Her excellent durability made it great for working in sleepless days. At night, she could see, just as clear in the darkness as it is in daytime.
All skills suitable for a detective.
Also, for every single Kaiju Girl, there is a Kaiju Skill, even for a detective like her.
With Gyaos' abilities, it didn't matter if it was a Locked-Room Mystery or an impossible crime, all of them were nothing. She'll never miss the culprit.
Unfortunately, real life detective activities had no Locked-Room mysteries or Phantom Thieves.
Three years have passed since Shinobu aspired to be a detective.
Using the abilities of a Kaiju Girl, shadowing or stakeouts always guaranteed results. She also tried to remember her clients. Some people wanted to provide her capital to become independent.
Now she knew the reality of being a detective.
Adultery or runaways from home cases are perfectly fine, but novices are stuck with sorting documents and phone numbers, ordered to clean and serve tea, and other odd jobs include caring for pets and spring cleaning.
She was crammed with baggages from moving offices until she collapsed. Her Director always ordered her to do a variety of odd jobs, saying grandiose things like "This is for your sake" "The first step of a first-class detective". Coupled with his appearance and poor persuasive skills, his disposition seemed bad.
But Shinobu's spirit never waned. Even though she knew the reality of a detective, she never abandoned the dream of a detective.
No matter where she goes, she'll always try to be a detective. She loved playing the detective role.
The Kaiju Girl known as Mechagodzilla was eliminated from the game.
Her deathblow skill, Mecha Beam, was something to concern about. The special ability of the Powered Skeleton was 'To reflect long-ranged attacks'. So it reflected her beam.
She was felled in one stroke.
She had talked with her party members, confirming the situation in the scene of the crime. After inspecting the body, there was no mistaking the facts.
This wasn't a murder. All evidence points to an accidental death.
It wasn't the accident that was the problem. Something else was.
As soon as she logged out of the game, she requested a vacation from her Director.
"I'm going to be busy. I'd like to use 3 of my vacation times," she said as her boss screamed over the phone. He ended the call by slamming his phone.
I'm truly sorry about that.
Shinobu's priority at the moment wasn't her normal job.
First, she searched on the net using her Kaiju Phone. There were also some things she'd like to ask the Land of Monsters. But for some reason, all the texts and mails she sent to the Land of Monsters keep being sent back.
No matter how many times she tried, it was the same. She gave up on the mail, and prioritized the searches instead.
First, she inputted 'Mechagodzilla', pressed the spacebar, and began swapping search terms after that. Finally, she saw a lead. One of the background scenes of the Project Mechagodzilla Anime matched a local station.
She matched the information she received from Titanosaurus with information posted on websites. Together with info from her search results, she was able to find out where the Project Mechagodzilla Anime's surroundings were modeled from.
It seems that there was a time where it would be known as a pilgrimage spot for Otaku. However, Project Mechagodzilla has long since stopped airing. It was a popular Sunday Morning 8 o'clock show for children.
It seems at that time, that pilgrimage site was filled with hustle and bustle.
Shinobu turned off her Kaiju Phone, and transformed into a Kaiju Girl, lowering her hat down so that her eyes couldn't be seen. She packed necessary items such as her wallet into her work bag and left her apartment.
She headed towards the Tohoku area by bullet train. Midway, she transferred to a private railway. She connected with 3 more stations.
She deposited a ticket to the unmanned ticketing station and stopped off in B-Town.
After looking left and right, making sure nobody was around, she gently kissed the wall of the station. On the cracks and surface of the wall, a human face began appearing.
The face on the wall looked more like an Anime or a Manga face compared to an actual human being. This face seemed like an elderly middle-aged man.
The objects affected by her magic have different faces depending on several factors. For example, in this old unmanned station, of course such a face would have those features.
The large 1-meter cartoon-like face gently moved his eyes slowly, as Gyaos watched.
"You called?"
The voice was a bit muffled. It seems this neighborhood has that kind of personality.
"Do you know someone named Mechagodzilla"
"No, I'm afraid I don't."
"She looks like this"
She showed him the picture of Mechagodzilla on her phone.
"Ah, I do know that girl. She often helps around in the station."
"Okay, thanks for your help."
Once again, when she kissed the nose of the face, the face melted in the wall and disappeared.
This was Gyaos' 'Can communicate with any building' Kaiju Skill. Everytime she wants to activate it, she has to perform a kiss.
However, a person's property will not betray its master, those were the kinds of restrictions that existed, which is horrible for detective work.
Incidentally, when she tried to use it in the buildings in the Wasteland Area, all the faces said "I am my Master's property. I'm not at liberty to say anything my Master doesn't want me to. Please find your Clear Event hints the usual way."
Even if she tried talking to other buildings, there wasn't much difference in what they say. Gyaos was disappointed that she thought she could find hints easily with her powers.
Immediately after leaving the station, she purchased the regional newspaper at the local convenience store. In the countryside, these stores were everywhere, and their parking lots were huge.
Bsat on the parking lot, opening the newspaper.
According to information from Biollante, when Project Mechagodzilla aired, Mechagodzilla was still a middle school student. It's then possible to calculate her age backwards.
If she was in middle school, she shouldn't be doing her Kaiju Girl activities far from home. If she's never moved, her parents' house should be nearby.
If she were a Kaiju Girl, there has to be a place where she would detransform. Even if she was careful not to let people watch, no one would care if a building watched them.
There has to be a building somewhere who's seen Mechagodzilla detransform. From building to building, Gyaos asked about Mechagodzilla's usual route, trying to figure out her residence.
If no one could answer her, she'll follow the possibility that her parents have moved. If she did move, there has to have been a building that saw it. A building's memory doesn't fade away.
It would be possible to determine whether Mechagodzilla was dead or alive this way. This was the purpose of the investigation. Even Gyaos hoped for her survival.
Godzilly said in the game that damage taken there won't feedback into reality. She participated in the game because she believed those words. This was also true for Shinobu.
This was a matter of confirming if there was a mistake somewhere. She didn't want to be motivated by unpleasant feelings or baseless accusations. She should be self-aware about these things.
Gyaos closed the newspaper. She left the parking lot. She has 3 days.
☆ Megalon
Just like last time, Megalon changed her clothes, then gave her lunch to Ninomiya-Kun. Even if Megalon stepped forward the same way, she could hear no complaints from anyone.
"Hey, it's that girl" "Who is she?" said the surrounding voices around her.
She felt proud, happiness, joy. Yet, in the back of her heart, she felt only pain and agitation.
Now, for the second time, she didn't feel happiness nor joy, only pain.
In this autumn day, a well bucket was missing. Dusk was fast approaching. There were no children in the Children's Park.
There was only Megalon, sitting down at the swingset.
Thinking about the game made her feel depressed.
Just as Godzilly explained, she heard the Logout announcement, and as soon as she realized it, she was in her bed. She looked at her clock, and sure enough, the minute hand hasn't moved at all since before.
However, that doesn't mean it's okay.
She should've refused, but she couldn't. Also, there seems to already be a Kaiju Girl who was eliminated. She remembered that her party members looked dejected.
Damage shouldn't reflect to reality, that's what they said in the game.
But she knew there was something more to that game. Ultimately, its main goal is fighting, something not suited to Megalon.
Megalon sighed.
Even now, she didn't think she could refuse. She was afraid to even say it. If Megalon was eliminated without doing anything, then surely the other Kaiju Girls would be disappointed in her.
She may be badmouthed, she might get beaten up. Even though damage doesn't transfer to reality, she'd still feel the pain. She felt the same pain when she tried to pinch her cheeks in the game as she would in real life.
So the pain of death should feel the same as a real death.
Just imagining it made her feel depressed. Did the other Kaiju Girls never think about these things?
The game concept of killing all your enemies doesn't seem to be fitting for a Kaiju Girl. A Kaiju Girl's job is to help people.
Of course, there may be violence involved when trying to help some people. Even then, for the sake of rescuing humans, Kaiju Girls were given enhanced physical abilities and magical powers.
So even though she may not be able to avoid violence when helping people, defeating enemies to earn Monster Candies shouldn't be what Kaiju Girls do.
But of course, even if Megalon screamed this out loud, it'd probably just be a cowardly escape from reality.
Nobody would even listen to what Megalon was saying.
Megalon sighed.
She at least considered the rewards. The prize for clearing is 10 billion Yen. That's about the winnings of dozens of jumbo lotteries.
If one of her party members defeated the Demon Lord, then the prize money should be equally divided amongst them. That was the promise that they made.
That's why she didn't feel like participating in the battles. Does Megalon even... have a chance?
For Megalon, that's just not realistic at all.
If she had to choose one, she'd be glad to have the participation prize of 100,000 Yen. If she got it, she'd quickly deposit and book it as securely as she could.
She considered its uses. Since she can easily make her own food, then it should be used to buy clothes, then maybe rings and a necklace, maybe some earrings...
...Okay, no. piercings are scary. No earrings.
Shoes, bags, famous brand-name products, items used in fashion shows.
If 100,000 Yen isn't enough for that, she could add up the money she saved up from New Year's Gifts. Even if it might not suit Meg, if Megalon wore it, they would be gorgeous decorations.
She immersed herself in her escapist fantasy. She just noticed that the sun has already fallen. Her shadow in the park deformed into a long black shape as night fell.
She heard the tap tapping footsteps of someone approaching her. When she noticed it, beyond Megalon's shadow, there were the spikes of baseball shoes. Looking above those feet, she could see a baseball uniform.
When she lifted her face, she gasped. Ninomiya-Kun was standing there. He lowered the black baseball club bag.
Even while he was wearing his uniform, Megalon could see his athletic body breathing heavily. This was because he ran. With his forehead full of sweat, he watched Pechika.
As his voice called out, he came closer. Megalon tightened her grip on the swingset. The swingset's chains were covered with vinyl. The cold steel transmitted over to her body. She realized her body temperature was rising.
"You're the girl who brought lunch, right?"
Like a spring, she instantly bounced up and nodded furiously. Her facial muscles were stiff. The hands that were grabbing the swingset chains now grabbed parts of her one-piece skirt.
"Um, this is embarrassing, but thanks a lot"
Ninomiya-Kun was right in front of her. If she stretched out her hand, she could feel his breath, his sweat could already be smelled from over here.
An absolutely unreachable star. She could never speak to him at school, only watch him from a distance.
She was sweating. Her body temperature was rising. Her heart was beating. She felt dizzy.
So it was true when they say that love feels like a disease.
Ninomiya-Kun placed his hand behind his head. Seems like he was feeling bad about something. Then, he spoke.
"Um, that lunch. Sorry for asking, but could you cook one up again?"
Pechika nodded over and over, so much that her hair began to shake up and down.
"It really was delicious. Seriously the best. I'd do anything to eat that every day!"
It was food that was made using Megalon's little hobby as a Kaiju Girl. It was because of herself that made it delicious. Ninomiya-Kun gestured with both his body and his hands. He kept on emphasizing how delicious the lunch was.
"Is it really okay, though? Y'know, no one in the team knew who you were, so I had to run around until I could find you. If, if it's okay with you, I'd like to ask one more favor."
Ninomiya-Kun lowered his head down to Megalon. Megalon could see the back of Ninomiya-Kun's head.
The baseball club had a rule. They had to shave off their hair. Ninomiya-Kun's head was well shaped. His cleanliness came before the show of shame. Maybe it'd be nice to the touch.
Megalon's right hand moved.
"Because the team took turns, I never really got to eat the full lunch course."
Ninomiya-Kun raised his head slightly. Megalon caught a glimpse of his face. Their eyes met. In a panic, she pulled back her right hand.
She sweated even more intensely. She began to breath so hard that she needed to breathe through her mouth.
Ninomiya-Kun looked at Megalon. Megalon looked at Ninomiya-Kun as well. Ninomiya-Kun looked at Megalon, and Megalon looked at Ninomiya-Kun.
That's why their eyes met.
"Even though we're so far, and I kind of feel really tired, that lunch was to die for. So uh, um, if no one's around, you wanna share it with me? No, really, even if everyone in the team didn't want to, I'd still want that lunch. Is that okay?"
With a dizzy feeling that made her almost faint, Megalon nodded.
Too stiff and tense. She sounded very monotone there.
"Really? For real! Alright! Thank you so much!"
Ninomiya-Kun shook Megalon's hands vigorously, repeatedly saying thank you to her. Megalon could only look as her face turned white.
She decided that this park would be a good meeting spot to share lunch. Ninomiya-Kun also turned white and nodded.
After that, Megalon saw him off as he ran, humming a tune to himself.
She couldn't stand anymore, and sat back on the swing. She felt cold and wet. So that's how much she's been sweating.
Her heartbeat gradually calmed down. Her flames of passion resided. While she was calming down, her fire still created smoke.
Megalon's hobby, that she only thought was an extra add-on, turned out to be helpful. Ninomiya-Kun was happy. He praised her. He said he'd do anything if he could eat it every day.
That's it. Cooking. A new path opened before Megalon.
☆ Godzilla Junior
Several years ago, the reason why she's serving the Hitokouji family today, was Kanoe's grandfather.
His eye and legs continued to worsen. He always used a wheelchair. His body and head were giving out from old age.
He managed everything,
Human resources, investments, agreements, bid riggings.
He provided detailed instructions for others.
There were rumors that, despite being over 80, that he had an illegitimate child. Those rumors even came towards Mamori's ears. It may or may not be true. Godzilla Junior was once told by Battra that he had a wish of flying.
He continued to work every day until he collapsed with a stroke. Even in death, the Hitokouji family never stopped.
You could say that was the cause.
Although Kanoe didn't seem to treat others with respect, she loved her grandfather.
You could tell, because year by year, her tone slowly resembled that of her grandfather. Her parents and older brother found it weird and left. In the private girls' school she went to, you could tell her awful tone.
Afterwards, when she became a Kaiju Girl, you could even see it in her costume. Her wings was obviously influenced by her love. Decorated with luxurious black, with excellent craftsmanship, like a throne.
It makes you think of old kings who would lead at the apex of their clans.
Her eyes also symbolized the eye disease. Crafted with a moth motif. She loved her grandfather, even when his feet worsened and looked like sticks.
Kanoe's way of life was similar to her grandfather.
At least that's what Mamori thought.
No hesitation, without thinking.
She did think, she was very thoughtful, she just didn't show it to others. She always seemed to promptly choose the right decision out of nowhere. Her admirers grew because of that.
And there Kanoe was.
There was no one in the Science Lab but Mamori. She was looking outside the window. She seemed to be thinking of something. Usually, she'd chat with her classmates, while also reading the books that she brought to school.
You could tell she was thinking hard. Frankly, Mamori wasn't worried.
From yesterday until today, all she prioritized was the game.
For Kanoe to be worried so much about the game. If Mamori were to put herself in her position, just thinking about it would make her lose sleep.
"Even if we're in tough times, I still have some wonderful news for you"
"...So you can read minds now?"
"How long have we been together, again? I think that's a good enough reason."
This shallow human being seemed a little bit whitish.
Outside the window, there were many students playing soccer energetically outside. Even though this was a Private Lady's School, there were a variety of Lady-types in it.
Even though it's Fall, it was still scorching hot. The heat even reached Mamori. She loosened her scarf.
"It's about the game"
Of course it's about the game.
"You probably dislike it. Fighting enemies, saving money to buy items. With your Kaiju Skill, Mamori, you could technically cheat. With that thought in your head, isn't it interesting?"
"My Lady, if you want me to do it, then I can't exactly say no, can I?"
It's ironically because of you that we're involved in all of this.
Kanoe didn't seem to be concerned by it. She was watching the students running around outside the window.
She placed her knees on the chair, her skirt slid exposing her thighs.
"Your thighs are showing"
"There are two kinds of Kaiju Girls"
"Combat Kaiju Girls and Non-Combat Kaiju Girls, right?"
"That's right. That game was made for Combat Kaiju Girls. Yet, it doesn't mean all the participants are Combat Kaiju Girls. For example, me and you. There was also another girl that wasn't willing to fight. Now why would these girls participate in the game?"
"I'm guessing because of the reward."
"Speaking of the rewards. Remember that reward we got for Clearing an Area last time? It was deposited earlier to an account normally used for Foreign Exchanges. I don't know how they looked it up. Their name was also anonymous. Hm, regardless, if we clear 2 areas, that makes a total of 2 Million Yen."
"2 Million? Seriously?"
"We also have the Participation Awards, too. You should check your account. Also, try to keep your head out of just material pleasure."
That amount of money would be 5 times more than what she would've earned last January. That would be nice to get.
"I asked Godzilly, and it seems like no one refused participation as a test player."
"Not even one?"
That was surprising. If they were forced, there should be at least one or two rebellious people that would've refused.
If a human became a Kaiju Girl, then such a person, everyone, should be strong.
"It's strange, isn't it? There's so many people. Even though it seems like participation was forced, no one refused. Someone strong should've refused. There are people who prefer peace instead of fighting, so why did no one refuse?"
"My Lady, you didn't refuse as well, did you?"
"I'm a young girl, I know I can be a little odd sometimes"
"Yes, you are quite odd."
"Smell, touch, sight, taste, hearing. Nothing has changed from reality. Meaning if you were hurt, then you should feel the same pain. They say that damage won't transfer back to reality, so that might be a good reason for Non-Combat Kaiju Girls to give this a second shot, but then why did they respond to the game invite in the first place?"
Kanoe raised one knee, and her skirt fell even more. Even though this is a Lady's school, the reason she often had fans was because she'd do those strange things.
"I'm tired."
"Is that so?"
After saying those words, Mamori turned around, and came face to face with a skull. She became frustrated.
It was just a science class prop, and unlike the game, this one wouldn't attack her.
Oh yeah, she always finds little pranks like these amusing, doesn't she?
"My Kaiju Phone is acting a bit strange. I can't contact the Land of Monsters at all."
"You know I can't fix the Kaiju Phones with my Kaiju Skill."
There were several guards in place to protect a Kaiju Phone's information. When Kanoe ordered Mamori to use her Kaiju Skill on it, it became useless.
Luckily, she was able to falsify the reasons for it being broken, and was given a new Kaiju Phone.
Since it was Kanoe who ordered it, the one that actually had to talk about the forged reasons was Mamori. She got angry when she remembered that.
"Like I said, it's strange."
Her feet dangled from the chair, her skirt falling back to its original position. Mamori was relieved.
It seems that the soccer game outside has reached its climax, ending with an amazing goal kick from the corner of the field. Mamori saw teammates high fiving each other.
Their face then turned towards this place. She could see them mouthing "Ah!" outside the window. In response, Kanoe smiled softly and waved at them.
Mamori could hear the students voices as they came up the stairs. She furrowed her eyebrows.
After 3 days, she returned to the game world. Dark brown buildings and wastes all around. The smell of the earth penetrating her nose. This was the same place she started in.
She opened her map, checking the positions of her party members. First, she should meet up with Kanoe.
"You had me waiting quite a while. Could you speed it up next time?"
"Yeah, yeah. Next time I'll run as fast as I can."
Dagahra seems to be staying in a place that was a bit more distant than where they were.
Although she was a weirdo, compared to Battra, she was much more straightforward and easier to get along with.
Dagahra icon kept still and didn't move. Next time, she'll go to her first.
Although Battra blamed Godzilla Junior for her delay, she didn't say anything about Dagahra not moving.
Mamori has seen the Hitokouji family for more than 10 years. They are capitalists who exude an excellence about them.
Only in compensation, spirit, and their treatment. Other than that, they were just as average as anyone else.
Godzilla Junior followed Battra. They reached the building where Dagahra was waiting in.
When she stretched her back, Godzilla Junior felt a bit cold. She was sweating.
That girl must be practicing her Victory Pose. Godzilla Junior was tired, but she opened the building door.
Inside, Dagahra was collapsed. Her arms and her face reaching forward, as if she was trying to grab something.
She was collapsed with her face on the ground. Her green cloak was smeared with a reddish black liquid. Not just the cloak, it also spread across the floor.
The source of the reddish black liquid was the back of her head. Beside her was a stone that was pulled out and dropped to the side.
Battra flew down onto the blood pool with her and approached Dagahra. She picked up the Kaiju Phone that Dagahra had and turned it on.
"Hmph, Of course... All the items and candies are gone."
Battra's tone was like that of a scientist examining the results of a test. As Godzilla Junior listened to her words, nausea came piling up.

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