Seven Shining Stars

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"You are the first and the last thing on my mind each and every day

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"You are the first and the last thing on my mind each and every day."


We are walking down the hallway leading to our last class when Nayeon groaned. "Should I just ditch the last class?" She said while tapping her finger on her temple. "I mean, it's boring especially when that professor with two wings - get up hair - and glasses started to open his mouth."

We chuckled at her statement making her roll her eyes. "Stop complaining!"

"Well, I'm not gonna complain again if Jeongyeon is one of our classmates."

"She is." Her eyes widen and started to run, skipping a few steps while dancing a victory dance. I shook my head giggling a little. "She's crazy."

Irene and Rosé agreed nodding their head. "Yeah, like you."

"Whatever Park Bae let's just go in." I walk inside the room following Nayeon and again my eyes landed at the girl that I've been dreaming to have. She's resting her head down on her table while her friends are busy playing around. Is she sick? Hmm, maybe not. I walked towards her placing my lips just beside her ear before whispering. "Lisa, why did you ran off earlier?"

She bolted up now facing me. Her face is now inches away from me. Too close... yet I'm loving every second of it. I felt my heart beats radically fast, scaring me that she might hear it. She mumbled something that I can't understand making my eyebrows furrow and my nose to scrunch up. "Yah~ answer me." I pouted my lips and I think that is not a good idea because her eyes flicker on my lips that made my breath hitched.

She moved back a little making a decent space between us. I released the breath I didn't know I was holding. Too close to steal a kiss from her lips.

Too close Jennie...

Too close...

She looked at her side avoiding my gaze. "I forgot something t-that's why." I nodded at her making her believe that I bought her little lame excuse. I know she's avoiding me. Am I really crossing the line, making her uncomfortable?

I felt my phone vibrated diverting my eyes from her to my phone. I read our professor's message making me smile. Yes! Free cut! But my smile turned to a frown, debating if I should tell them about this or not. If I tell them about this, chances are Lisa will run off again and will try to avoid me, but I need to make this announcement or else I'm so dead with these idiots who wanted their so called - freedom.

"Free cut! No professor due to an emergency meeting." I announced and like what I've said Lisa packed her things faster than flash running towards the door. "I need to go. Mom's cooking dinner." She bid to her friends. Her statement made us release a giggle making her bow shyly.



I put my bag down to my room changing into comfortable clothes when I heard my mom shouted. "Dinner's ready!"

"I'm coming!" I ran downstairs kissing my dad and my mom's cheeks. They looked at me weirdly, coughing to clear their throat.

"My princess seems happy? What happened?" My dad smiled at me giving me a go signal to tell them.

My mom chuckled holding my dad's hand. "Maybe - someone - happened." They gave me a teasing smile earning a giggle from me.

"Mooom~ stop." We started eating telling jokes to each other.

"You know you can tell everything to us, right?" I nodded. "So, who is this lucky person that is making my princess happy? Look! You're a smiling mess." Lisa's face flashed in my mind that made my smile go wider. I remember how her cold eyes turned soft whenever she looked at me, how her smile go wider when I smile at her, how her cheeks turned red when I go near her and how she says my name in a soft gentle voice. I'm stuck... and I don't wanna get out.

Well, I'm not planning to get out.

I'm willing to be drowned in her captivating doe eyes. She's dazzling... her whole being is - insanely captivating.

I heard them cough removing me in my own world. "Care to tell us? I'm getting more curious." Dad said. I smiled at them, releasing a shaky breath.

My mom smiled, "Who's this lucky person?"

I showed them my gummy smile before speaking. "Lisa. Lalisa Manoban."

"I knew it!" They both said simultaneously before releasing a heartily laugh. "I saw that little glances you gave her when you were younger. Hah!" My dad clapped her hands, giving me a tight hug. "Good choice. Make her yours, alright? We love her too."

I returned to my room after that insane dinner with my parents. I slumped into my bed smiling so wide. "Lalisa. Lalisa. Lalisa." I traced the stars on my ceiling, making a heart sign.

The 7th and last thing that I love about her is...

Just her... I love Lalisa Manoban, my one true love.

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