Chapter 12

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"So your sister is a fan?" I would like to know a bit more about his family. All that I'm aware of is just one persons opinion, I wanna know how it really is.

"Yes! A big one. She's so obsessed with them that even I learned all the songs. She played them that much!" I giggle at the thought of him singing along to any of 1D songs.

"What is your favourite one?" A big smirk is on my face. I know he probably thinks how he doesn't want to talk to me about One Direction songs and that it probably makes him lame but I would beg to differ. If anything, I always wanted my boyfriend to be able to enjoy my favorite songs with me. It is not a flaw in my eyes.

"Really? You are really making me do this?" I try to hide my amusement when I nod.

"Okay... Uhm I don't know, What makes you beautiful. There."

"Come on! You have to have a favorite one! Don't just pick the first one you remember. I really want to know." He looked me in the eyes like he was defeated, but I am genuinely interested.

"Fine. I guess my favorite song is If I could fly..."

"Really? Why is that?" I don't know what I was expecting... Maybe I thought he really didn't have a favorite one.

"You're gonna laugh at me."

"Come on, you know I won't. I am not messing with you, I want you to tell me." It took a few more moments of silence for him to finally say something.

"It's my favorite song because... I guess I always wanted something like that. I wanted to feel so strongly about someone that I would want to give up everything for them. I wanted to show my heart to someone and have them love me just as much. That song really represents how great love can be. I know it's stupid I just... I guess I'm a hopeless romantic, I don't know..."
Did...did he really just say that? I am hopeless romantic... I want that kind of love in my life! That's why my head is always stuck in the novels I so adore. A big part of me always had to live to that love story. I never knew guys felt like that but... I was obviously wrong...

"It's not stupid. Not for a moment! Everyone deserves to feel like that at least once in their life. I just never knew I would ever meet a boy who would admit it... In my eyes, that makes you very mature..." A big smile was on his face again and I don't know how but he just keeps bombing me with all these informations about himself and they make me like him even more. He is gonna make me fall for him hard...

I admit that, even tho I wanted my love story as soon as possible, I never believed if would be before I'm at least twenty because, boys my age are still not that mature when it comes to love and relationships. I guess most of the girls aren't too, but reading all the novels I've read made me realise what I want and that I shouldn't settle for anything less than that. That's why I was willing to wait for anyone mature enough to come my way, but I guess he came sooner than expected.

"You know, we should definitely have a karaoke night one day. 1D songs only. Nicol included." I said as soon as we came back to his bike.

"You know that is not a bad idea at all. We should do it tonight." He gave me my helmet.

"Wait really? I was joking..." Now that I think about it, it might be fun?

"I know you were, but seriously, we should definitely do it. She would love you! And we can even make some snacks or something?" He had a beautiful expression on his face. Almost like he was excited. I couldn't turn him down even if I wanted to.

"Who are you and what happened to my 'I hate everything' Hero?" We both laughed at this statement but than his eyes went soft.

"You broke down his walls..." I looked at him with amazement. He is the most beautiful boy I have ever met, or read about, inside and out. But I can't help it but wonder what hurt him so much that he had to put those emotional walls around him...
I wanted to ask but that was a topic for another date.

He started his bike as soon as we climbed on it and before I knew it, we were back in the Hillits.

He drove me down to my house and we confirmed our karaoke night tonight.

"Well, see you tonight then..." He was about to go but I stopped him by grabbing his hand.

"Hey... Thank you for today... I really had a great time." A warm smile was covering his features once again.

" too." And he left.
I felt like I was on some kind of cloud. I wanted to fly just to get all this energy out. This was the perfect date and I couldn't wait for tonight. I'm not only going to spend time with him, but I'll get to do it while enjoying my favorite music... It almost seems too good to be true but I don't want to jinx my luck. Not this time.

It's two in the afternoon and I have so much to do until tonight but it's almost like I can't think of anything but him. Come on Oliv! Get your head in the game! You need to help dad dig out the onions.

I changed and went out on the field to help my dad who has already done a lot of work. I tried to occupy myself until it was time to go and somehow, I managed.

When the Sun started setting down, I showered and put on some clothes, getting ready for the karaoke night.
Not even two minutes later, I was just in front of their house. It was quite big, with two stores and a large pull.
Just when I was about to ring the bell, a large wooden door opened up and I saw Nicol greeting me with a beautiful smile, quite similar to Hero's.

"You're here!" She gave me a big hug. I took that gesture gladly and hugged her back without hesitation. I know I said that I've met Nicole last summer, but it wasn't really like that? Yes, we were introduced to each other by my aunt but it was so quick that I'm sure she doesn't even remember me.

"Hii! How are you?" I smiled once again letting her out of the hug.

"I'm great! But someone is even better..." She raised her brows a few times with a huge grin. I wanted to burst into laughter when I realized what she was talking about, or rather who, but my attention was stolen by the same boy the two of us were just thinking about.

"Hey!" He gave me a warm smile that I just adored and kissed me on the cheek while we were hugging.

"Come on! You can do better than that!" I chocked on my own breath and started laughing. Hero was clearly embarrassed by his sister when his cheeks started flushing. I was pretty found of that sight because you don't easily get the chance to see a guy in that kind of state.

"Shut up!" He hugged her and they both laughed. I don't know about you, but there is nothing I find more attractive than when a guy is close to his little sister. It just has a special place in my heart to see that type of closeness.

"Come on in." He finally invites me, leading me to the living room with his hand on my back. On the first touch I felt shivering through my spine. He still had that impact on me...

When we came into the leaving room, or in this case the karaoke room, I was surprised by all the work they have put into this evening. It really impressed me to see all these snacks and drinks and all of the blankets spread around the karaoke machine and the lights...just the atmosphere was so perfect that it took me a while to sink it all in.

"Wow...this is amazing..." I look around once more in case I missed some details.
"You did all of this in just a few hours?" I'm finally turned fo Hero not believing what he did for me.

"Well, I had some help." He's now looking at Nicole with a smile but she quickly joins the conversation.

"Don't you dare put all this effort on me." She's now looking at me. " I only brought snacks, he did all of this by himself he just doesn't like to brag." My eyes widen a little bit before turning to him.

"Well this is definitely something to brag about. I'm honestly impressed..." I can see a shy smile trying to find its way out but he's still trying to cover it which makes him blush just a bit.

Hi guys!! The new part is out, I hope you enjoy it!!! Leave a like and a comment please!

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