𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫

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"Hey, shea? who's uh Matty and why does he keep snap chatting you?" Adam, the oldest brother of Shea and Rosie asked, watching as his sister ran towards him while lunging for her phone.

"Matty is a friend, now give me the phone!" She reached for it but, the boy was taller than her which meant she couldn't reach it as he held her phone above his head.

"Shea, i've never heard of this Matty person. what kind of name even is that and how long have you two been friends?" Adam asked, eyes narrowed slightly as his one arm was still in the air with his sisters phone.

"His name is actually Matthew, but he likes being called Matty. And, a couple of week. He's a good guy-"

"And you're only friends?" Adam questions again. Behind the two of them, Rosie shook her head. The younger child takes her sisters phone from Adam's hand and hands it back to her sister.

Shea and Adam would argue all the time, due to Adam being protective of her and Rosie. But, it seemed like Rosie would always sort the two of them out.

"Matty is only a friend, okay?" Shea huffed, placing her phone in the back pocket of her jeans before biting on her lower lip.

"Why are you biting your lip? You do that when you're lying, Shea." Adam said, "I'm your brother, you can tell me. I'm sure Rosie already knows."

"Okay, well maybe I think he's cute a-and funny. It doesn't matter at the moment, I'm still trying to get Orion out of my head." Shea said, watching as her brother nodded understandably. "Anyway, we haven't talked about Nicole since you've got here. How is she?"

Adam smiled, taking a seat down on the sofa. "She's great, we're great. Everything's great."

"Stop rubbing your perfect life in our faces please." Rosie said, jokingly as she shoved Adam's arm playfully. "Does Matty have any friends?" She asked Shea, cashing Adam to sigh and shake his head but not say anything.

"He does." Shea said, "but you're too young for them. You're only seventeen."

"Exactly." Adam said just as Rosie muttered, "Whatever."

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