Chapter Six : Without You

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           Checked and Edited, Yayy' here is Chapter Six :) Enjoy.

Chapter Six: Without You

I could still feel the anger flowing through my whole body, and by the look of Daniel's face, he was frighten of what I'm planning on doing to him; good, he should be, no one messes with Bethany Redrose. And I'm completely serious about it.

'Bethany you should relax' Nuria tries calming me but it just gets my even more angered.

I couldn't let myself think of him as the sweet and caring boy like the first day I met him, he has changed and there's no going back from it.

All the other lovely and dazzling times we have spent together, has been always a lie!

He is a liar and a daddy boy, who cannot dare to break one of his rules and orders. However, I still believe that somewhere there was the heart of the soul that had make me jump in joy in matter of days.

After all, as he said the first time, he was just following and order.

An order who could or could not kill me in the process of course.

I wonder if Daniel even knows this.

Probably not, for sure, all he cares is following Dear Father's orders, I bet he didn't even asked nor questioned his daddy dreariest what would have happened if my rose happens to die, all that matters to him is about achieving with success the order from that stupid operation beetles. I snort reminding me how lame that name sounds. 

'It does sound lame doesn't it?' Nuria cracks in laughter which I just rolled my eyes and return to my cold hearted mode.

I took a step closer but regret it instantly when I see him whimper slightly, making my heart broke into little pieces at the sight of it.

I know, I know I'm mad at him, and I as I said, I wanted to make him suffer, pay for what he was doing to me, but I care for him just as I care for my family, even if it's not a little more.

And even when I'm on rage and seeing red, I still care of him, and it breaks my heart to think that he is frighten of me.

"He's afraid of us! I don't like that Bethany"  My subconscious screams in my head as she starts growling and ordering me to find a way on changing it; I couldn't help but agree with her. Daniel is, what can I say, important to me?

And even when I'm almost about to explode in anger it sucks how gloomy I just started feeling by just one simple look he gaze towards me.
I instantly could feel Nuria's Feelings turn from grumpiness to a sorrowful feeling growing not just in her, but me too.

"What can I possibly do? What's so frighten of us? We're the same as we woke up aren't we?"

I mean, I know I do look terrifying and frightening when I'm mad, Dad always use to warn me to not get this far, but I haven't made no one whimper or shiver in fear before or ever, and It really hurts that that someone is Daniel.

I could feel her shaking her head as she tells me sweetly to chill a bit and close my eyes to relax.

I instantly close my eyes and could feel my whole body relax. I cannot assure if my eyes changed colour or not, cause the feeling happened so quick, but I do know that when I open my eyes again, I now see his face relaxing before turning to its normal self. Taking a deep breath and looking at him sweetly and honestly I say.

"Daniel, can you tell me what are you doing with my rose on your garden?"

His eyes lock in mine and my inner self is trying hard not to forget that he's planning on hurting us. She keeps telling me how handsome and caring he is, but even though that's all true, he was going to hurt us; again.

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