𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞

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Matty and Shea had soon let go of each other, Matty's hand brushing down Shea's arm until there fingers had brushed, Shea lacing their fingers together and leading the two of them inside of the warm cafe.

Matty really didn't do this with most girls, he never held their hands or hugged them. But, then again no girl has ever made Matty's heart beat so fast and have a tight feeling in his chest. The moment that Matty laid his eyes on Shea, he knew she wasn't like most girls.

"I'm really sorry I took so long." Matty said softly, "You didn't tell me this place was basically in the middle of nowhere." He joked with a small laugh leaving his mouth, glancing down at their hands together.

"I thought the great Matthew Healy would have been able to find it." Shea said, glancing over her shoulder to look back at him with a smile. The two sat down across from each other in a booth close by to the window.

Shea smiled as she took in her surroundings, the pale blue walls with polaroids and strings of light scattered around, along with the dark colored tablecloth that brushed against her knees.

"It's nice in here." Matty said, shifting in his seat slightly to get comfortable as Shea leaned her cheek against the palm of her hand, her other resting on the table.

"Yeah, it is. I come here with my brother and sister a lot." Shea said, a smile playing on her pink lips. "Well, only when they're in town to visit."

"Ah, how often do they come?" And the conversation between the two of them begins just like that, only occasionally stopping when they order their meals. The two of them never find the conversation to be awkward, it's a certain ease.

There's the occasional loud laugh that falls from Matty's lips. And, every time that Shea, princess laughs, Matty can't help but want the sweet sound to be on repeat.

As they finish off their meals for lunch, Matty excuses himself to use the restroom. Once he was out of sight, Matty placed his hand over his beating heart, trying to slow it down. Every little thing that Shea does causes Matty's heart to go crazy. He's never felt this way before, he's confused as to what exactly he is feeling.


this is so exciting lol

anyway, should i post the cast for the next book?

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