Three Shining Stars

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"Do you know what it's like to like someone so much that you can't stand it?"_

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"Do you know what it's like to like someone so much that you can't stand it?"


I was walking down the hallway excited to attend my next class, but wait don't get me wrong okay it's not about the subject why I'm willing to sacrifice my own freedom but because of that girl with bangs. Okay moving on, I entered the math class everyone's eyes are on me making me more confident. Look at me, peasants! Wait, where's my beloved King? I look at Lisa's seat and it's vacant same goes with her friends.

"Ms. President you can sit here." The boy with thick divorced eyebrows offered. Uhh, ew no. I shook my head smiling 'fakely' at him before taking my seat just beside Lisa's seat but then I saw him blushed. What the hell? I was busy whining inside my head on where on earth is she when I heard my other classmates complain.

"The athletes got excused again. Wah~ I'm so jealous."


"Yeah, the soccer team is busy practicing in the field I think they have a game tomorrow."

"They should win that competition."

Oh, I forgot my baby is an athlete. Should I just ditch this subject and watch her? But I'm the president. That's the point I should support them right? Wait, but I should be a role model and cutting classes is not a brilliant idea. Waaah~ Lisayaaaah~

The professor started her lecture but here I am not focusing on what she was saying. I really want to watch Lisa's practice what if someone is trying to flirt with her? Omg, I'm so gonna kill that girl.

"Ms. Kim?" I was brought back to reality when I heard my professor's voice calling me out. "Ah, Y-Yes ma'am?"

"I was calling you for like 5 times already. Is there any problem?" I shook my head giving her an apologetic smile. She continues to teach her lesson but I can seem to focus.

"Hey, Jendeukie. I heard Nancy likes Lisa." That whole ass sentence made my blood boil. I slowly turn my head to Rosé, lips twitching, teeth clenched so hard that I can cut that bitch's skin - I'm not a zombie - I'm too perfect to become one. "W-What the fuck is that look?"

"What did you just say?"

Nayeon put her palm on Rosé's mouth covering it to stop her from spilling nonsense thing. "She's not saying anything. I mean - yeah - it is quite nonsense you know. She's just hungry." I squinted my eyes at them before letting it slide.

"Class dismissed." I hurriedly swing my bag on my shoulder walking incredibly fast so I can watch the practice before it ends. "Jennie! Wait up!" I heard Irene's voice calling me but I just signaled them to walk faster.

We sat on the front seat so we can clearly see the game and - of course - so I can see Lisa. I was scanning the benches when my eyes landed on the girl with a brown hair, she's cheering for Lisa using her high pitched voice throwing her hands up. I looked at Rosé pointing the girl with my lips. "Who's that girl?"

"Ah, I think that's Nancy." I arched my eyebrows showing my bitch face when I heard them all shouted. I saw Lisa smiling so wide with her teammates. I think she got a goal. Good job. That's my girlfriend but... she's not yet informed about that.

"Nice one Manoban! She's single!" Her friends shouted making me smirk. Single? Hmm, for not too long. I can fix that. They rested for a bit before starting their practice again but Lisa started scanning the whole crowd like she's looking for someone, suddenly our eyes met halfway making my breath hitched and for a minute we just stared at each other's eyes... oh that eyes that I truly adore.

I'm slowly drowning with her eyes straightly looking at mine and I'm loving every minute of it. I was about to smile at her when she got hit on her head. I shook my head suppressing my giggle.

Now I remember the third thing that I love about her, it's her...

Captivating doe eyes...

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