Chapter Ten : Liar Liar, Pants on Fire

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Chapter Ten : Liar Liar, Pants on Fire

"You know, it's very simple, I was galloping with my horse out in the woods, I was to mesmerised by the enchanting surroundings and we got ourself lost! That's all!"
I lie.

I'm doing that quite a lot now, if it's not me who's lying, then I'm the one being lied about.

"You still haven't tell me of what you where escaping of!" He exclaim, still not believing my excuse.

Think Beth think, what horses escape from....

Ha! That's easy.

"I thought everyone knew this, My horse saw a snake in attack position, you know how horses are frighten about them right?
Well she started running minutes after I hop off her.

I thought it was a root tree, not a snake, so I started looking for the snake, trying to calm her down however I heard growls and howls, I started searching everywhere and  when then I saw wolves following us, I started running very fast and then I felt down, that's all!" I lie again.

He wasn't that convince with my little story, that was for sure, but he let it go and decide to believe it, giving me a nod.

I sigh when I realise I didn't had to tell him the truth
I knew I couldn't let him know me that well, I don't know him either.
He could be a fugitive or on some type of gang. I shouldn't give information I didn't even share with my friend, Daniel.

My friend.

Is he even considered that way?
I still don't know why on my dreams it said I loved him, surely it was overreacting.

Love is such a big word, and you can't just feel it and say it as if you're saying the sky is blue.
I can't even say it at all. I think bitterly.

Yet, I still managed 'loving' him on my dreams. How?

I sigh, knowing I won't get any answer for now.

For a moment, confusion filled my brain, what was I thinking of him? I left him, I shouldn't be mourning about him nor dreaming about him. I should be focused on handsome guy here.

Wait, what was his name again?

"Excuse me, but I would like to know the name of the sir!" I say, very politely, gaining somewhat strength.

"Oh of course! Haha is incredible that I haven't tell you my name and neither have you! He stretch his hand and answer "Nathaniel, Prince"

To say I was shock would be an understatement, he clearly surprise me, saying he has royal blood.

Prince. He's a prince.
He's a prince? Oh my lord!
"So you aren't any fugitive or something?" I pout, really liking the thought to have some rebel friend. But then again, Daniel appeared in my mind.

Ugh! Just get out of my head!

Nathaniel's chuckle bring me back from my fantasies.
"I'm no delinquent if that's what you were thinking. " he smiles as I laugh slightly.

"So prince only?"

"Yep" he said popping the p.

"Well know that you have said it, I guess Is my turn" I stretch my hand and touch his as I've seen my father do when settling business and greeting some other royals. "Bethany, Princess"

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