Chapter two: Getting To Know You

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Awesome Cover by @horrible_reader! This girl has such a talent. My gorgeous pepperoni on my pizza.

I love uuuuuu my lovely @horrible_reader! And srsly! This work, just rocks ;) ❤️

Edited + Checked •

Chapter Two: Getting to know you

I start looking around, trying to find where the hell I had left that book! Freaking out because of the thought that I've never, EVER lost something! I like considering myself as a very organized person, but all of a sudden, it was just gone! As if magic had given it legs and he walked away.

I Stand up from the green grass as I look at my surroundings, inspecting and inhaling every scent, trying to identify something that could feel off.
However, my luck wasn't on my side today, everything looks and smells normal, but there's a feeling inside that tells me that maybe someone had take it. Which scares me to death because of the new intruders on the morning. Oh no please! Please tell me it's not another intruder, I'm exhausted from the two of the morning, that I can't even stand with one more.

I run to every corner of the path, passing trough the lilies, tulips, moonflowers and orchids, nothing!I search from the animals passing by like; butterflies, bluebirds, bugs and even green camaleons. I have walked the whole path twice and found myself with empty hands, just the way I started. I know my parents told me that even when I'm stressed out and about to go out of border, I should never give up, but right now, that's exactly what I'm planning on doing if I don't find the book in the next five minutes.

'Maybe Talia take it' I thought, as I continue waking, observing every piece with more detail than it had done. I remind myself that Talia was the one who requested to search on the book, so there will be no reason for her to hide it from me.

Five minutes pass, and I'm still standing here, with an empty pocket.

'Why so depressed?'

I hear someone asks as I turn in circles to see who does that voice belongs to.

'I'm right here silly, on your head'

Confusion starts consuming me, but when I was about to ask what did she meant, I thought that maybe she didn't exists at all, I'm just so frustrated because of the missing book that I start imagine things.

Deciding to look around for it tomorrow and take a rest from the search, I was about to exit my path when I hear footsteps, little and delicate footsteps. The first thought that passes through my brain is obviously, a new mythical creature had courage to turn in and steal my book. Maybe a dwarf, or an elf, or even a goodie two ponytail girl that's really hidden from her real aspect and has a plan on attacking me and my flower. My lord, I can't believe this creatures wants to bother me so much, Seriously! What have I ever done to them in the first place?

I turn around trying to identify if there's another one here, I walk slowly, following a strange scent, however not that strange enough to be a mystical creature with magic or wisdom. More like a... Human scent?

What? I got that someone is surely in MY path, and I already know that for some unknown reason the barrier doesn't work anymore and almost everyone is able on entering, but how did a Human managed to enter?

As soon as the strange sound of footsteps stop, I found a Fairyland Forums. Tons of fairies flying around me, guiding me to an unknown place. Where did they come from in the first place?

They lead me through some ways where I haven't never even been to.

I finish in front of a doorway, this wasn't here this morning was it? I approach it, trying to open it to see where did this door would led my.

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