Chapter 13

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We were all hanging out for about half an hour and everything was going sooo good. I love Nicole! She's full of life and always ready to have fun. I know the age difference is not that small but when you talk to her, it's not easy to see it at all. And I'm glad she's here because she's been telling me embarrassing stories of baby Hero and I just can't get enough!

"...and then, he was so scared that he tried to run away but there was a bucket on his way full of water and he practically sat in it when he fell!" We both burst into laughter before Hero stopped us.

"Okay, okay, I think that's enough childhood stories for this evening..." He tried to act all tuff but I saw that smile while he turned around.
"So are we gonna sing or what?" He got up from the couch and started doing something around the karaoke machine. Soon enough there was a long list of all One Direction songs on the screen.

The first one he played was Drag me Down. He handed me a microphone before giving another one to Nicole. I looked at him thoughtfully realizing that he remembered...

"Are you ready?" Asked Nicole, already hiped. See, this is what I love about our fandom, always ready to party.

"Bring it on." I said jumping up and down concentrating on the screen.
Hero smiled at the sight of the two of us having fun and I couldn't wait to see what this night would bring.

"I'VE GOT A FIRE FOR A HEART, I'M NOT SCARED OF THE DARK..." And so we began. I was having such a great time and I just couldn't stop looking at Hero. Seeing him so close to his little sister just melted my heart. And to think that they welcome me to hang out with them and be able to witness that sight makes me feel important...

"So I think it's obvious who's the winner here..." Hero starts bragging but is interrupted by the two of us.

"WE ARE!" We burst into laughter. As the songs started piling up, Nicole and I somehow got paired up like we are fighting against Hero in this 'competition'.

"Heeeyyy!!! Why do I have a feeling that the two of you are working against me?" He's trying to act offended.

"Well, what if we are?" I have a smug on my face. This is just too interesting to stop.

"In that case... I would have to make you pay for your treason!" He laughed and started tickling us. I was not expecting this at all! The tickling attack soon turned into a pillow fight and somehow we all ended up laying on the floor on all the blankets that Hero previously prepared.

"I did not have this much fun in ages." Notes Hero.

"I gotta agree on that. I don't recall ever doing something so stupid and so fun." I laughed once again staring at the ceiling like I expected to see stars or something.

"I like your laugh..." I was brought from my imagination by his soothing voice. My head turned right away to see him and the expression he had on his face was... unrecognizable. I don't think I've ever seen it.

"Thank you..." We stared at each other for a few moments before Nicole cleared her throat.

"I'm gonna go to the kitchen to get us some more snacks. We are running out." I smiled at her and she left the room.

"I think I'm gonna help her. I'll be back in just a minute. Do whatever you'd like we have the whole house to ourselves." He gave me one of his dimple smiles before walking to the kitchen, following his sister.

Hero's P.O.V.

"Let me get that for you." I said as I saw Nicole struggling to reach some snacks from the higher shelf.

"Thanks." We were putting all the sweets into bowls when I asked.

"So... What do you think of Oliv?" For some reason, I think it was really important to me that she liked her. I don't really know why... I was never in the type of situation to question it but now it seems like a crucial thing.

"Oh I love her! She's so nice and fun and she likes to mess with you which is the most important thing." We both laughed and I messed up her hair a bit. I know she hates when I do that but she's my little sister, I gotta bug her a bit.

"No but seriously...I think she's really awesome and I'm happy that you found her."

"What do you mean..." I'm not sure how to take her sentence...

"Come on..." She gave me that look like I'm supposed to realize something every second now and she was waiting for that moment to happen, but I still remained standing there with a stupid look on my face.

"Really Hero?" She asked but I shook my head still not getting it.

"Gosh... It's clear that you love her... I just can't believe you're not getting it." What?? I let out something that was supposed to be laugh but it sounded like a cough.

"I don't love her..." She was still looking at me like I'm the biggest fool on the planet.

"I mean I can't love her, we only met recently..."

"Look I don't know when you met or whatever but I know that look... The one you have when you see her. You must think that I'm little and I don't know anything about love but... I know how much our parents love each other, I have observed it for years and that's the same look that dad has when he looks at mom whenever she laughs or does anything that makes her happy... That's the look of love." I'm stunned by her words. Just when she said them, I replayed every moment I remember of my parents being together and I remember that face. Dad really has that face when he's around mum. But... Do I really look at Oliv like that? Do her?

Oliv's P.O.V

"There you are." I say as I see them coming back into the living room.
"I think I should go now... It's already midnight, I don't want my parents to worry." If it were up to me, I wouldn't want this night to end, but I can't be disrespectful to any of them.

"Oh, okay..." Hero is not found of my answer but I don't know what to fell him...
I notice Nicole poking him with her elbow thinking that I don't see. He looks her with puzzled eyes and so do I.
Finally she says something.

"Oliv, you should spend the night, let's make this a sleepover!" Both me and Hero are stunned by her suggestion. First I'm not sure if my parents would let me and second, how can I sleep in their house just like that???

"I would love to, but I am not sure that my parents would let me. And besides, I don't want to bother your family as well..." I tell her with soft eyes hoping she would understand.

"You don't have to worry about our family, they're staying with our aunt untill tomorrow night... And I'm sure your parents would let you if you ask nicely, I mean you are 17 after all." I smile at her last sentence remembering how when I was her age, I also thought that when you're 17 or 18, you're practically grown-up but when you actually get to that age, you finally realize that not everything is that simple.

I look at her once again not knowing what to say.

"Come on! It would be fun!" Im still hesitant and honestly surprised that I'm even considering this option. I look now at Hero to see what he thinks of all this. I'm not gonna stay if I'm not welcomed my him.
The shock is now gone from his face and all that's left is his beautiful smile.

"Yeah, you should definitely stay." I'm quiet for a few more minutes before I finally say.

"Uh, okay but only if my parents let me." Nicole started jumping up and down and telling me to call and ask.

When I finally dared to pick up the phone, I was surprised at how fast my mom said yes. Usually, I would never be allowed to go and spend the night at someone's house if she hasn't met them, especially if it's a guy we're talking about, but I guess the situation is a bit different now...

"She said yes?" I inform them still stunned by our quick conversation.
Nicole jumped and hugged me and Hero gave one of his dimple smiles.
So I guess I'm going to stay the night alone with my crush and his little sister... This should be interesting...

Hi guys! I want to apologize for not posting for a while and I can't promise that I will get back on the track with school starting and all of that but I'm definitely not quitting this story, I'm just too involved in it to stop now. So don't worry, I'm already working on the next chapter and coming up with the rest of the story! Enjoy!!

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