With A Dash of Special Love

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"I want you to be my best friend, my naughty lover and my partner in life

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"I want you to be my best friend, my naughty lover and my partner in life."


It's been years since we got married but I'm still very much in love with her. I don't know what she did to make me fell head over heels and so madly in love with her.

Maybe because she's perfect for me.

She's now a Neurosurgeon, a consultant and I am in Cardio department. Well, we can't stay apart from each other so we decided to be in the same field.

We're really busy and can't see each other sometimes even though we are practically working in the same hospital but she always make sure to check on me whenever she have free time and I can't ask for more and perfect wife.

She's my life, afterall.

"Hey, Cat!" She shouted from downstairs bringing me out of my own trance. "We're gonna be late."

"I'm almost done, Monkey!"

We also have the same shift. How good is that, right? Well, hmm... fine! I may or may not begged my senior to put me in the same shift as Lisa. Gosh, if she ever find out about this she's so gonna tease me! What can I do? I'm so really dependent on her. I know it's wrong, but I am pretty sure she'll catch me whenever.

She's my first and I pray and wish that she will be my last. I descendent, reaching for her hand. "Hold." I said while doing the close open thing with my hand. She gently grabbed my hand, placing a soft kiss on it, giving me a beaming smile.

She pulled me inside the car, as she drive towards the hospital. "Hi, hun." She grinned, giving me a charming wink. She always do something different to cheer my day up, since she knows I will be doing a 24 hour shift today. "I love you, hot stuff." And that made me burst out laughing early in the morning.

"Hot stuff?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows, grin slowly curving up my lips, but tried to hide it from her yet failed when she wiggle her eyebrows at me. "That was a bad one!"

Scrunching her nose, smile still plastered on her lips, giving me repeated nod. "I know. I know. I heard that from my resident. I'll tell him it's a bad one." I slapped her arm softly, before placing it back on her thigh. "Don't. Let the man live." She chuckled, shaking her head to disagree. "It was meant to save him from that horrible endearment that he invented!" She argued back, unconsciously playing with my fingers on her thigh, thumb caressing the back of my hand. She doesn't know it, but every small things she do made my heart burst in so much love and adoration.

Of course our relationship isn't all about sweetness and all, we have a fair share of fights here and there, but we are both mature enough to handle it on our own, without anyone knowing about the arguments we had. She might be the one who's mostly apologizing first, but I made sure that I'll accept my faults too and make it up to her. I love her, and I'll do anything to make her stay with me. She's my greatest love after all, I bet you all know that, right?

She parked her car on our designated slot, which is for the doctor's only. She grabbed her bag, stepping outside the car, before opening the door for me. She never once forget to open the door for me.

I'll tell you something about Lisa. It's a simple thing for her, she maybe didn't notice it, but it's a big thing for me. Lisa never once forget to open something for me, even if she's mad at me or we're both mad at each other. Opening the car door, opening a water bottle, opening something in the kitchen that I have a difficulty of doing myself. She also never forget to give me back rubs every night to help me fall asleep, she might be mad or disappointed at me but she always care. May it be intentionally or unintentionally, but her actions can speak for itself. I love her.

"Hun, I'll get going. I have to do my morning rounds." She gave me a kiss on my head, softly messing my hair, giving me a beaming smile.

"Love, wait!" I called out, getting something from my bag. "Here, it's a smoothie. I blended it earlier." She narrowed her eyes at me, giving that teasing look again.

"I always wonder where I placed my favorite tumbler after my game that time..." I looked at the tumbler in my hand, then back to her, eyes widening from the realization.


She took it from my hand, giving me that toothy smile that I adore so much. "Yeah. Oh." She teased yet again, before giving me a full kiss on my lips. "I'm so not gonna let this information go, Ruby Jane. Wait until lunch time." She waved goodbye, winking at me. "I never knew you're that into me, Jennie Ruby Jane!" She shouted with laugh.

I'm not gonna lie. I am so that into her.

"Love!" She stopped on her track upon hearing my voice, raising her brows up, still with that adorable smile. I ran to her, pulling her for quick kiss on her lips, before pampering her whole face with light kisses. "I didn't get my chance to say this because of that hot stuff." I snort.

She tilt her head to the side, giving me an encouraging look. "Hm?"

"I love you."


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