Four Shining Stars

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"If my love for you was a crime then I wanted to be the most wanted criminal

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"If my love for you was a crime then I wanted to be the most wanted criminal."


It's already the second day of classes, I stretched my arms and legs with a smile plastered on my face, like in some kind of movies when they woke up feeling energized and they started smiling and dancing like a cuckoo well that's what I'm doing right now. What can I do? My dream is all about Lisa confessing her love for me. Reality sucks! I did my morning routine, wrapping my wardrobe on my body.

"Okay, what to wear? I need to impress Lisa." It's been ages when I started dressing like a supermodel ready to walk in the runway, the reason? Impressing the Lalisa Manoban but until now she never bothered complimenting my looks. Ugh! "What to wear? What to wear? What to wear? Okay, I need some help." I dialed Rosé's number waiting for her to answer.


"Hey, Park. Do you know what color does Lisa like? I mean the whole get up. Do you know what she likes?"

[Do I look like I'm her friend, Kim? But whatever. I think she likes the feminine get up type. Try wearing pink I think she'll love it.]

"Alright! Thanks, Park!" I hang the phone up smiling to myself. Ooh, I think I know what to wear.


I was busy praying to all the saints to just at least once get notice by Lisa. I know I am trying so hard for her but what can I do? I already like her since we were kids. I don't think - like - is the right word to describe what I am feeling towards her.

Love will suit perfectly.

I noticed everyone's looking at me with those lustful eyes making me a little uncomfortable. Is wearing a skirt a bad idea? I mean I have black stockings so what the fuck is wrong with them. I held the hem of my skirt making sure it won't go up. Stop staring idiots. I fasten my pace wanting to just arrive in our classroom to avoid their disgusting stares. Fortunately, I saw my friends just outside the room also entering the room. We all got inside the room, closing the door behind me.

"What's with the rush?" Irene asked.

"Well, those disgusting boys keep on staring at me like I'm some kind of a celebrity they wanted to fuck. Yuck! Eww! Argh! It gives me an awful cringed!"

"Why on earth are you wearing a skirt, Ms. President?" Nayeon gave me a knowing look, wiggling her eyebrows at me. "Rosé already told you. Am I right nosy girls?" They shrugged their shoulders simultaneously making me scoffed.

Rosé nudged my side before whispering something. "Look who's staring." My eyes landed at her and she's right there with her friends swarming around her. She's just staring at me with no emotions, what's inside your head Manoban? Do you like my outfit? Do you hate it? What? Can I please just once read her mind cause I'm getting curious. I gave her a small smile before showing her my flirty wink. Her eyes soften making my heart burst with butterflies and flowers.

Her stares, I love it so much. I'm ready to say, the fourth thing that I love about her is...

The way she stares at me...

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