Chapter Eight: Life is Full of Surprises

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Chapter Eight: Life is Full of Surprises

I'm riding with my Little Rose through the forest.

Everything is green and full of nature, the leaves, trees and the birds singing their melodic songs.

I continue galloping to the
unknown, I'm not sure where or how I'm going to found everything I need, but I got a feeling that I would.

And well you're probably asking if I agreed on Daniel coming with me or not. After all, it was just a simple answer, but we..
We managed on making it way much more complicated than what already is.

I told him I didn't wanted him to get hurt just because he wanted to come with me, and then he started rambling incoherent words and I really believe his eyes turned into a deep red color, but it disappeared almost instantly, anyway, when he closed his eyes to relax and calm himself, I took it as my cue to leave, so you can imagine how lost I may be and how full of rage Daniel is right now. He'd probably kill me when I return. But it really had to be done, isn't as if I'm dying or not seeing him again.

All those thoughts keep laying on my head, and being lost isn't helpful either.
Since I just sprinted forward, and not ever took a glance towards the map, I was seriously lost.
I might had to turned left somewhere but Oh well, I was too busy trying to leave Daniel without leaving any trial that I really didn't realize nor payed attention to that.

My breath has finally become steady and we were not running anymore.

My surroundings are surely quite the view, so I found the need to comment that to my horse, don't ask me why.

"This is so magnificent isn't? Little Rose?" I stupidly ask my horse.
And I know what you're thinking, why ask her horse something, it's not as if it'll answer,but let me say.  I always talk with animals, I do believe they can understand what I say and when I'm lonely or in a need of someone to hear me, they're there. Even if I don't get their language, they are there.

"I bet it is" the voice of a man snap me from my thoughts. Surprised for that answer, I started looking around everywhere, 'cause I'm sure that the one who just answer me wasn't my horse.

"Who's there?"
I ask very alarmed looking everywhere.

"No uh uh! Don't need to be afraid of me my beautiful Beth! I'm someone your parents know, therefore, I'm part of your family!"

The voice keep talking
approaching to me every time.

"Beth Beth Beth," he tsk my name while giggling?...
"Daniel was such a bad son, he never followed the rules when it came to you, but now that your'e actually in need of him, he's no where near sight, letting you say no to him was very helpful for me, and well, he still not know about this, and he being all madly in love with you doesn't help either.
He might not know now what kind of monster you really are, but I'm not stupid as my son, I'm not blind, I'll do what's necessary to get the privilege..."
The voice whisper right in my ear.

The privilege of what?
I wanted to ask, but my brain just kept screaming louder and louder for the man to leave me alone.

"No no! Leave me alone! I won't let you get what you want!"

Whatever that might be, I thought,
And with that I start galloping as fast as I and my Little Rose could.

"Ha hahah"

Is in my mind, everything,
Is in my mind, it isn't real. I continue reminding myself that, even if it's not true.

The chuckles continue and as we continue galloping, I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins.

I stop and focus on movements on the tress and leaves. but nothing, is like I had just imagine it all.
But when I turned around I found something I want expecting to.

"Hello Princess Bethany"
A man with a very deep voice said.

Little Rose stood up, letting me fall on the ground, running away as if the man it's a snake itself, leaving me alone in the forrest with the snake.

"Look lets get this simple, I don't
want to hurt you, and I'm sure you don't want to get hurt, how about you gave me your rose and I let you go?"

"Forget it!" I replied as I get up and kick the dust from my clothes.

"I see it's the bad way then"
With that he was about to touch my neck and take my necklace rose, but there was a force that didn't let him and on the background a strong and determined voice repeating what I had just said.
"Forget it"

The man look at me impacted, does that turn out from me?! I'm seriously confused right now, first a beast talking to me, now powers?!

'I'm awesome and you know it, oh and about your power thing, you'll find about it later, just wait and see'

It was that protective strength that I had used to left unconscious that man.

Impressed of what I had just done, I start running with all I had, I don't have any directions or any ideas of where I'm going, just escaping from that whole scene back there.

But I was that careless that I didn't even notice there was a guy walking on the opposite direction I am, but I was that fast, that when  I tried to stop, the force was too high that I just couldn't do so, taking the man with me and falling on top of him.

"Oh my! Please I offer my apologies, I was running to fast that I didn't notice you where in the way! I'm sorry if I hurt you!"

The guy lock his gaze with mine and smile.

"No, I'm okay, it wasn't that bad having you on top of me."
He look at my right arm and left leg full of bruises with some blood and immediately comment.

"But I guess you're the one hurt, how about you go to my house and I try to heal the bruises?"
I was so tired that I also need some place to sleep, so thinking of the possibilities of me sleeping in the cold hard floor, I accept it.

"Great! I'll guide you to my home, just follow me and you can tell me your story, cause I know that any Sixteen year old girl alone on the forest isn't everything you'll find would you?"

"No of course not. I'll tell you, but can we please get to your home first. Im very tired if you don't mind."

"Oh of course I don't mind, let's keep moving."

It wasn't that difficult to get somewhere to sleep, the thing that preoccupies me is,
Should I tell him every single detail of my story?

I mean is a stranger! But he ask for it.

I guess I'll decide later or maybe I should ask Nuria.
But first, we need the house, cause I'm seriously exhausted!


This chapter is dedicated to simply_no_perfection who gave me part of the idea of this chapter.
Told you I would! :)

Ik it's not very long, it's short! But I promise next chapters will be longer.

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