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"Dear Cupid, next time hit us both

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"Dear Cupid, next time hit us both."


Chemistry class. My least favorite subject. Great start. I really don't like mixing stuff, chemicals or whatsoever it might burn my flawless skin. Gosh! I sat on my chair beside Irene when Lisa and her friends arrived. Oh my gosh! My baby's here! I stared at her but she didn't even bother looking back at me. I hate you Manoban.

Soon enough, our professor arrived placing her papers and bag on the table. "Okay. I will be pairing you all so you can start your experiments." Please be Lisa. Please be Lisa. Please be Lisa. I chanted inside my head. Come on Professor be a good cupid and pair me with my baby.

"Ms. Yoo and Ms. Park." I suppressed my laugh when I saw how disappointed Rosé is. Serve you right for making fun of me.

"Next is, Ms. Manoban and..." Please say my name. Come on. Say my damn name Cupid. "Ms. Bae." My face fell feeling betrayed.

Stupid Cupid!

"Ms. Kang and Ms. Jennie Kim." Now you're saying my name?! I told you to say my fucking name along with my baby!

"Ms. Jisoo Kim and Ms. Im."

At least I'm not the only miserable one here. Should I interact with Seulgi? What if my baby get jealous? Oh my god, Jennie, you're so assuming! Well, I'm already claiming her whatever.

"Okay. Go to your partners." The professor said. We grab our bags before going to our assign seats. I saw how Irene and Lisa shook each other's hands making me squint my eyes. I wanna touch those hands. My eyes widen when I saw Lisa winked at Irene before they both started giggling. Hey, Bae! Your Seulgi is right here beside me don't contaminate Lisa's eyes.

I heard Seulgi suddenly cough making the two turned now facing us. I just stared at them emotionless. No. I'm not gonna show you my beautiful smile. I'm jealous Lisayah~ I whined inside my head.

Should I make her jealous too? Hmm... okay game on Lalisa. Wait for my turn. I started my conversation with Seulgi and she's already telling jokes at me making me laugh.

"Everyone is falling for your laugh Kim but not me." Seulgi said making my eyebrow arched.

I cleared my throat before asking her again. "Everyone?" She nodded. Even Lisa?! Does she like me?!

"Uhm... even your friends?" I asked slyly. She pout her lips thinking of what she should say next.

"That is... I mean I don't know. Jisoo and Jeongyeon has a crush with someone else but I'm not gonna say it's Rosé and Nayeon but Lisa? I don't know. She's too mysterious for my liking that I wanna open and read her mind cause she's so damn good at hiding." I felt my whole body including my heart fell. I feel disappointed. Do you like me Lisa or do you like someone else? Can I read your mind for just a minute so I will know if I have a chance?

I rested my chin on my palm, pouting. I'm so disappointed Lisayah~ but I still love how mysterious you are. I write on my table tracing it using my finger. The second thing that I love about you is...

How unfathomable you are...

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