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"Dear tummy, sorry for all the butterflies lately

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"Dear tummy, sorry for all the butterflies lately. I swear it's not my fault. It's hers."


It's their game today so basically, I'm not gonna see her up close only inside the field. I sighed deeply. Should I ask Siri? Alexa? Google? on how to get noticed by your crush? I tapped my finger on my chin thinking of a good plan. "I have a plan." I announced. They all stared at me weirdly asking for more elaboration. "Just follow my lead, alright?" I dragged them just beside the athlete's bench and we just stand there for a minute making sure there are no passers-by left.

They simultaneously cross their arms on their chest before raising their eyebrows. "What the hell are we doing here?"

I shrugged my shoulder innocently before rummaging Lisa's bag. Well, they are in the game so no one is going to see us or specifically see me doing this. "And what the hell are you doing?!" I ignored their questions, still finding something on her bag. Aha! Gotcha!

"What the fuck are you gonna do with her tumbler?!"

"Enough with the questions alright? You're giving me a headache!" I put Lisa's tumbler inside my bag securing it, smiling victoriously. I made my way to my seat still smiling like some kind of a lovesick teenager. If this is the only way so I can talk to you up close then I'm so into it.

I was busy watching her when I saw her eyes landed on her opponent. She's staring at her with that naughty look. Hey, Manoban eyes up! Not in her butt! I groaned in frustration slumping my back on my seat.

Rosé nudged my side making me look at her. "Jennie, I think you need to give her tumbler back. Look she's already exhausted." I pouted my lips still having a second thought if I should give it back or not.

Hmm, I looked at them with my 'i have an idea' look, getting my bottled water inside my bag. "Wait for me here." I ran inside the hallway chasing her when I saw her with Nancy. I think they are talking, no it's more like flirting with her. I gripped the bottled water I am holding while watching her having a convo with that foreigner girl.

Psh. I'm more beautiful than her and a girlfriend material and, and... oh god Jennie stop justifying your insecurities!

I was about to leave them when her eyes landed on me. My breath hitched for the second time around. What's with your eyes that every time you look at me, it can take my breath away without even trying.

"Jennie." My heart goes madly racing inside my chest ready to break loose any moment now when she called my name. It sounds so perfect coming from her lips.

"Uh, hi Lisa I was about to give this to you but I think you already have one." I'm so disappointed, Lisayah. Can't you see that? She smiled at me, opening the bottled water on her hand that was given by Nancy drinking with one gulped before looking at me.

"I think I still need that." She pointed at the bottle that I was holding, showing me her cutest smile. Stop making my heart go crazy, Manoban. I might kiss you right here right now. I slowly handed her the water making her hands gently brushed into mine. I can feel the heat slowly creeping into my face so I ran as fast as I can to avoid her from seeing my face turning into a tomato mess.

Oh my god, can you calm down for a bit?! I walked inside the restroom washing my face to bring me back to my normal self. I looked at myself in the mirror placing my hand on my chest feeling my heart jumping and tumbling inside. Relax Jennie. Relax. I took a deep calming breath. You got this.

I went back to my seat but I got curious with their worried faces. "What happened?" I asked Irene.

"Your baby got hit and to make it worse she got kicked on her leg."


"Yeah, she's probably in the infirmary now. I think it's a bad injury she looks in pain earlier." I stood up on my seat running inside the school... again.

Gosh! Too much cardio!

I breathe heavily before knocking on the infirmary's door. I gently open it and the smell of alcohols and disinfectant welcomed me. "What brought you here, Ms. Kim?"

"Uh... I j-just wanna check on Lisa." I smiled at her and she pointed at the last bed behind the closed curtain. I bowed at her before making my way into it.

"How are you?" I asked but it came out as a whisper. Don't look at me like that, Lisa. I'm melting.

"I'm alright."

"Uh, good." This is the worst part of having a conversation with your crush. The awkwardness! Should I break the silence again? Whatever. "Do you need anything?" I asked.

She shook her head no, giving me a simple smile. "I'm really fine just need to rest." Omg, am I bothering her? Goodness! This is so embarrassing.

"Oh yeah, sorry for bothering you. Please be well soon." Then I left.

Gosh Lalisa, why can't you see that I'm freaking worried? Are you really that dense? Should I say the fifth thing that I hate or should I say love? But I love you so I should say love, right? Fine!

I love how oblivious you are...

Squeezy squeezy brainy squeezy!

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