Six Shining Stars

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"Thank you for reminding me what butterflies feel like

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"Thank you for reminding me what butterflies feel like."


I dragged Irene inside the restroom trying to persuade her to help me with Lisa. Well, she's my last chance. I mean Rosé and Nayeon's brain is kinda wrecked so I'm asking the expert. "Please Joohyun-ah, help me with this one, okay?" I pleaded with my cute voice showing her my pouty lips. She squinted her eyes looking directly to my eyes before giving in. "Fine."

I did a little victory dance hugging her tightly. We went outside the restroom just to see a lot of eyes looking at us with their mouth wide open. "What's with the fuss?" I asked sternly but then they started running away. What the hell? Do I look like an effin' monster to them to make them run like that? Gosh. I shake my head repeatedly trying to stop my giggle when I saw Lisa with her friends. Would you look at that even fate is giving us a chance.

"Lisa?" I called out. She started fidgeting on her spot making my heart soft. She's so cute!

"Uh, yes?" I made my way towards her looking up a little to meet her eyes before pouting. I gently placed my hand on her head checking if there's any bump before going down to her cute nose tapping it gently. "Are you okay now?"

She started to get sweaty stuttering on her words. "I-I... I mean we uh, I'm falling."

My forehead creased. "What?"

"I mean I mean I'm falling down the stairs in my dream." I wanted to laugh at her cuteness but forbid myself to do so. I nodded at her uttering. "Okay?"

"My head's kinda weird right now because it got hit and, and my brain's kinda falling apart too and I should stop blurting nonsense things right now. I should go." Then she ran away. Yeah, she's really blurting nonsense but I can't stop myself to completely stare at her. I got starstruck.

I looked at her friends smiling a bit. "What happened to her?" They just shrugged their shoulders innocently but then I heard Jisoo mumbling something. "Baby I'm falling... head over heels..."


She arched her eyebrows at me. "What?"

"You're mumbling something."

"I am?" I nodded. "No, I'm singing."

"No, you're not." I insisted. "You're definitely mumbling something."

"I am singing, Ms. President." She said while shaking her head no then they left. I looked at Irene and she's just standing there laughing.


"What what?"

I glared at her but she just keeps on laughing at me. "You look hilarious, Kim! Stop it."

"She's mumbling something, right? I mean I heard it clearly. She said 'Baby I'm falling head over heels.' You heard it too, right?" She looked at me weirdly hooking her arm on my neck.

"She's definitely singing Jennie. Don't tell me you don't know that song?" I shook my head no, pouting my lips.

I smiled at her wiggling my eyebrows. "Should I sing it for her? You know to get her attention."


"Should I?"

She facepalmed herself while shaking her head. "Oh gosh. You're a hopeless case!"

Lisa's face flashed in my mind making my smile grew wider. How can she do that?! How can she make my heart go bouncy even without her presence? I'm pretty sure that the sixth thing that I love about her is...

Her beautifully handsome face...

Adopt me. I don't bite.

7 Things I Love About Her [ JENLISA ]Where stories live. Discover now