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𝑴𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒚'𝒔 𝑷𝒐𝒗

Matty was currently on the correct route to Shea, getting ever so close to her. He was only seconds away and as he neared, he saw the cafe's neon sign lit up and the name scribbled across in bold letters. Right in front of the cafe was the outline of a girl, looking exactly like Shea.

He began to speed up, seeing the outline of the girl more clearly now that he was closer. Long, blonde hair falling down to her stomach in loose waves, her back to him, a light blue jacket hanging low on her shoulders.

His nerves turned to excitement as Matty finally walked up behind Shea, a smile on his lips as he spoke her name, "Shea."

Shea spun around quickly, her heart beating fast inside her chest. "Matty." She breathed out, unsure on how to act around him since this is the first time they are meeting each other in person.

The two shared a simple glance with each other, until Shea leaned forward and wrapped her arms around Matty's neck. He was just a little taller than her, so she struggled a little at first to wrap her arms around his neck, but she managed to do so which caused Matty to freeze for a moment.

The girl in his arms seemed a bit fragile than Matty expected, carefully wrapping his arms around Shea's waist. Neither one of them spoke as Matty pulled Shea even closer to him.

This moment was not awkward at all, it was heartwarming.

The whole went kept going on around them, people passing by and some giving odd glances or a sympathetic gaze, wanting to know the meaning behind this hug. But, the two held onto each other, not wanting to let go.


authors note/ hey guys! check out the message i just posted up on here :) i need some ideas lol

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