Chapter three: Meetings Disasters and Operation Beetles!

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Chapter Three: Meetings, Disasters and Operation Beetles!

As my eyes flutter open I realize that there weren't any dreams enlighten me last night, I'm guessing yesterday wasn't a dream either, but still! I would've wanted to know how would this day turn out, and I'm pretty nervous of my meeting with Daniel today.

We've decided to meet on Daniel's path in a few, and my nervousness is seriously getting me. I don't understand why or how I feel so connected to Daniel, knowing I just met him yesterday, there's actually really no reason for me to feel this way towards him so much.
However, there's something plugging me, is the thought of knowing him somewhere before our meeting yesterday, however, my memories are straight blank or in a blur.

And to add the package, my head is going crazy over the thought that is the first time I'll go 'out' of the palace without any guards on my back, and meet with someone who I've just met yesterday without any supervision.

I know I'm a full grown up girl, my life always have been my rose and me, I do my laundry, I cook my breakfast, and I clean my room. It will be a miracle if my parents and I have some kind of activity together apart from dinner. But I can't help feel nervous about leaving my path or going out alone.

'I'm still here you know?' My subconscious starts as I roll my eyes.

'Sadly' I mutter as I shut off the link between the both before she starts rambling and annoying me out.

Of course I had go outside, is not as if someone would harm me, I have like seven guards behind me, following and guarding the whole kingdom. Is not as if the citizens will bring me any harm, And even though I don't know them fully, I'm sure they will love me, just as I love them, and not to brag or anything, but they will love me a little bit more.

'Whoa! Finally, I was starting to think that you really weren't really my human! Your EGO is high as a blunt' I chuckle at her words before cutting the link again, building some walls I imagined between us.

Ah, but the real reason behind my lack of confidence is that even though they may not harm me now, they sure will try if they knew that I'm under a spell.

'Nah uh uh! C'mon, where's the sudden burst of joy you always bring? And your bandages all creepily colourful? And oh oh! You peace glasses! LOVE TO THE WORLD!!!'

'Whaaat? Hey umm, you know I'm not a Hippy do you?'

'Then what are you?' She asks me as I feel her eyebrow raised cockily.

'Umm, a Princess?'

Silence. . .
'YOURE A HIPPY ROYAL PRINCESS WITH AN AWESOME VOICE IN THE BACK OF YOUR MIND!!!!' She squick in excitement as I just laugh it off as I roll my eyes at her childishness.

I enter my restroom as I take a bath, forgetting the peppy talk we just had. Dressing with a green gown, remembering my mum's words.

"'You look so lovely on green Darlin', it makes your gorgeous dazzling eyes 'POP'" My mum says as I roll my eyes not before muttering a quick thanks.

Laughing the memory off, I prepare my banana pancakes as quickly as you can say 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' Ha! Got you there! I eat them, while gulping my orange juice down.

When I finish, I wash the plates and dismiss William on the exit.
I found myself running towards my path, wanting to be standing in front of the stupendous door that I had discover yesterday. Passing through the lilies, tulips, orchids, and sunflowers, and the singing blue birds; and Ravens, Owls, and Hawks; All just on my path.

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